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Has type:

Type “String”

  • IS DEPRECATED since SMW +1.8, type “text” will be used
  • is sortable and can be searched
  • is limited to 255 characters

See also types defined by Semantic MediaWiki and Special:Properties for all properties.

Imported from: (Darwin Core Terms (DwC))
See also import page MediaWiki:Smw_import_dwc
This page lists all occurrences of property: dwc:vernacularName in OpenMedia.
Annotations: A common or vernacular name.
See also the other properties of this concept of dwc

These properties are also defined and described on the System page MediaWiki:Smw import dwc:
Common Name, dwc:associatedMedia, dwc:scientificName, dwc:vernacularName, Scientific Name with Author, Subject Sex

Pages using the property "Dwc:vernacularName"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

(previous 25) (next 25)


Ammophila +beachgrass  +, Strandhafer  +, marehalmslekta  +,
Andropogon +bluestem  +
Anthoxanthum +Ruchgras  +, holygrass  +, sweetgrass  +,
Apera +Windhalm  +, silkybent  +
Arrhenatherum +Glatthafer  +, oatgrass  +


Cynosurus +Kammgras  +, dogstail grass  +, dogtail grass  +


Equisetum hyemale +Skavgræs  +, Winter-Schachtelhalm  +, Winterschachtelhalm  +,
Equisetum pratense +Lund-padderok  +, Wiesen-Schachtelhalm  +, meadow horsetail  +,


Hypericaceae +Hartheugewächse  +, Johanniskrautgewächse  +, St. John’s-wort family  +,
Hypericum +Johanniskraut  +, St. John's-wort  +, St. Johnswort  +,
Hypericum perforatum +Johanneskruid  +, Prikbladet perikon  +, Gemeines Johanniskraut  +,


OrchideeBlüte (Lisa Silbernagl).JPG +Rotes Waldvöglein  +


Zelkova +zelkova  +, 느티나무속  +


Juncus acutiflorus +Spidsblomstret siv  +, Spitzblütige Binse  +, Wald-Binse  +,
Danthonia alpina +Kelch-Traubenhafer  +
Festuca alpina +Alpen-Schwingel  +, alpsvingel  +
Juncus alpinoarticulatus +Alpen-Binse  +, alpine rush  +, northern green rush  +,
Festuca altissima +Wald-Schwingel  +, wood fescue  +, meza auzene  +,
Scutellaria altissima +Høj skjolddrager  +, Hohes Helmkraut  +, Somerset skullcap  +,
Fraxinus americana +Amerikaanse esseboom  +, Weiß-Esche  +, American ash  +,
Festuca amethystina +Amethyst-Schwingel  +, kostrzewa ametystowa  +, ametistsvingel  +
Juncus anceps +Sand-siv  +, Zweischneidige Binse  +, duinrus  +,
Catabrosa aquatica +Europäisches Quellgras  +, Quellgras  +, Zartes Quellgras  +,
Ammophila arenaria +môr-hesgen  +, moresg  +, sand-hjaelme  +,
Anthoxanthum aristatum +Grannen-Ruchgras  +, Sensendüwel  +, annual vernal grass  +,
(previous 25) (next 25)