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Category:Anthoxanthum odoratum |
Ac:scientificNameSynonym | Xanthonanthos odoratus (L.) St.-Lag. + , Phalaris ciliata Pourr. + , Anthoxanthum villosum Dumort. + , Anthoxanthum sommierianum Ricci + , Anthoxanthum pilosum Döll + , Anthoxanthum pauciflorum Adamovic + , Anthoxanthum nebrodense Lojac. + , Anthoxanthum maderense H.Teppner + , Anthoxanthum asperum W.Mann ex Opiz + , Anthoxanthum alpinum Schur + |
Dwc:vernacularName | Vellugtende gulaks + , Gewöhnliches Ruchgras + , Ruchgras + , large sweet vernalgrass + , scented vernal grass + , sweet vernal grass + , sweet vernal-grass + , sweet vernalgrass + , sweet-scent vernal grass + , tuoksusimake + , flouve odorante + , foin d'odeur + , paleo odoroso + , gewoon reukgras + , Gewoon reukgras + , gulaks + , alesta olorosa + , grama de olor + , sydvårbrodd + , vårbrodd + |
Modification date This property is a special property in this wiki.
7 June 2019 11:43:47 + |
Subcategory of This property is a special property in this wiki.
Taxon category + , Anthoxanthum + |
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