brown bodies
From ZooTerms (Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology)
Annelida: Oligochaeta) Spheroidal, ellipsoidal or discoidal masses, free in the coelomic cavities, containing corpuscles or brown debris, setae, cysts of parasites, nematodes and various other foreign bodies.
brown bodies: 1. (
2. (Bryozoa) In Stenolaemata and Gymnolaemata, an encapsulated mass of degenerating cells from the lophophore, gut, muscles and other nonskeletal parts of a zooid, retained in the body cavity or expelled after regeneration of feeding and digestive organs. See also brown deposit.
3. (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) Small clumps of amoebocytes, parasites and other ejecta found in the coelom.