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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
08:50, 13 September 2010 6 Abutilon theophrasti Keimling IMG 0837 Wohlers.jpg (file) 257 KB Gregor Hagedorn (c) JKI und Bildautoren. Temporärer Upload für Demozwecke, keine Lizenz verfügbar Category:Unkrautgarten 1
08:50, 13 September 2010 3 ABUTH-03-09-2004 Samenkapsel-2693x Littmann.jpg (file) 175 KB Gregor Hagedorn (c) JKI und Bildautoren. Temporärer Upload für Demozwecke, keine Lizenz verfügbar Category:Unkrautgarten 1
08:50, 13 September 2010 5 ABUTH-Keimling Littmann.jpg (file) 82 KB Gregor Hagedorn (c) JKI und Bildautoren. Temporärer Upload für Demozwecke, keine Lizenz verfügbar Category:Unkrautgarten 1
08:49, 13 September 2010 2 ABUTH-Blüte2-Juli2004 Littmann.JPG (file) 103 KB Gregor Hagedorn (c) JKI und Bildautoren. Temporärer Upload für Demozwecke, keine Lizenz verfügbar Category:Unkrautgarten 1
08:49, 13 September 2010 4 ABUTH-Samen Littmann.jpg (file) 32 KB Gregor Hagedorn (c) JKI und Bildautoren. Temporärer Upload für Demozwecke, keine Lizenz verfügbar Category:Unkrautgarten 1
08:48, 13 September 2010 0 ABUTH-Blüte2-Juli2004 Littmann quadrat.JPG (file) 14 KB Gregor Hagedorn (c) JKI und Bildautoren. Temporärer Upload für Demozwecke, keine Lizenz verfügbar Category:Unkrautgarten 1
13:24, 18 August 2010 CC-BY-SA 3 icon 88x31.png (file) 5 KB WikiSysop Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike icon, used in the footer of all mediawiki installations using this license. Transferred here after the original default source site was overloaded and created dela 1
09:00, 6 August 2010 NaturguckerLogo-081206-150dpi-crop.jpg (file) 40 KB Doreen Ramsperger Lossless crop of File:NaturguckerLogo-081206-150dpi-sm.jpg with less white border, necessary for vertical alignment of logos 1
12:06, 25 July 2010 NaturguckerLogo-081206-150dpi-sm.jpg (file) 40 KB gemeinnützige eG Logo der gemeinnützigen eG; zur Verwendung auf der Internetsite 1
13:53, 23 July 2010 Dienst 2010 Bodensee-Makrophyten Abb2 Aufbau Armleuchteralge.jpeg (file) 71 KB Sabine von Mering Dienst 2010 Bodensee-Makrophyten: Abb. 2: Aufbau einer Armleuchteralge (aus HUMBERG & BECK 2004): 1) Quirlast 2) Stängelabschnitt, Internodium 3) Antheridium (rund, rötlich) und Oogonium (flaschenförmig) zwischen zwei Brakteolen 4) Stipularkranz 5) Rin 1
10:49, 12 July 2010 VdWeyer Schmidt 2007 aquatische Makrophyten Deutschland.pdf (file) 1.92 MB Sabine von Mering van de Weyer, Klaus & Schmidt, Carsten 2007. Bestimmungsschlüssel für die aquatischen Makrophyten (Gefäßpflanzen, Armleuchteralgen und Moose) in Deutschland. Version 1.1, 20.05.2007. Auftraggeber: Ministerium für Ländliche Entwicklung, Umwelt und Ve 1
14:54, 9 July 2010 Korsch 1996 Abb 4 Ranunculus tuberosus Frucht.png (file) 15 KB Sabine von Mering Ranunculus tuberosus Fruchtumriss (aus: Korsch, H. 1996. Das Ranunculus polyanthemos-Aggregat in Sachsen-Anhalt. Mitt. florist. Kart. Sachsen-Anhalt (Halle) 1: 18-21. Verwendung mit Genehmigung des Autors und Herausgebers); 1
14:53, 9 July 2010 Korsch 1996 Abb 4 Ranunculus tuberosus Blatt.png (file) 9 KB Sabine von Mering Ranunculus tuberosus Blattumriss (aus: Korsch, H. 1996. Das Ranunculus polyanthemos-Aggregat in Sachsen-Anhalt. Mitt. florist. Kart. Sachsen-Anhalt (Halle) 1: 18-21. Verwendung mit Genehmigung des Autors und Herausgebers); 1
14:52, 9 July 2010 Korsch 1996 Abb 3 Ranunculus polyanthemophyllus Frucht.png (file) 14 KB Sabine von Mering Ranunculus polyanthemophyllus Fruchtumriss (aus: Korsch, H. 1996. Das Ranunculus polyanthemos-Aggregat in Sachsen-Anhalt. Mitt. florist. Kart. Sachsen-Anhalt (Halle) 1: 18-21. Verwendung mit Genehmigung des Autors und Herausgebers); 1
14:00, 9 July 2010 Korsch 1996 Abb 3 Ranunculus polyanthemophyllus Blatt.png (file) 20 KB Sabine von Mering Ranunculus polyanthemophyllus Blattumriss (aus: Korsch, H. 1996. Das Ranunculus polyanthemos-Aggregat in Sachsen-Anhalt. Mitt. florist. Kart. Sachsen-Anhalt (Halle) 1: 18-21. Verwendung mit Genehmigung des Autors und Herausgebers); 1
13:58, 9 July 2010 Korsch 1996 Abb 2 Ranunculus polyanthemoides Frucht.png (file) 13 KB Sabine von Mering Ranunculus polyanthemoides Fruchtumriss (aus: Korsch, H. 1996. Das Ranunculus polyanthemos-Aggregat in Sachsen-Anhalt. Mitt. florist. Kart. Sachsen-Anhalt (Halle) 1: 18-21. Verwendung mit Genehmigung des Autors und Herausgebers); 1
13:57, 9 July 2010 Korsch 1996 Abb 2 Ranunculus polyanthemoides Blatt.png (file) 8 KB Sabine von Mering Ranunculus polyanthemoides Blattumriss (aus: Korsch, H. 1996. Das Ranunculus polyanthemos-Aggregat in Sachsen-Anhalt. Mitt. florist. Kart. Sachsen-Anhalt (Halle) 1: 18-21. Verwendung mit Genehmigung des Autors und Herausgebers); 1
13:56, 9 July 2010 Korsch 1996 Abb 1 Ranunculus polyanthemos Frucht.png (file) 12 KB Sabine von Mering Ranunculus polyanthemos Fruchtumriss (aus: Korsch, H. 1996. Das Ranunculus polyanthemos-Aggregat in Sachsen-Anhalt. Mitt. florist. Kart. Sachsen-Anhalt (Halle) 1: 18-21. Verwendung mit Genehmigung des Autors und Herausgebers); 1
13:54, 9 July 2010 Korsch 1996 Abb 1 Ranunculus polyanthemos Blatt.png (file) 11 KB Sabine von Mering Ranunculus polyanthemos Blattumriß (aus: Korsch, H. 1996. Das Ranunculus polyanthemos-Aggregat in Sachsen-Anhalt. Mitt. florist. Kart. Sachsen-Anhalt (Halle) 1: 18-21. Verwendung mit Genehmigung des Autors und Herausgebers); 1
11:47, 9 July 2010 Korsch 1996 Ranunculus polyanthemos.pdf (file) 82 KB Sabine von Mering Korsch, H. 1996. Das ''Ranunculus polyanthemos''-Aggregat in Sachsen-Anhalt. Mitt. florist. Kart. Sachsen-Anhalt (Halle) 1: 18-21. (Verwendung mit Genehmigung des Autors und Herausgebers); (Archivkop 1
08:49, 9 July 2010 Korsch 1996 Herbarbelege bestimmungskritischer Sippen.pdf (file) 26 KB Sabine von Mering Korsch, Heiko 1996: Hinweise zum Anfertigen von Belegen bestimmungskritischer Sippen. Mitt. florist. Kart. Sachsen-Anhalt (Halle 1996) 1: 15-17. Nutzung mit Genehmigung des Autors und des Herausgebers (BV ST). 1
13:35, 5 July 2010 Foerster 2008 Grasartige LANUV.pdf (file) 4.06 MB Sabine von Mering Autor: Ekkehard Foerster LANUV 2008. Seggen, Binsen, Simsen und andere Scheingräser des Grünlandes - Ein Schlüssel zum Bestimmen während der ganzen Vegetationszeit. Recklinghausen: LANUV Arbeitsblatt 5, 42 S. 1
09:39, 5 July 2010 Logo AGBU Arbeitsgruppe Bodenseeufer.png (file) 34 KB Sabine von Mering Arbeitsgruppe Bodenseeufer (AGBU) e. V., Konstanz, 1
01:46, 7 April 2010 Frauenfarn crop.jpg (file) 643 KB Gregor Hagedorn rotated, color corrected, based on original morphbank download 4
21:58, 6 April 2010 Morphbank356650 Matteuccia struthiopteris Ostrich fern crop upright.jpg (file) 530 KB Gregor Hagedorn Source: - Contributor to Morphbank: Stefanie Ickert-Bond; Submitter to Morphbank: Dusty McDonald Copyright: University of Alaska Museum; License: Creative Commons by-nc-sa 1
22:54, 5 April 2010 AspleniumViride crop.jpg (file) 290 KB Gregor Hagedorn color corrected 4
22:30, 5 April 2010 Morphbank356650 Matteuccia struthiopteris Ostrich fern crop.jpg (file) 545 KB Gregor Hagedorn Newly derived from same source, rotated, color corrected, contrast to white background. Source of derivation now saved here under File:Morphbank356650_Matteuccia_struthiopteris_Ostrich_fern.jpg 2
22:27, 5 April 2010 Morphbank356650 Matteuccia struthiopteris Ostrich fern.jpg (file) 1.96 MB Gregor Hagedorn Source: - Contributor to Morphbank: Stefanie Ickert-Bond; Submitter to Morphbank: Dusty McDonald Copyright: University of Alaska Museum; License: Creative Commons by-nc-sa 1
12:34, 8 March 2010 Mauerraute.jpg (file) 136 KB Wiebke Bönig Source: USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database / Britton, N.L., and A. Brown. 1913. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British Possessions. Vol. 1: 2 creating a new lossle 3
13:32, 4 March 2010 Braunstieliger Streifenfarn.jpg (file) 111 KB Wiebke Bönig Last revised by: John T. Kartesz, Biota of North America Program Curated and maintained by: USDA NRCS National Plant Data Center creating a new lossless crop maintaining the resolution of 3
13:30, 4 March 2010 Gew.Dornfarn.jpg (file) 77 KB Wiebke Bönig Last revised by: John T. Kartesz, Biota of North America Program Curated and maintained by: USDA NRCS National Plant Data Center creating a new lossless crop maintaining the resolution o 3
13:27, 4 March 2010 Kammwurmfarn.jpg (file) 48 KB Wiebke Bönig Last revised by: John T. Kartesz, Biota of North America Program Curated and maintained by: USDA NRCS National Plant Data Center creating a new lossless crop maintaining the resolution of 3
13:24, 4 March 2010 Lanzenschildfarn crop.jpg (file) 107 KB Wiebke Bönig Last revised by: John T. Kartesz, Biota of North America Program Curated and maintained by: USDA NRCS National Plant Data Center creating a new lossless crop maintaining the resolution of 3
13:21, 4 March 2010 Sumpffarn.jpg (file) 129 KB Wiebke Bönig Source: Creator: John Hilty creating a new lossless crop maintaining the resolution of the original image 3
13:11, 4 March 2010 Alpenfarn crop.jpg (file) 1.27 MB Wiebke Bönig Contributor: Stefanie Ickert-Bond Submitter: Dusty McDonald creating a new lossless crop maintaining the resolution of the original image 3
12:35, 3 March 2010 Straußenfarn.jpg (file) 22 KB Wiebke Bönig Source: Last revised by: John T. Kartesz, Biota of North America Program Curated and maintained by: USDA NRCS National Plant Data Center 2
12:31, 3 March 2010 Bergfarn crop.jpg (file) 42 KB Wiebke Bönig source: 2
12:30, 3 March 2010 Gelappter Schildfarn crop.jpg (file) 59 KB Wiebke Bönig source: 2
12:29, 3 March 2010 Rippenfarn crop.jpg (file) 26 KB Wiebke Bönig Licensed under GPL, distributed as part of Creator : Kurt Stueber 2
18:11, 24 February 2010 Logo-iyb-2010 German.png (file) 121 KB Gregor Hagedorn The Logo of the International Year of Biodiversity is fully copyrighted and licensed to Key to Nature for purposes of disseminating biodiversity awareness. The use for Key to Nature and its national portals is based on a signed contract. No use outside of 1
18:11, 24 February 2010 Logo-iyb-2010 English.jpg (file) 26 KB Gregor Hagedorn The Logo of the International Year of Biodiversity is fully copyrighted and licensed to Key to Nature for purposes of disseminating biodiversity awareness. The use for Key to Nature and its national portals is based on a signed contract. No use outside of 1
07:57, 11 February 2010 LIAS-90x75transp.png (file) 316 bytes Gregor Hagedorn The logo of This logo is copyrighted and not known to be under a creative commons license. It is used here on the basis of a special partnership agreement with Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns and may not be re-used or linked 1
21:19, 10 February 2010 MNetsmall.png (file) 1 KB Gregor Hagedorn (The logo of Mycology.Net. This logo is copyrighted and not known to be under a creative commons license. It is used here on the basis of a special partnership agreement with Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns) 1
21:18, 10 February 2010 PNetsmall.png (file) 1 KB Gregor Hagedorn (The logo of This logo is copyrighted and not known to be under a creative commons license. It is used here on the basis of a special partnership agreement with Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns) 1
21:18, 10 February 2010 Deemy small.png (file) 383 bytes Gregor Hagedorn (The logo of DEEMY. This logo is copyrighted and not known to be under a creative commons license. It is used here on the basis of a special partnership agreement with Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns) 1
21:17, 10 February 2010 Mycophylogeny small.png (file) 791 bytes Gregor Hagedorn (The logo of Mycophylogeny. This logo is copyrighted and not known to be under a creative commons license. It is used here on the basis of a special partnership agreement with Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns) 1
21:13, 10 February 2010 Dwlogo140.png (file) 7 KB Gregor Hagedorn (The logo of Diversity Workbench. This logo is copyrighted and not known to be under a creative commons license. It is used here on the basis of a special partnership agreement with Diversity Workbench and Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Baye 1
01:10, 28 January 2010 Logo-netphyd.jpg (file) 80 KB WikiSysop The logo of Netzwerk Phytodiversität Deutschlands (NetPhyD) e.V. ( This logo is copyrighted and not known to be under a creative commons license. It is used here on the basis of a special partnership agreement between NetPhyt 1
00:51, 28 January 2010 Logo GfBS 2009 07 NoSubtitle.png (file) 280 KB Gregor Hagedorn The Logo of the GfBS ( This logo is copyrighted and not known to be under a creative commons license. It is used here on the basis of a special partnership agreement between the GfBS and the Project "Offene Naturführer". 1
00:49, 28 January 2010 Logo-DJN-Ring transp.png (file) 441 KB Gregor Hagedorn The Logo of the DJN. This logo is copyrighted and not known to be under a creative commons license. It is used here on the basis of a special partnership agreement between the DJN and the Project "Offene Naturführer". 1
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