Recchia nearnsi
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Ordo: Coleoptera
Familia: Cerambycidae
Genus: Recchia
Recchia nearnsi Galileo & Santos-Silva & Tirant, 2015 sp. n. – Wikispecies link – ZooBank link – Pensoft Profile
Female. Integument most orange-brown, with dense, brownish-yellow pubescence.
Head. Frons trapezoidal, abundantly, moderately coarsely punctate; with dense pubescence interspersed with long setae, sparser near clypeus. Clypeus smooth centrally, coarsely punctate laterally. Labrum coarsely punctate. Antennal tubercles finely punctate, with yellowish-orange pubescence. Dorsal surface between antennal tubercles and before upper eye lobes sparsely punctate. Area between middle of upper eye lobes and prothorax, and behind upper eye lobes to about middle of lower eye lobes with dense, yellowish-white pubescence; around margins of eyes with narrow band with yellowish-white pubescence, except for area close to gena. Genae short, sparsely pubescent. Gula glabrous, shiny, coarsely punctate laterally. Coronal suture distinct from clypeus to anterior edge of prothorax. Upper eye lobes with nine rows of ommatidia; distance between upper eye lobes 0.3 times length of scape; distance between lower eye lobes, in frontal view, 0.6 times length of scape. Antennae as long as 1.4 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at apical end of antennomere IX; orange-brown, with yellowish-orange pubescence; scape densely punctate; antennomeres IV–XI brown on distal portion (this area darker, longer toward distal antennomeres, covering from apical half to apical three-fourths of segment); antennomeres with moderately abundant, short setae on ventral side, interspersed with black, coarse setae (mainly on dark area), denser on antennomeres X and XI; antennal formula (ratio) based on antennomere III: scape = 1.09; pedicel =.0.13; IV =1.0; V = 0.93; VI = 0.86; VII = 0.81; VIII = 0.74; IX =.0.69; X = 0.58; XI = 0,55.
Thorax. Prothorax quadrangular; sparsely, coarsely punctate. Pronotum with pubescence concealing integument; with two narrow, longitudinal, dense, bands with yellowish-white pubescence laterally; with narrow, longitudinal, smooth, shiny area centrally; with band with yellowish-white pubescence centrally, from base to apex, involving smooth area. Prosternum, center of mesosternum, with dense, yellowish pubescence; sides of mesosternum, inner half of metepisterna, center of metasternum with yellowish-brown pubescence (less conspicuous depending on angle of incidence of light). Lateral sides of prosternum, mesosternum and metasternum moderately coarse, sparsely punctate (punctures partially obliterated by pubescence). Elytra elongate, 5.2 times prothorax length, 3.2 times humeral width; integument concealed under pubescence; apical third with three longitudinal bands with dense, yellowish-white pubescence, close each other, together forming a semicircle: innermost short, narrow; central one wider, slightly longer than innermost, with irregular lateral edges; outermost slightly curved, elongate, 1.8 times length of central band, starting near apex of latter, almost reaching elytral apex; elytral apex narrowed, without apical spine. Legs. Segments pubescent, with long, abundant setae, denser, longer on tibiae. Meso- and metafemora more brownish toward apex; metatarsomere I as long as II–III together.
Abdomen. Ventrites I–IV with brownish pubescence, except for wide, yellowish-white band laterally and two narrow, yellowish-white pubescent bands on each side of center (not distinct depending on angle of incidence of light).
Dimensions in mm
(holotype female). Total length, 15,8; length of prothorax at center, 2.3; widest width of prothorax, 2.3; anterior width of prothorax, 2.1–2.2; posterior width of prothorax, 2.2–2.3; humeral width, 3.8; elytral length, 12.3.
Type material
Holotype female, BOLIVIA, Santa Cruz: 4 km N Bermejo (Refugio Los Volcanes, 18°06’S / 63°36’W; 1045–1350 m), 11–17.XII.2012, Wappes & Skillman col. (MNKN).
The species is named after Eugenio H. Nearns (Purdue Entomological Research Collection, Purdue University, USA) for his friendship and contributions towards knowledge of Cerambycidae.
Recchia nearnsi sp. n. is similar to Recchia ludibriosa Lane, 1966 but differs as follows: antennae most orange-brown, with short, sparse pubescence; antennomeres IV–XI darker on apical region (more distinct after VII); pronotum with longitudinal, yellowish-white pubescent band; sides of mesosternum, and inner half of metepisterna with yellowish-brown pubescence; elytral length 5.2 times pronotal length; elytra with longitudinal bands with yellowish-white pubescence only at apical third. In Recchia ludibriosa the antennae are reddish-brown, with antennomere XI black, and the antennomeres have dense, elongate pubescence, the pronotum is uniformly pubescent, without yellowish-white pubescent bands, the sides of mesosternum and inner half of mesepisterna have dense, long, dark-brown pubescence, the elytral length is 4.0 times the pronotal length, and the apical two-thirds of elytra have oblique whitish bands. It differs from Recchia ravida Martins & Galileo, 1985 by elytra with dense yellowish-brown pubescence, obliterating integument, and tree longitudinal yellowish-white pubescent bands at apical third of elytra. In Recchia ravida the elytral pubescence is slightly sparser, not obliterating the integument, and has grayish-white pubescent bands on circum-scutellar region and oblique bands on distal two-thirds. Recchia nearnsi differs from Recchia fallaciosa Lane, 1966 and Recchia veruta Lane, 1966 mainly by the elytral apex not spiny (distinctly spiny in both species), and by the basal half of the elytra without bands of pubescence (present in both species).
Recchia nearnsi sp. n. can be included in the alternative of couplet “14”, from Martins and Galileo (1985)[1] (translated; alternative couplet “13” modified):
Original Description
- Galileo, M; Santos-Silva, A; Tirant, S; 2015: New species of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from South and Central America ZooKeys, (530): 101-111. doi
Other References
- ↑ Martins U, Galileo M (1985) Contribuição ao estudo da tribo Aerenicini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae). VI. Revisão do gênero Recchia Lane, 1966, adenda, correções e elenco da tribo. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 29(3-4): 481–496.