Search results
- ...cles rather than database entries. This first page shows material from the animal diversity web (authored by C. Parr, all cited) and adds later material from ...-material, but other parts show different interests than the material from animal diversity web has.29 KB (4,502 words) - 08:33, 28 November 2009
- ...ehavior is to stab the pointed end of the tail into the finger holding the animal in order to gain better purchase for an escape. A closer look will reveal m4 KB (531 words) - 14:33, 20 June 2011
- ...t-sociality in spiders. In: Choe Y Crespi B (Eds). The Evolution of Social Behavior in Insects and Arachnids. Cambridge University Press: 476-498.</ref >). Soc20 KB (2,888 words) - 16:59, 18 May 2012
- ...003<ref name="B17">{{aut|Dias S}}, {{aut|Brescovit A}} (2003) Notes on the behavior of ''Pachistopelma rufonigrum'' Pocock (Araneae, Theraphosidae, Aviculariin ...omeliad phytotelma is a source of water, food and retreat for a variety of animal species (Frank and Lounibos 2009<ref name="B23">{{aut|Frank J}}, {{aut|Loun25 KB (3,370 words) - 08:29, 23 October 2012
- ...003<ref name="B17">{{aut|Dias S}}, {{aut|Brescovit A}} (2003) Notes on the behavior of ''Pachistopelma rufonigrum'' Pocock (Araneae, Theraphosidae, Aviculariin ...n, one living inside bromeliads and the other in trees. Existence of other animal species living strictly inside bromeliads in the same region reinforces the58 KB (7,747 words) - 08:32, 23 October 2012
- ...egulation of worker mating in the queenless ant ''Dinoponera quadriceps''. Animal Behaviour 55, 299–306. doi: [ 10. ...egulation of worker mating in the queenless ant ''Dinoponera quadriceps''. Animal Behaviour 55, 299–306. doi: [ 10.71 KB (9,975 words) - 16:25, 20 March 2013
- ...2006<ref name="B1">{{aut|Araújo A}}, {{aut|Rodriques Z}} (2006) Foraging behavior of the queen less ant ''Dinoponera quadriceps'' Santschi (Hymenoptera: Form17 KB (2,413 words) - 16:32, 20 March 2013
- ...2006<ref name="B1">{{aut|Araújo A}}, {{aut|Rodriques Z}} (2006) Foraging behavior of the queen less ant ''Dinoponera quadriceps'' Santschi (Hymenoptera: Form18 KB (2,601 words) - 16:32, 20 March 2013
- ...2006<ref name="B1">{{aut|Araújo A}}, {{aut|Rodriques Z}} (2006) Foraging behavior of the queen less ant ''Dinoponera quadriceps'' Santschi (Hymenoptera: Form11 KB (1,515 words) - 16:33, 20 March 2013
- ...2006<ref name="B1">{{aut|Araújo A}}, {{aut|Rodriques Z}} (2006) Foraging behavior of the queen less ant ''Dinoponera quadriceps'' Santschi (Hymenoptera: Form20 KB (2,843 words) - 16:33, 20 March 2013
- ...2006<ref name="B1">{{aut|Araújo A}}, {{aut|Rodriques Z}} (2006) Foraging behavior of the queen less ant ''Dinoponera quadriceps'' Santschi (Hymenoptera: Form11 KB (1,556 words) - 16:33, 20 March 2013
- ...2006<ref name="B1">{{aut|Araújo A}}, {{aut|Rodriques Z}} (2006) Foraging behavior of the queen less ant ''Dinoponera quadriceps'' Santschi (Hymenoptera: Form10 KB (1,322 words) - 16:34, 20 March 2013
- ...2006<ref name="B1">{{aut|Araújo A}}, {{aut|Rodriques Z}} (2006) Foraging behavior of the queen less ant ''Dinoponera quadriceps'' Santschi (Hymenoptera: Form20 KB (2,841 words) - 16:34, 20 March 2013
- ...2006<ref name="B1">{{aut|Araújo A}}, {{aut|Rodriques Z}} (2006) Foraging behavior of the queen less ant ''Dinoponera quadriceps'' Santschi (Hymenoptera: Form14 KB (2,025 words) - 16:34, 20 March 2013
- The reproduction is typical of galeommatoideans, in that the animal is hermaphroditic, and the young are brooded in the ctenidia. Two brooding | '''Taxa''' || '''Shell shape''' || '''Living animal''' || '''Pedal mantle tentacles''' || '''Crenulate ventral margin'''14 KB (1,955 words) - 13:26, 12 July 2013
- ...ety of London 1880: 393-400.</ref >). An image of the holotype as a living animal was figured by Thomas (1880<ref name="B267">{{aut|Thomas O}} (1880) On mamm ...d Magazine of Natural History (series 9) 7: 229–234.</ref >), and was an animal that lived in the London Zoological Gardens from 1894 to 1900 (Beddard 190040 KB (5,610 words) - 15:04, 15 August 2013
- ...ed in Panamá.</ref >, Kays 2000<ref name="B140">{{aut|Kays R}} (2000) The behavior and ecology of olingos (''Bassaricyon gabbii'') and their competition with ...t|Valencia L}}, {{aut|Horan R}}, {{aut|Smith A}}, {{aut|Ziegler C}} (2012) Animal visitation and pollination of flowering balsa trees (''Ochroma pyramidale''16 KB (2,250 words) - 15:04, 15 August 2013
- .... The two right phallomeres are hinged together on the lateral side of the animal but are disarticulated here prior to drawing so that as much detail as poss ...y 1973<ref name="B18">{{aut|Hawke S}}, {{aut|Farley R}} (1973) Ecology and Behavior of the Desert Burrowing Cockroach, ''Arenivaga'' sp. (Dictyoptera, Polyphag15 KB (2,139 words) - 14:49, 26 February 2014
-"B32">{{aut|Crane J}} (1952) A Comparative Study of Innate Defensive Behavior in Trinidad Mantids (Orthoptera, Mantoidea). Zoologica: New York Zoological86 KB (12,385 words) - 10:30, 18 March 2014
- ...B50">{{aut|Fleming T}} (1988) The short-tailed fruit bat: a study in plant-animal interactions. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. </ref >, Barreto et al.42 KB (6,135 words) - 12:42, 10 April 2017