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  • ...cles rather than database entries. This first page shows material from the animal diversity web (authored by C. Parr, all cited) and adds later material from ...-material, but other parts show different interests than the material from animal diversity web has.
    29 KB (4,502 words) - 08:33, 28 November 2009
  • ...003<ref name="B17">{{aut|Dias S}}, {{aut|Brescovit A}} (2003) Notes on the behavior of ''Pachistopelma rufonigrum'' Pocock (Araneae, Theraphosidae, Aviculariin ==Sexual dimorphism==
    25 KB (3,370 words) - 08:29, 23 October 2012
  • of the genus ''{{Taxon name|Polycheria}}'' are typified by conservative sexual dimorphism. With the exception of the terminal males, non-ovigerous females ...ef name="B19"> {{aut|Skogsberg T}}, {{aut|Vansell G}} (1928) Structure and behavior of the amphipod, ''{{Taxon name|Polycheria osborni}}''. Proceedings of the
    34 KB (4,951 words) - 15:55, 29 January 2016
  • External morphology & behavior.{{Taxon name|Convolutriloba macropyga|''Convolutriloba macropyga''}} sp. no ...the body is held tube-like, with the lateral margins curled ventrally. The animal glides by ciliary action.
    23 KB (3,539 words) - 09:10, 22 June 2017
  • ...of males with nuptial pads (40– 123.7 mm), which also may be related to sexual selection and competitive male-male interactions. Hiroshi & Matsui (2002) r ...(Fig. 4). This character occasionally varies from side-to-side in the same animal. In the SERS population, all specimens examined (16 individuals) have bifid
    30 KB (4,063 words) - 17:55, 5 April 2016
  • Male. Similar to female except for sexual differences. Maxillary palpus pale and dark-scaled; scales semierect on bas ...f morphologically indistinct species that exhibit differences in genetics, behavior and vector competence. Herein, the terminology regarding groups, subgroups
    43 KB (5,666 words) - 01:10, 17 June 2017
  • ...specific exocrine glands in legionary ants and their possible function in sexual selection. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0151604. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0151604</ref ...77)90041-0</ref >, 1977b<ref name="B442"> {{aut|Teles Da Silva M}} (1977b) Behavior of the army ant ''{{Taxon name|Eciton burchelli}}'' Westwood ({{Taxon name|
    33 KB (4,999 words) - 14:10, 4 August 2016
  • ...are also present in the same distribution pattern (unpublished data). The behavior of {{Taxon name|Symsagittifera smaragdina|''S. smaragdina''}}, along with o ...are found in the area from the female opening to the posterior end of the animal. They contain up to three sagittocysts, each sagittocyst lying in a separat
    14 KB (2,145 words) - 06:28, 23 June 2017
  • ...alter Hödl, an Austrian biologist and professor who pioneered research on behavior and acoustic communication in anurans. For the past two decades, Walter and males. Mature oocytes are pigmented, with black pigment concentrated on animal pole.
    42 KB (5,660 words) - 08:05, 7 December 2016
  • ...e photos of the living semislug, as well as in all photos of the preserved animal and its anatomy. ...he other, probably imitating land leeches ({{Taxon name|Hirudinea}}). This behavior can be interpreted to be a protective measure against predators, but also t
    15 KB (2,337 words) - 09:14, 16 May 2019