1 | | Pronotum surrounded by translucent lamina; metanotal groove obsolete in minor worker, a weak furrow in major worker; torulus pedunculate around antennal insertions; cuticle of mesosoma with dense striolate-microreticulate sculpture (eastern Australian seaboard) (M. ludius species-group) (M. hirsutus species-complex) (Fig. 91(a–h) | | hirsutus |
| |
– | | Pronotum without translucent lamina; if cuticle of mesosoma with dense striolate-microreticulate sculpture, then metanotal groove always present, although it may be reduced to a slight transverse indentation; torulus never pedunculate as above (except in one rare population of M. lanuginosus) | | 2 |
| |
2 | | Large, oblique propodeal spiracle situated well before declivitous face of propodeum, the spiracle bisecting much of the propodeum; mandible modified in two of the three species (either securiform, its masticatory margin with small to minute, blunt, evenly-sized teeth (except for the long, sharp, apical tooth), or edentate); PF reduced (3,4) in two of the three constituent species (M. potteri species-group) | | 3 |
| |
– | | Spiracle not as above, generally situated on declivitous face of propodeum; mandible and mandibular teeth not modified as above, teeth usually pointed | | 5 |
| |
3 | | Mandible edentate or with minute crenulations along its masticatory margin; head capsule elongate-rectangular; anterior margin of clypeus straight; PF 3,4 (JDM 1032) (inland areas of least QLD, SA and WA) (Fig. 97a–g) | | pelecygnathus |
| |
– | | Mandible not edentate, mandibular teeth large enough to be easily distinguished; head capsule square, rectangular or oval, if rectangular then anteromedial clypeal margin protrusive; PF 3,4 or 6,4 | | 4 |
| |
4 | | PF 3,4; general appearance glossy; head capsule square or rectangular; anterior clypeal margin with square protrusion; basal margin of mandible denticulate; basal margin of mandible expanded distally (widespread) (Fig. 98a–g) | | potteri |
| |
– | | PF 6,4; general appearance matt; head capsule oval; anterior clypeal margin broadly convex but not protrusive; basal margin of mandible not denticulate; basal margin of mandible evenly curved throughout its length (JDM 1082) (inland SW WA) (Fig. 96a–d) | | macroschismus |
| |
5 | | Propodeum armed with short, acute denticles; pronotum, mesonotum and propodeum flattened and delimited by blunt carinae in minor worker; antennal lobes raised, the sector between them recessed and oval-longitudinal in shape; metatibial apical spur absent (Fig. 95a–g) (M. majeri species-group) | | majeri |
| |
– | | Propodeum always unarmed; mesosoma never carinate as above, usually with rounded surfaces; if antennal lobes raised then sector contained within them triangular or hemispherical; metatibial apical spur well-developed in most groups | | 6 |
| |
6 | | Head and mesosoma extensively covered with short, stout, peg-like bristles; in outline, pronotum and mesonotum flattened; metatibial apical spur stout but very short (M. fulvihirtus species-group) | | 7 |
| |
– | | Head and mesosoma not extensively covered with stout, peg-like bristles; pronotum and mesonotum generally sinuous in outline | | 8 |
| |
7 | | Head, body and appendages covered in short, peg-like setae; cuticle strongly matt with coriaceous sculpture; posterior margin of head of all workers broadly concave; mandible of minor worker very finely striate, individual striae invisible under low power magnification (NSW, SA, Vic) (Fig. 90a–g) | | fulvihirtus |
| |
– | | Short peg-like setae much reduced on antennae and absent from legs; cuticle finely shagreenate and weakly shining; posterior margin of head of minor worker planar; mandible of minor worker coarsely striate (very rare, southern WA; SA) (JDM 613) (Fig. 89a–g) | | barbellulatus |
| |
8 | | Maxillary palp segments short (not reaching neck sclerite), narrow and terminating in a subulate (awl-shaped) segment; PF 6,4; metatibial apical spur absent; in full-face view, masticatory margin of mandible strongly oblique with four teeth in known major workers (except chrysus), and four to six teeth in minor worker (M. anderseni species-group) | | 9 |
| |
– | | Maxillary palp of variable length, but often extending beyond neck sclerite and always with lobiform terminal segment; PF < 6,4 where palp segments extremely reduced and difficult to see; metatibial apical spur nearly always present and elongate; in full-face view, masticatory margin of mandible in major worker usually not strongly oblique, but if so, then almost always with at least five teeth; minor workers with ≥ five teeth | | 12 |
| |
9 | | In profile, petiolar node thick and quadrate or broadly rectangular in the minor worker; major worker hairy and rather matt in appearance | | 10 |
| |
– | | In profile, petiolar node thickly squamiform in the minor worker; known major worker (M. chrysus) smooth and glossy in appearance | | 11 |
| |
10 | | Anterior clypeal margin broadly convex and protrusive; clypeal psammophore located below midline of clypeus (major worker) or near its anterior margin (minor worker); antennal scape of minor worker devoid of erect setae (northern Australia) (Fig. 26a–h) | | anderseni |
| |
– | | Anterior margin of clypeus weakly convex, clypeus folded back and not protrusive; clypeal psammophore located at midline of clypeus; antennal scape of minor worker with many short, erect, bristly setae (JDM 1105) (mid-west WA; NSW) (Fig. 27a–d) | | andersenioides |
| |
11 | | In profile, pronotum smoothly rounded and inclined at angle > 30°; head and body strongly shining to glossy, with superficial microreticulation only; in profile, clypeus evenly convex or more strongly convex posteriorly, but not bulbous; yellow; “pillipes” condition (whorls of fine, erect setae on appendages) in some populations (widespread but very rare) (JDM 898) (Fig. 28a–g) | | chrysus |
| |
– | | In profile, pronotum more-or-less flattened, only very weakly inclined anteriad; head and body weakly to moderately shining, the sculpture ranging from superficial microreticulation to evident shagreenation or minutely striate sculpture; in profile, clypeus strongly convex, tending to bulbous (major worker unknown); ochraceous; “pillipes” condition not seen (JDM 1182) (known from three collections only in WA, SA) (Fig. 29a–d) | | subulipalpus |
| |
12 | | Setae of clypeal psammophore fine and placed at around the midpoint of clypeus; anterior of margin of clypeus a moderately flattened curve in all workers and not covering the base of the mandibles; five to seven mandibular teeth; major worker with same mandibular structure as minor worker; in profile, mesosoma long and gracile, with obliquely descending propodeum (M. aeneovirens species-group (part), [M. nemophilus species-complex]) (Bassian distribution) (one species: M. nemophilus) (JDM 1036) (Fig. 25a–h) | | nemophilus |
| |
– | | If with fine clypeal psammophore set at midpoint of clypeus and number of mandibular teeth more than five, then largest major worker with short, massive, elbowed mandible directed posteriad, mesosoma usually not long and gracile, and declivitous face of propodeum not as above | | 13 |
| |
13 | | In full-face view, anterior clypeal margin convex, apron-like and covering whole or part of the retracted mandible, the medial clypeal sector often produced so that it is protrusive when seen in profile; psammophore frequently with coarse and well-separated ammochaetae, these always placed on or just above anterior margin; in profile, propodeum elongate and oblique or broadly rounded (M. aeneovirens species-group [part]) | | 14 |
| |
– | | In full-face view, anterior clypeal margin variable, but not covering whole or part of the retracted mandible, the medial clypeal sector not narrowly protrusive, although it may be broadly protuberant; psammophore often placed along the midpoint of the clypeus or even above it; in profile, propodeum typically truncate or narrowly rounded (M. biroi and ludius species-groups) | | 32 |
| |
14 | | In full-face view, psammophore in a row slightly above anterior clypeal margin; anterior margin of clypeus acuminate at its midpoint; metatibia may have more than two rows of preapical spines (M. bagoti complex) | | 15 |
| |
– | | In full-face view, psammophore ranged along or just above anterior margin of clypeus and following the curve of the margin; anterior margin of clypeus broadly medially produced, and often with central notch that may be deeply impressed, but is never acuminate at its midpoint; metatibia with maximum of two rows of preapical spines (M. aeneovirens complex) | | 16 |
| |
15 | | Metatibia armed with two rows of preapical spines (JDM 199) (arid and semi-arid WA) (Fig. 24a–g) | | gracilipes |
| |
– | | Metatibia armed with five rows of preapical spines (arid areas; widespread) (Fig. 23a–k) | | bagoti |
| |
16 | | Main teeth of mandible supplemented with small or indistinct denticles, total number of teeth and denticles ≥ six; in full-face view, head of minor worker indented below the eye, giving a bell-shaped appearance to the head capsule; workers matt, shagreenate, with very many long, flexuous setae over silvery pubescence (widespread but occasional) (JDM 788) (Fig. 8a–g) | | canus |
| |
– | | Teeth of mandible not as above, total number of teeth usually five; head of minor worker (weakly) laterally indented only in Melophorus griseus, which has five distinct mandibular teeth; in full-face view head shape square with rounded posterior angles, rectangular or oval, often with domed posterior margin of head; workers with or without erect setae, where present these usually short and bristly and never long and flexuous | | 17 |
| |
17 | | In profile, head capsule very strongly compressed dorsoventrally, especially in minor worker; maxillary palps short, not reaching neck; in profile, dorsum of mesosoma more-or-less linear after weak anterior pronotal incline, the metanotal groove vestigial in minor worker and weakly impressed in media and major workers; anterior clypeal margin weakly convex; bicoloured; (Bassian distribution) (JDM 787) (Fig. 17a–g) | | platyceps |
| |
– | | In profile, if head capsule very strongly compressed dorsoventrally (M. tenuis), then mesosoma not more-or-less linear, although it may be generally elongate, and maxillary palps longer, reaching to neck sclerite | | 18 |
| |
18 | | In full-face view, eyes of minor worker placed high on head, breaking outline of head capsule where the broadly convex posterior margin of head meets the sides; major and minor worker glabrous, smooth and shining, appressed setae spaced much greater than their own length apart; in profile, major worker with flat mesonotum that overarches the pronotum and; in full-face view, with a protruding, weakly bifurcate anteromedial clypeal margin (two pins, Coward Springs, SA) (Fig. 12a–g) | | fulgidus |
| |
– | | In full-face view, eyes of minor worker generally not breaking outline of head; if eyes of minor worker do break the outline of the head capsule, then eyes placed much lower on head; posterior margin of head generally strongly convex (domed) or more-or-less planar, but if tending to broadly convex, then worker not glabrous, smooth and shining (major worker often similar to the above, but can be distinguished if mesonotum is convex, or, the ant has dense appressed pubescence and/or short, erect setae on the mesosoma, or, anteromedial clypeal margin is not protrusive and bifurcate) | | 19 |
| |
19 | | Minor worker very small (HW ≤ 0.50 mm); metafemur of minor worker of peculiar appearance, being attenuated to the midpoint and thereafter of uniform width to its junction with the tibia (media worker with similar condition, but attenuation more gradual and less conspicuous); head of minor worker rather elongate and very strongly domed; anteromedial sector of clypeus of major worker flattened towards its anterior margin and not extending beyond flanks of clypeus (midwest coast of WA only) (JDM 1102) (Fig. 7a–g) | | attenuipes |
| |
– | | Minor worker larger (HW > 0.50 mm); metafemur of normal appearance, i.e., gradually attenuating towards its junction with the tibia; head of minor worker generally roundly rectangular or square with a domed or planar posterior margin of head; anteromedial section of clypeus of known major workers protrusive to varying degrees and often also projecting when seen in profile | | 20 |
| |
20 | | Tibiae with fine, appressed pubescence in addition to stout, socketed, appressed to subdecumbent setae | | 21 |
| |
– | | Tibiae with stout, socketed, appressed to subdecumbent setae only, fine, appressed pubescence lacking | | 24 |
| |
21 | | In profile, minor worker (major worker unknown) with pronotum flattened posteriad and mesonotum also flattened before descending steeply to metanotal groove; minor worker larger (HW ≈ 1.50 mm); bright, light orange with brown gaster (Kimberley region of WA; NT) (Fig. 20a–d) | | sulconotus |
| |
– | | In profile, posterior pronotum and mesonotum of minor worker weakly to strongly convex; minor worker smaller (HW ≤ 0.90 mm); colour variable but not as above | | 22 |
| |
22 | | Antennal scapes and tibiae without bristly erect and semi-erect setae, and short, erect setae normally sparse on dorsum of mesosoma; head of minor worker oval or squared and frontal triangle triangular; in profile, mesosoma of minor worker usually gracile, pronotum and mesonotum forming a gentle curve (non-gracile populations [e.g., Armidale, NSW] also lack bristly erect or semi-erect setae on antennal scapes or tibiae); upper frons of major worker partially shagreenate (very variable morphology, possibly two or more species represented here) (Eastern Australia [mainly]; NT, WA; no SA records) (Fig. 11a–g) | | curtus |
| |
– | | Antennal scapes and tibiae with bristly erect and semi-erect setae normally present on all surfaces, and short, erect setae moderately abundant on dorsum of mesosoma; if bristly erect setae abraded or absent from antennal scapes and tibiae, then head of minor worker bell-shaped in full-face view and frontal triangle narrowly semi-oval (some workers of M. griseus); in profile, pronotum and mesonotum may form a strong convexity; frons of major worker (only known for Melophorus gibbosus) uniformly distinctly microreticulate | | 23 |
| |
23 | | Frontal carinae of minor worker (major worker unknown) raised and laminate at edges; frontal triangle narrowly semi-oval; sides of head concave below eyes, giving it a bell-shaped appearance; in profile, pronotum and mesonotum form a gentle curve (as in Fig.) (Kimberley region, WA) (JDM 948) (Fig. 14a–d) | | griseus |
| |
– | | Frontal carinae of workers not raised or laminate at edges; frontal triangle triangular; sides of head of minor worker not divergent below eyes; in profile, pronotum and mesonotum form a strong convexity (as in Fig. 38) (widespread but uncommon) (JDM 1112) (Fig. 13a–g) | | gibbosus |
| |
24 | | In profile, mesosoma of minor worker with a compact appearance, its dorsal outline describing a pronounced arc due to shape of the mesonotum and mesopleuron (mesosternal outline and dorsum of mesonotum strongly convergent anteriorly) | | 25 |
| |
– | | In profile, mesosoma of minor worker tending to linear in orientation, its dorsal outline straight or describing a weak arc (mesosternal outline and dorsum of mesonotum weakly convergent to subparallel anteriorly) | | 27 |
| |
25 | | Mesonotum and propodeum of minor worker confluent, metanotal groove completely lacking (major worker unknown) (northern WA; NT) (JDM 897) (Fig. 22a–d) | | teretinotus |
| |
– | | Metanotal groove present in minor worker, albeit may be shallow, mesonotum and propodeum clearly separated | | 26 |
| |
26 | | In profile, clypeus distinctly recurved at about midpoint, produced over mandible as small ledge; in full-face view, anterior margin of major and minor worker clypeus a broadly convex, sometimes crenulate curve that does not protrude over apical curve of mandible; in profile, dorsum of minor worker mesosoma moderately arcuate (widespread; common) (Fig. 6a–g) | | aeneovirens |
| |
– | | In profile, clypeus straight or weakly and broadly convex, produced over mandible as a very pronounced ledge; in full-face view, anteromedial margin of major and minor worker clypeus produced as a narrow flange that is distinctly notched or even forked at its midpoint; dorsum of minor worker mesosoma strongly arcuate, almost elliptical (NT, Kimberley region WA) (Fig. 15a–g) | | kuklos |
| |
27 | | In full-face view, anteromedial margin of clypeus produced as a narrow, rectangular flange with a straight or weakly indented edge (otherwise, anatomically identical with M. praesens) (Pilbara region, WA) (JDM 1242) (Fig. 10a–g) | | clypeatus |
| |
– | | In full-face view, anteromedial margin of clypeus not produced as a narrow, rectangular flange | | 28 |
| |
28 | | Head of minor worker conspicuously dorso-ventrally compressed (seen in profile, head width < 0.5 × head length); anterior clypeal margin evenly convex (northern Kimberley, northern NT) (major worker unknown) | | tenuis |
| |
– | | Head of minor worker not conspicuously dorso-ventrally compressed (seen in profile, head width > 0.5 × head length); anterior clypeal margin with a medial notch or crenulation | | 29 |
| |
29 | | In profile, pronotum of minor worker flattened; in dorsal view, pronotum of minor worker moderately attenuated anteriad; black, very gracile species (one pin only of two damaged minor workers from Mullewa, WA) (Fig. 16a–d) | | mullewaensis |
| |
– | | In profile, pronotum of minor worker convex; in dorsal view, pronotum of minor worker with globose outline, that sclerite not or only very weakly attenuated anteriad | | 30 |
| |
30 | | Major and minor workers with medial sector of clypeus produced broadly as a flange that projects over the basal half of the mandibles; larger species (HW of large major workers ≥ 3 mm); foreparts light tan or orange to dark crimson (never brown), gaster brown (widespread, mainly arid and semi-arid) (JDM 545) (Fig. 19a–j) | | rufoniger |
| |
– | | Major and minor workers with clypeus broadly and gently convex, projecting over base of mandibles only; smaller species (HW of large major workers ≤ 2.3 mm); foreparts mostly brown, but can be black to light reddish-brown | | 31 |
| |
31 | | Minor and media worker with slight medioccipital protuberance (best seen in full-face view with head tilted down slightly); pronotum and gaster of all workers with appressed setae overlapping or at least much closer to neighbouring setae than their own length; in profile, propodeum of minor worker with flattened, elongate dorsum, a barely discernible propodeal angle and often a sharp anterior peak (arid and semi-arid) (JDM 304) (Fig. 18a–g) | | praesens |
| |
– | | Minor and media worker without medioccipital protuberance, posterior margin of head broadly and weakly convex tending to planar when seen In full-face view, pronotum (and, often, gaster) of all worker castes with very short, often inconspicuous appressed setae, these separated from one another by much more than their own length; in profile, propodeum of minor worker without a sharp anterior peak, and commonly with a gently rounded dorsum and weak but discernible propodeal angle (arid and semi-arid) (JDM 1034) (Fig. 9a–g) | | castaneus |
| |
32 | | Major and minor workers with combination of long mandibles (i.e., apical tooth of retracted mandible reaching to at least the tentorial pit on opposite side of head capsule), similar appearance of head capsule in major and minor workers and short maxillary palps, segments four to six combined barely longer than segment three, in profile, the entire palp reaching only to middle of venter of head capsule in minor worker when head is moderately inclined; head of major worker without short, massive, elbowed mandible directed posteriad; all workers with five mandibular teeth; median sector of clypeus uniformly convex and moderately protuberant, anterior clypeal midpoint a small, blunt angle (oblongiceps complex) (Lake Eyre Basin, SA) (Fig. 75a–g) | | oblongiceps |
| |
– | | Major and minor workers without combination of long mandibles, similar appearance of head in major and minor workers and short palps; if head of major worker similar to that of minor worker, then mandible short (i.e., apical tooth of retracted mandible reaching at most to antennal insertion on opposite side of head) (remaining M. biroi and M. ludius species-group members) | | 33 |
| |
33 | | In full-face view, area around frontal carinae and medial sector of clypeus deeply recessed in major worker, and also in media workers of Melophorus compactus; in major, media and minor workers of one species, torulus (antennal sclerite) produced to form a pronounced and sometimes pedunculate flange that encircles the base of the antennal scape; psammophore generally placed on or just above anterior margin of clypeus; minor workers hairy with thick, longish, unmodified erect setae (pedunculate torulus present; clypeal psammophore placed at midpoint) or with bristly, short erect setae (pedunculate torulus absent; clypeal psammophore placed at or just above anterior clypeal margin) | | 34 |
| |
– | | In full-face view in major and media worker, area around frontal carinae and medial sector not noticeably recessed and torulus not expanded and pedunculated, torulus inconspicuous in all subcastes; most minor workers without the combination of anteriorly placed psammophore and hairiness with bristly, unmodified erect setae (minor workers of M. sericothrix may key out here as they are hairy with bristly setae, but these setae are longer, i.e., diameter of eye ≥, whereas, in M. mjobergi and M. postlei the bristly, erect setae are much shorter, i.e., diameter of eye <<) | | 37 |
| |
34 | | Midline of head capsule between frontal carinae with a short, vertical flange in major and media workers; clypeal psammophore placed at around midpoint of clypeus; workers with thatch-like distribution of long white setae on pronotum, erect setae on mesosoma tend to be coarse and relatively long (one rare population from Pilbara region, WA) (JDM 472 (pt)) | | lanuginosus |
| |
– | | Midline of head capsule between frontal carinae without a short flange in major and media workers; clypeal psammophore placed on or just above anterior border of clypeus; workers with short, bristly, erect, unmodified setae on head, body and antennal scape (biroi complex (pt)) | | 35 |
| |
35 | | Head of major worker without distinct sculpture, strongly shining, setae-bearing sockets on head (if visible) appearing as tiny pits only, sculpture also reduced on head of media worker, which is moderately shining; in full-face view, antennal carina of major worker distinctly extended posteriad past antennal insertion, posterior extension of carina straight; eye of minor worker placed medially on head capsule and large in size (in profile, eye length ≈ 0.40× length of side of head capsule) (Eastern Australia) (Fig. 33a–g) | | compactus |
| |
– | | Head of all workers microreticulate and moderately shining to matt, setae-bearing sockets on head of major worker impressed so as to appear as small, oval depressions; in full-face view, antennal carina of major worker limited to flange around antennal insertion, weak ridge representing posterior extension of carina strongly concave posteriad; eye of minor worker placed anteriorly on head capsule and moderate in size (in profile, eye length ≈ 0.25× length of side of head capsule) | | 36 |
| |
36 | | Appressed setae in all workers fine and forming pubescence that largely obscures underlying cuticle, which is matt in appearance (northern Australia) (JDM 485) (Fig. 44a–g) | | postlei |
| |
– | | Appressed setae in all workers loose and relatively thick and not obscuring underlying cuticle, which is moderately shining in appearance (northern Australia, apparently sympatric with above species) (JDM 899) (Fig. 43a–g) | | mjobergi |
| |
37 | | Gaster with curved erect setae, semi-erect setae and a few decumbent setae only, genuine appressed setae lacking; body generally strongly sculptured and hirsute, antennal scapes and legs with whorls of many fine, straight setae (several hairy members of the M. fieldi complex) | | 38 |
| |
– | | Gaster with at least well-spaced appressed setae between the longer, erect or semi-erect pilosity if ant has hairy legs and scape | | 40 |
| |
38 | | Mesonotum and propodeum globose, mesonotum, mesopleuron and propodeum separated from each other by a deep sulcus (WA, NT) (JDM 945) (Fig. 58a–g) | | incisus |
| |
– | | Mesonotum and propodeum not globose; mesonotum separated from mesopleuron and propodeum by weak groove or indentation | | 39 |
| |
39 | | In profile, petiolar node of major and media workers narrow, squamiform, scale-like in appearance; (petiolar node of minor worker not so distinctive, but ant can be distinguished by more shining appearance of head and anterior mesosoma and the rounded propodeum); head of major worker shining in appearance (widespread arid and semi-arid) (JDM 1070) (Fig. 52a–g) | | ankylochaetes |
| |
– | | In profile, petiolar node of media and minor worker a low, rounded tubercle, that of major worker erect and not narrowly squamiform or scale-like in appearance; minor worker matt or with dull sheen only and with broadly truncate propodeum; head of major worker distinctly matt and may be rugulose (widespread, abundant) (JDM 532) (Fig. 58(g)-(k),(l)) | | hirsutipes (part) |
| |
40 | | Small (HW of small minor workers 0.50 mm ≤, HW of known major workers ≤ 0.80 mm) species; weakly sculptured overall, with cuticle of mesosoma visibly thin, the mesonotum translucent to varying degrees; mesopleuron either smooth or with vestigial sculpture only (nb. taxa in couplet 40 are members of the M. ludius complex) | | 41 |
| |
– | | Usually larger species but if small, then cuticle of mesosoma thick and opaque (including the mesonotum), and mesopleuron generally with pronounced microreticulate or other impressed sculpture. (Melophorus ludius minor workers may be confused with minor workers of the following two taxa but can be distinguished from them by virtue of the combination of a moderate-sized eye and truncate [but not elongate] propodeum. In this case, however, the mesosoma is opaque though glossy.) | | 42 |
| |
41 | | In profile, propodeum of all worker castes narrow and obliquely elongate, with a declivitous face that descends at an angle near 45°, minor worker propodeal spiracle elongate (≥ 0.67× length of propodeum, measured along the spiracle); eye moderate-sized (EL 0.12-0.15; EI 20-36); (southwest WA) (JDM 500) (Fig. 94a–g) | | translucens |
| |
– | | In profile, propodeum of all worker castes not narrow and obliquely elongate as above; minor worker propodeal spiracle shorter (≤ 0.50 length of propodeum, measured dorsoventrally); eye generally larger (EL 0.15–0.21; EI 31-40) (mainland Australia; arid) (JDM 1235) (Fig. 93a–g) | | pusillus |
| |
42 | | In profile, head of minor worker weakly to moderately dorsoventrally compressed; in profile, eye set above midpoint of gena; clypeal psammophore set at around midpoint of clypeus to halfway between midpoint and anterior margin (major worker) and below midpoint to just above anterior margin (media and minor worker); head, body and legs of minor worker strongly pubescent, all workers with many short, unmodified, prickly, erect setae on head and body with from a couple to a moderate number distributed along antennal scapes, but such setae mainly or wholly absent from tibiae; propodeum with obliquely declivitous face; major worker with several preapical metatibial spines (Bassian distribution; SA and WA) (JDM 617) (Fig. 69a–g) | | sericothrix |
| |
– | | If minor and major worker similar in profile to the above and generally pubescent, then at least some short, erect setae modified (spatulate or thickened distally) | | 43 |
| |
43 | | Minor and major workers worker clothed with fine, appressed silvery setae that form pubescence in minor worker, at least, in conjunction with multiple scattered, modified erect setae (modified setae varying from distally slightly flattened to clavate) on head, mesosoma and gaster (ants in couplets 43–57 belong to the M. biroi complex, (pt), except for M. ludius) | | 44 |
| |
– | | Minor and major workers not clothed with both fine, appressed silvery setae and multiple scattered, modified erect setae (either of these conditions may be individually present) | | 45 |
| |
44 | | In full-face view, eye of minor worker moderately convex, bulging well beyond outline of head capsule; in profile, mesosoma of minor worker sinuous, the mesonotum dipping towards its junction with the propodeum, forming a weak v-shaped notch; frontal carinae of major worker straight or weakly convex, cuticle of major worker head matt or weakly shining and minutely pitted (widespread; arid) (JDM 1121) (Fig. 39a–g) | | lissotriches |
| |
– | | In full-face view, eye of minor worker only weakly convex, barely interrupting outline of head capsule; in profile, pronotum of minor worker rising gently, and mesosoma thereafter more-or-less straight, the mesonotum not dipping towards the propodeum, the metanotal groove not demarcated by a v-shaped notch; frontal carinae of major worker concave, cuticle of major worker head smooth and shining (mainly southern Australia; arid and semi-arid) (JDM 784) (Fig. 36a–g) | | graciliceps |
| |
45 | | Metatibia of major worker with only one preapical spur; clypeal psammophore placed anteriorly, at or just above anterior margin of clypeus in minor worker and often in major worker; legs compact; head in profile dorsoventrally compressed in minor worker of many taxa, with eyes placed high on sides; mainly smaller species (HW of smallest minor 0.36 mm, average HW of smallest minors 0.46 mm; HW of largest known major 1.29 mm, average HW of largest majors (where known) 1.05 mm) | | 46 |
| |
– | | Metatibia of major worker and often minor worker with two or more preapical spurs; clypeal psammophore usually placed just below to above centrepoint of clypeus (caution: clypeus may be folded back giving appearance of anterior margin); legs often spindly with elongate metatibia in minor worker; head in profile usually ovate, rarely visibly dorsoventrally compressed; mainly larger species (HW of smallest minor 0.43 mm, average HW of smallest minors 0.77 mm; HW of largest known major 3.57 mm, average HW of largest majors (where known) 1.85 mm) | | 59 |
| |
46 | | In profile, propodeal dorsum of minor and media workers extremely narrow and almost acuminate; metanotal groove in all workers narrowly and deeply impressed; mesonotum of minor worker hypertrophied so that metathoracic spiracle is situated on its underside in a distinctly lateral position; all workers with weak pubescence and a moderate number of erect setae on mesosoma (southwest WA) (JDM 230) (Fig. 34a–g) | | cuneatus |
| |
– | | Propodeal dorsum of minor and media workers mostly moderately truncate, but if narrow then metanotal groove v-shaped; mesonotum of minor worker not hypertrophied as above, the metathoracic spiracle situated on dorsum of ant or nearly so; workers without weak pubescence (except in minor worker of Melophorus propebiroi) | | 47 |
| |
47 | | Minor worker with relatively long, partially overlapping appressed setae that form a weak pubescence on mesosoma and gaster; short, bristly, erect mesosomal setae present and plentiful (major worker unknown; southwest WA) (JDM 1221) (Fig. 46a–d) | | propebiroi |
| |
– | | Minor worker with short, non-overlapping appressed setae on mesosoma and gaster that do not form pubescence; short, bristly, erect mesosomal setae sparse or absent in minor worker | | 48 |
| |
48 | | Profile of minor worker (major worker unknown) bimodal, with smooth, glabrous, rounded pronotum and propodeum, and scalloped mesopleuron; petiolar node thickly squamiform, almost tubercular (Torresian, in the far north) (Fig. 30a–d) | | argus |
| |
– | | Profile of minor worker not as above, specifically never bimodal and glabrous with a smooth rounded propodeum; propodeum most commonly truncate to varying degrees and propodeal angle may be raised; petiolar node more narrowly squamiform, and may strongly flattened, especially in the major and media workers | | 49 |
| |
49 | | In profile, head of minor worker distinctly dorsoventrally flattened; in full-face view, head of minor worker extremely narrow, CI ≤ 75 (Lake Mere, NSW only, major worker unknown) (Fig. 40a–d) | | longiceps |
| |
– | | In full-face view, if head of minor worker dorsoventrally flattened, then distinctly broader, CI ≥ 85 | | 50 |
| |
50 | | Minor worker (major worker unknown) with propodeum produced vertically and conical in profile; propodeal spiracle very large, approximately 0.75× height of propodeum; eye larger (eye length approximately 0.40× length of side of head capsule) (two pins, Gawler Ra., SA) (Fig. 47a–d) | | turbineus |
| |
– | | Propodeum of minor worker not produced vertically except in M. dicyrtos, not conical in profile; propodeal spiracle shorter (≤ 0.60× height of propodeum) | | 51 |
| |
51 | | Head and mesosoma of minor worker strongly matt, dull, with uniform, minute, net-like microreticulation; a transverse row of short, stout unmodified setae placed across centre of pronotum; in profile, propodeum weakly rounded or forming a slight angle between dorsal and declivitous faces (major worker unknown: known only from Eneabba region and Yanchep NP, WA) (JDM 1180) (Fig. 38a–d) | | latinotus |
| |
– | | Head and mesosoma of minor worker with moderate to strong sheen and without transverse row of short, erect pronotal setae as described above; microreticulate sculpture, where present, mainly confined to mesopleuron, except in M. microreticulatus | | 52 |
| |
52 | | In full-face view, major worker with posterior clypeal margin not arched or falling away between antennal insertion and tentorial pit; anterior clypeal margin straight and not protuberant; in profile, major worker mesosoma elongate, smoothly bimodal; first gastral tergite of both major and minor worker with line of erect marginal setae and with other erect setae present, and workers very small (major worker HW ≤ 0.65 mm, minor worker HW ≤ 0.40 mm); minor worker with a pair or several long, erect setae at midpoint of pronotum; major and minor worker mesosoma glossy, with superficial sculpture only (northern WA only) (Fig. 37a–g) | | gracilis |
| |
– | | In full-face view, major worker often with posterior clypeal margin arched and falling away between antennal insertion and tentorial pit; anterior clypeal margin usually weakly convex, protuberant or with anteromedial dimple indicated; if major worker with posterior clypeal margin not arched or falling away between antennal insertion and tentorial pit and with glossy, unsculptured appearance (M. ludius), then profile compact with raised mesonotum and narrow, rounded propodeum; if minor worker small and with glossy, unsculptured mesosoma, then usually glabrous and always without erect marginal setae on first gastral tergite | | 53 |
| |
53 | | In profile, propodeum of minor and major worker protuberant and strongly truncate, with elevated dorsal surface which is much shorter than declivitous surface; larger ants (HW of minor worker 0.65 mm ≥, HW of major worker 1.25 mm ≥); metanotal groove characteristically a deep V-shaped notch; most workers with long, flexuous setae but these may be short and bristly (northern NT, QLD and WA) (JDM 470) (Fig. 35a–g) | | dicyrtos |
| |
– | | In profile, propodeum of minor and major worker not of above appearance, propodeum either rounded or truncate, but if truncate then not narrowly produced with elevated dorsal surface; minor worker much smaller (HW 0.50 mm ≤) and known major workers usually smaller, except for M. castanopus; metanotal groove of minor worker usually weakly impressed (see figure below); minor workers often glabrous or nearly so | | 54 |
| |
54 | | Eye large (EI 40-41); mesosoma with at least several erect setae, including propodeal setae; In profile, metanotal groove of minor worker deeply impressed and propodeum rounded into its declivitous face; first gastral tergite with erect setae, including a line of marginal setae; (major worker unknown) (v. rare; NSW and QLD) (Fig. 41a–d) | | macrops |
| |
– | | Without combination of large eye and erect marginal setae on first gastral tergite; in profile, metanotal groove of minor worker usually weakly impressed and propodeum usually more-or-less truncate, descending into its declivitous face through an angle; minor worker usually glabrous, though may have one or two erect setae on pronotum | | 55 |
| |
55 | | Minor worker with combination of large eye (EI 40 ≥), small size (HW 0.40 mm ≥), lack of erect setae on mesosoma and first gastral tergite and distinct microreticulate sculpture over mesosoma (may be weaker on pronotum in some specimens); major worker with posterior clypeal margin not arched or falling away between antennal insertion and tentorial pit; anterior clypeal margin straight and not protuberant; major worker pronotum tending to bulbous and in profile breaking the mesosoma outline by protruding above the mesonotum; mesosomal sculpture as for minor worker (southern mainland Australia; arid and semi-arid) (JDM 792) (Fig. 42a–g) | | microreticulatus |
| |
– | | Minor worker without combination of large eye, small size and distinct microreticulate sculpture over mesonotum; erect marginal setae may be present; if major worker with clypeal conformation as above, then major worker mesosoma glossy and unsculptured or with vestigial microreticulation on mesopleuron and propodeum only, and pronotum does not protrude above the mesosomal outline when seen in profile | | 56 |
| |
56 | | Smaller species (minor worker HW 0.40 mm ≤, largest major worker HW 1.05 mm ≤); in profile, minor worker head ovate without distinct dorsoventral flattening; major worker with posterior clypeal margin not arched or falling away between antennal insertion and tentorial pit; anterior clypeal margin straight and not protuberant | | 57 |
| |
– | | Larger species (minor worker HW 0.47 mm ≥, largest major worker HW 1.10 mm ≥); in profile, minor worker head weakly to strongly dorso-ventrally flattened, with eye placed high on side; major worker with posterior clypeal margin arched, falling away between antennal insertion and tentorial pit; anterior clypeal margin convex, protuberant and may be dimpled | | 58 |
| |
57 | | In profile, minor worker propodeum weakly truncate or rounded, descending into its declivitous face at an angle of about forty-five degrees; minor worker eye moderate (EI 19-30); minor worker antennal scape longer (SI to 120); mesosoma and first gastral tergite occasionally with one or a couple of erect setae in eastern populations; major worker morphologically similar to the following, but larger (HW of measured major worker 1.05 mm) (widespread) (Fig. 92a–g) | | ludius |
| |
– | | In profile, minor worker propodeum strongly truncate and cuboidal, descending into its declivitous face at an angle approaching ninety degrees; minor worker eye large (EI 40-41); minor worker antennal scape shorter (SI as little as 94); mesosoma and first gastral tergite always glabrous; major worker similar to the above but minute (HW of measured major worker 0.47 mm) (arid QLD, SA and WA) (JDM 1220) (Fig. 43a–g) | | minimus |
| |
58 | | Minor worker with erect setae on first gastral tergite, including a line of marginal setae; mesosoma also with a couple to a few, usually stout erect setae (several specimens may need to be seen because of abrasion), these setae rarely abundant and modified (one series, Pymble, NSW); in profile, pronotum, mesonotum and propodeum in all worker castes flattened and on same plane (NSW, SA, TAS and VIC) (Fig. 32a–g) | | castanopus |
| |
– | | Minor worker lacking erect setae on first gastral tergite; mesosoma also glabrous in minor worker; in profile, pronotum and mesonotum of minor worker tending to be rounded; mesosoma of major worker compact and rounded (similar to M. ludius); propodeum truncate (in which case it is below level of mesonotum) or rounded, the dorsal face much shorter than the declivitous face (widespread, abundant, possible species complex) (Fig. 31a–m) | | biroi |
| |
59 | | In full-face view, head capsules of major, media and minor workers square with small, flattened eyes, except in media and minor workers of M. marmar, which have a large, convex eye (flattened in the major worker); in profile, eyes placed anteriad of midline of head capsule; anterior margin of clypeus distinctly sinuate, projecting anteromedially as a bluntly triangular extension or flattened dimple in major and media workers; five-toothed mandible of all workers very narrow, parallel and coarsely striate throughout its length; maxillary palps in all workers short, barely attaining neck sclerite at their greatest extremity and often only reaching midpoint of venter of head capsule when head is moderately inclined (M. brevignathus complex) | | 60 |
| |
– | | In full-face view, head capsule of major, media and minor workers differing in various respects from the above, which may include width and size of eyes, shape of head and conformation of clypeus and mandibles; in profile, eyes generally placed around midline of head capsule; if mandibles narrow, then elbowed, massive and directed posteriad in large major worker and often finely striate in minor and media worker; maxillary palps variable, may be long, reaching mesopleuron in small minor worker when head is moderately inclined | | 62 |
| |
60 | | In full-face view, eye placed very high on capsule, and slightly above imaginary horizontal line separating head capsule (excluding mandibles) into equal upper and lower sectors; workers glabrous (NSW; NT, inland SA) (Fig. 50a–g) | | quadratus |
| |
– | | In full-face view, eye placed lower on head capsule, its bottom third intersected by an imaginary horizontal line separating head capsule (excluding mandibles) into equal upper and lower sectors; major and media worker, at least, with some erect pilosity on mesosoma, mesosoma of major and media worker may be relatively hirsute | | 61 |
| |
61 | | In full-face view, sides of head capsule straight or even weakly concave anteriad, slightly divergent towards posterior margins of head; frontal carinae shorter and parallel, approximately 0.25× as long again as the vertical height of the frontal triangle; appressed setae on first gastral sclerite longer, separated from preceding and succeeding rows by ≤ 1× their own length; eyes of minor and media workers large and convex (inland SA; WA) (Fig. 49a–h) | | marmar |
| |
– | | In full-face view, sides of head capsule distinctly convex; frontal carinae longer, divergent posteriad, approximately 0.50× as long again as the vertical height of the frontal triangle; appressed setae on first gastral tergite shorter, separated from preceding and succeeding rows by at least 2× their own length; eyes of minor worker similar to those of major worker (NT, southern QLD) (Fig. 48a–g) | | brevignathus |
| |
62 | | Minor and major worker with five mandibular teeth; major worker with similar mandible to minor worker, not massive, elbowed and directed posteriad; in profile, maxillary palps long, at least in minor worker, attaining mesopleuron when head of ant moderately inclined; in full-face view, anterior margin of clypeus in all workers usually weakly and evenly convex, commonly with anteromedial dimple or weak protuberance (M. fieldi complex) | | 63 |
| |
– | | Minor worker often with more than five teeth (up to 15), largest major worker with short, massive, elbowed mandible directed posteriad; in profile, maxillary palps shorter in major and generally in minor workers, in minor worker, when head of ant moderately inclined, only attaining neck sclerite at their maximum extent in most species; in full-face view, anterior margin of clypeus in large major worker usually planar or weakly concave, other subcastes variable but planar or narrowly protuberant anterior clypeal margins predominate (M. wheeleri complex) | | 87 |
| |
63 | | Worker thorax with metanotum apparently developed and confluent with mesonotum, often extending over the propodeum; metanotal suture obsolete, its position indicated only by a superficial, transverse furrow (more pronounced in major worker); propodeum reduced in size and wedge-shaped, with narrow end of wedge often under fold of metanotum; metathoracic spiracle lateral and situated within metanotal sector (NT; WA) (JDM 1063) (Fig. 67a–g) | | paramorphomenus |
| |
– | | Worker thorax of normal appearance, with metathoracic spiracle situated on or near dorsum of mesosoma | | 64 |
| |
64 | | Major, media and minor worker uniformly microreticulate, in profile, petiolar node of minor and media thick and tuberculate in shape, that of major worker squamiform; tibial apical spur absent; mesosoma of minor and media workers matt, glabrous, that of major worker with ≈ 12 short, bristly, erect setae (minor and media workers orange, major worker orange with brown gaster) (NT, QLD, northern WA; arid; rare) (JDM 970) (Fig. 56a–g) | | fulvidus |
| |
– | | Appearance not as above: specifically, if orange with thick petiolar node, then appearance not uniformly microreticulate, and erect setae, most commonly flexuous, present on mesosoma of all workers; tibial apical spur present | | 65 |
| |
65 | | At least lower metafemur (shown here) and all of metatibia with whorls of erect setae directed at 45–90° to surface | | 66 |
| |
– | | Metafemur and metatibia without whorls of erect setae directed at 45-90° to surface of extremity, pilosity usually restricted to appressed or subdecumbent setae (where erect setae present, these confined to two or three lines of setae, more commonly several individual setae) | | 70 |
| |
66 | | Tibiae and antennal scape matt, strongly microreticulate; erect setae on metatibia shorter, stout, length of longest setae < greatest width of tibia; appressed metatibial setae thickly distributed and often forming a distinct pubescence, metatibia matt; gaster of minor worker strongly pubescent (common and widespread) (JDM 520) (Fig. 65a–g) | | microtriches |
| |
– | | Tibiae and antennal scape moderately to strongly shining and smooth or with superficial microreticulation; erect setae on metatibia longer, fine, length of longest setae ≥ greatest width of tibia; appressed metatibial setae not conspicuous, metatibia shining; gaster of minor worker usually without long, overlapping appressed setae that form pubescence | | 67 |
| |
67 | | Mesopleuron smooth and shining in minor and media worker at least, ant very glossy; HW of small minor 0.65 mm ≤ | | 68 |
| |
– | | Mesopleuron with at least superficial sculpturing in all workers, ant often shining, but not glossy overall; HW of small minor usually 0.65 mm > | | 69 |
| |
68 | | Ant gracile, with outline of mesosternum parallel to outline of mesonotum; in profile, outline of clypeus distinctly protuberant; in profile, petiolar node lower (» 1.2× as high as wide) (major worker unknown) (NT, QLD, WA; arid) (JDM 699) (Fig. 74a–d) | | vitreus (‘ pillipes ’) |
| |
– | | Ant compact, with outline of mesosternum strongly anteriorly convergent to outline of mesonotum; in profile, outline of clypeus weakly convex; in profile, petiolar node higher (» 1.4× as high as wide) (this form mainly Eastern Australian) (Fig. 73m–r, y) | | turneri (‘ pillipes ’) |
| |
69 | | Anteromedial dimple prominent and protruding as a V-shaped lip; gaster and usually pronotum (at least) with overlapping long, appressed setae that form a silvery thatch in between long, curved, erect setae (arid Australia) (JDM 472) (Fig. 62a–g) | | lanuginosus (‘ pillipes ’) |
| |
– | | Anteromedial dimple weakly developed or vestigial and not protruding as a V-shaped lip; appressed setae between long, curved, erect setae shorter and not forming a silvery thatch (widespread) (Fig. 58a–f, l) | | hirsutipes (part) (“pillipes”) |
| |
70 | | With combination of: (1) eye relatively large (eye length 0.50× length of side of head capsule in minor worker, approximately 0.33× length of side of head capsule in major worker ≥), (2) in full-face view, periphery of upper frons surrounded to about the level of the eyes with short, bristly, erect setae that are often flattened distally; (3) minor worker small (HW ≈ 0.56–0.59 mm); (4) non-iridescent head of major worker relatively smooth and gleaming (e.g., Fig. 54a) and, (5) clypeal psammophore of fine setae placed at or about midpoint of clypeus | | 71 |
| |
– | | Without this combination of characters: specifically, if with relatively large eye and modified setae on the periphery of the frons, then minor worker larger (HW > 0.73mm) and major worker head with fine microreticulation and pitting or iridescent (e.g., Fig. 60a); in other cases setae on frons long and unmodified, and may be lacking entirely | | 72 |
| |
71 | | Minor worker concolorous blackish-brown, finely shagreenate with a dull silky sheen; in profile, pronotum rises gradually to its junction with mesonotum without any obvious convexity, while mesonotum is slightly humped; mesosoma with a few to many short, straight, bristly setae, these often expanded distally, length of longest setae ≤ greatest length of antennal scape; appressed setae short, inconspicuous; major worker and media worker concolorous brown (orange-yellow with brown gaster in holotype), with scattered short, sometimes modified setae; appressed setae on gaster well-separated and do not overlap (mainly semi-arid) (Fig. 55a–g) | | fieldi |
| |
– | | Minor worker variable shades of brown or dark reddish-brown but not blackish-brown with dull, silky sheen; in profile, pronotum smoothly convex, mesonotum completes the curve without a median hump; erect setae on mesosoma often numerous and flexuous, length of longer setae ≥ greatest width of antennal scape (in relatively glabrous minor workers, appressed setae on mesosoma long and conspicuously pale); major worker similar to the above, but short, sometimes modified setae are far more numerous and give a shaggy appearance to most major workers; appressed setae on gaster longer and overlap (mainly semi-arid) (Fig. 53a–g) | | bruneus (part) |
| |
72 | | Body of major and minor worker clothed with modified, erect setae (distally thickened, clavate or spatulate) to various degrees in addition to unmodified setae; frontal carinae straight or weakly convex | | 73 |
| |
– | | True modified, erect setae absent from body of major and minor worker (although some erect setae may be thick and short); frontal carinae divergent posteriad | | 74 |
| |
73 | | In full-face view, sculpture of major and minor worker head matt with microreticulate sculpture; frontal carinae weakly divergent posteriad; appressed setae on appendages sparse, thick and mostly separated from each other by more than their own length (inland WA) (JDM 1247) (Fig. 71a–g) | | solitudinis |
| |
– | | In full-face view, sculpture of major and minor worker head pitted and weakly gleaming with superficial microreticulation; appressed setae on appendages abundant and fine, individual setae strongly overlapping (northern inland areas; rare) (JDM 618) (Fig. 70a–g) | | setosus |
| |
74 | | Pale yellow, depigmented ants; in full-face view often with clypeus, genae and mandibles paler than frons; mesosoma very often glabrous (widespread, arid and semi-arid) (Fig. 72a–g) | | sulla (sensu stricto) |
| |
– | | Ants darker or bicoloured, often with some erect pilosity on mesosoma | | 75 |
| |
75 | | In profile, pronotum smoothly rounded and mesonotum elongate and broadly convex and strongly developed in all workers, so that pronotum and mesonotum combine to form a near semi-circle; minor worker with truncate propodeum with a protuberant dorsum that usually rises above metanotal groove; colour of minor worker uniformly brown or brown with slightly darker gaster, major worker brown or orange-brown with dark brown gaster (widespread and abundant) (Fig. 68a–g) | | perthensis Wheeler |
| |
– | | In profile, mesonotal outline not as above, if mesonotum strongly convex then pronotum with flattened dorsum and/or mesonotum not elongate; propodeal dorsum of minor worker usually planar or weakly convex though may be high; colour variable, but often with gaster much darker than foreparts in minor worker | | 76 |
| |
76 | | In profile, major and media worker with smooth, elongate propodeum, propodeal angle indicated by only a faint curve; metanotal groove a weak impression so that mesonotal and propodeal outline is barely interrupted; mesonotum and mesopleuron not separated by impression or suture; mesosternal outline strongly convergent anteriad with outline of mesonotum (media and major workers only known; bicoloured orange-and-dark-brown ants) (a few pins, Pilbara region, WA) (JDM 1161) (Fig. 66a–d) | | orthonotus |
| |
– | | In profile, propodeum of major and minor worker not elongate as above, and usually with at least a rounded propodeal angle; metanotal groove distinct and mesonotum and propodeum not nearly confluent as above; mesonotum and mesopleuron indicated by distinct impression if not a suture; mesosternal outline usually more-or-less parallel with outline of mesonotum | | 77 |
| |
77 | | In full-face view, eye of all workers placed very high on capsule, and slightly above imaginary horizontal line separating head capsule (excluding mandibles) into equal upper and lower sectors; workers reddish-brown with pale tibiae and distal femur (WA, SA and NT) (JDM 1246) (Fig. 61a–g) | | isaiah |
| |
– | | In full-face view, eye placed lower on head capsule, at least its bottom eighth intersected by an imaginary horizontal line separating head capsule (excluding mandibles) into equal upper and lower sectors | | 78 |
| |
78 | | In profile, clypeal psammophore in minor worker placed just behind anterior clypeal margin and well below midpoint of clypeus in major worker; eye in most specimens large (eye length 0.20 to 0.25 × length of side of head capsule in major worker, 0.33 to 0.50 × length of side of head capsule in minor worker); propodeum in major worker narrow with an oblique dorsal face; shining brown with gaster slightly darker (NSW, WA) (Fig. 64a–g) | | major |
| |
– | | In profile, clypeal psammophore placed just below midpoint to above midpoint of clypeus; eye variable but often smaller | | 79 |
| |
79 | | Clypeus folded back abruptly slightly below its midpoint, so that anterior portion projects as a protuberance at about 90° to mandible; clypeal psammophore placed along line of demarcation (rare, localised; QLD) (Fig. 57a–g) | | gilliatensis |
| |
– | | Clypeus generally rounded or flattened towards its anterior margin, not abruptly folded back as above | | 80 |
| |
80 | | Appressed setae on the gaster in all workers very small and inconspicuous when gaster is moderately distended, separated from one another by at least their own length, these appressed setae also inconspicuous on mesosoma and never long and silvery; mesosoma glabrous in minor worker or with one or a few flexuous, erect setae; node of minor worker often squamiform; most commonly cuticle shining or even glossy with vestigial or weak shagreenation | | 81 |
| |
– | | Appressed setae on gaster of all workers longer and overlapping when gaster is moderately distended, and may form a silvery thatch, appressed setae on mesosoma also overlapping and may be long and cross-linked forming a silvery thatch; mesosoma most frequently with numerous setae, if these sparse then often shorter and stout; node of minor worker characteristically not squamiform, and may be bent distally; most commonly cuticle distinctly shagreenate with weak to moderate sheen | | 84 |
| |
81 | | Minor worker very small (HW < 0.55 mm); frons of head capsule smooth and shining; eye large (eye length approximately 0.40 × length of head capsule); mesopleuron with distinct, wrinkled or scalloped sculpture that may extend to the mesonotum; propodeum a rounded cube; major worker also very small (HW ≤ 0.73 mm) with large eye (eye length approximately 0.38 × length of head capsule); mesopleural sculpture as for minor worker (JDM 786) (Bassian, inland) (Fig. 54a–g) | | eumorphus |
| |
– | | Ant larger (minor worker HW 0.57 mm ≥; known major workers HW > 1.50 mm); if minor worker smooth and shining and generally similar (smallest minor workers of M. vitreus) then mesopleuron smooth and unsculptured or with very superficial microreticulate pattern | | 82 |
| |
82 | | In profile, minor worker gracile, with short, thick petiolar node terminating in a smoothly rounded vertex; clypeus rounded and somewhat protuberant (see Fig. 74); eye very large (eye length ≥ 0.50 × length of side of head capsule); cuticle extremely glossy, with mesopleuron completely smooth or with very superficial microreticulate pattern (sp. JDM 699) | | vitreus (sensu stricto) |
| |
– | | In profile, minor worker less gracile with generally squamiform node that is often inclined at its vertex; clypeus weakly protuberant and usually with distinct dimple at its midpoint (see fig); eye moderate to large (eye length 0.20–0.49× length of side of head capsule); cuticle less glossy tending to matt in some populations, with mesopleuron weakly shagreenate or microreticulate | | 83 |
| |
83 | | Metafemur of minor worker shorter and stouter (0.75 × length of mesosoma ≤); in profile, propodeum generally with a weak to strong angle between dorsal and declivitous surfaces; major worker difficult to distinguish from that of M. longipes, but mesonotum generally moderately convex in profile and metafemur uniformly pale brown ochre to yellowish; tibia same colour as femur (variation across populations and molecular data suggest the possible presence of one or more cryptic species, but these cannot be defined morphologically) (widespread, abundant) (Fig. 73a–l, s–y) | | turneri Forel (sensu stricto) |
| |
– | | Metafemur of minor worker longer and attenuated towards its junction with tibia (0.90 × length of mesosoma); in profile, dorsum of propodeum smoothly curved on to its declivitous face; mesonotum of major worker flat to weakly convex and metafemur increasingly depigmented towards its articulation with the tibia, and the tibia depigmented yellowish-white (NT, SA, WA) (JDM 474) (Fig. 63a–g) | | longipes |
| |
84 | | Mesosoma glabrous; in full-face view, head strongly microreticulate, matt; eye relatively large (EI ≈ 41), appressed setae on gaster elongate and pale | | bruneus (minor workers in some populations) |
| |
– | | Mesosoma nearly always with some erect setae (usually abundant), where lacking (a few minor workers of M. inconspicuus) eye smaller (EI ≤ 37) and, in full-face view, head always with some sheen | | 85 |
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85 | | Mesosoma with erect setae long, flexuous and curved (pronotal setae and those on anterior mesosoma curved posteriad, setae on posterior mesonotum curved anteriad, those on propodeum also curved in both directions); appressed setae on mesonotum and gaster rather long but not combining to form a silvery pubescence; in profile, anterior two-thirds of clypeus often straight or slightly concave, forming an oblique surface, the anteromedial clypeal dimple weak or vestigial; in profile, petiolar node in minor worker thick, to about 0.7× as wide as high, and its dorsum may be noticeably directed posteriad, especially in minor worker (JDM 532) (similar to Fig. 58a–f, l) | | hirsutipes (part) |
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– | | Erect mesosomal setae (where present) not long and flexuous, though they may be curved, however, these setae are frequently stout and bristly; appressed setae on mesonotum and gaster may be long and silvery in appearance forming a thick, thatch-like pubescence; in profile, clypeus evenly convex or weakly concave in its anterior third, but not as above; petiolar node thinner, much less than 0.7× as wide as high and either straight or weakly bent posteriad | | 86 |
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86 | | Appressed setae on mesosoma and gaster long, forming a coarse, silvery pubescence; erect setae on mesosoma longer (longer setae > diameter of eye); cuticle with strong shagreenate sculpture, matt or with weak sheen; petiolar node in minor worker thicker, to about 0.6× as wide as high, also not a true scale in major worker; ‘pillipes’ condition present in some populations (see above) (JDM 472) (Fig. 62a–g) | | lanuginosus (part) |
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– | | Appressed setae on mesosoma and gaster shorter, silvery pubescence limited to small areas of the pronotum or entirely absent; erect setae on mesosoma generally fewer and more bristly in appearance (often < diameter of eye) and entire mesosoma may be glabrous; cuticle generally with weak shagreenate sculpture, except for mesopleuron, and foreparts commonly moderately shining; petiolar node in minor worker essentially squamiform, that of major worker a true scale; ‘pillipes’ condition always absent (widespread, abundant) (JDM 28) (Fig. 60a–g) | | inconspicuus |
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87 | | Minor worker mandible with 15 or more sharp teeth (major worker not inspected) (Victoria River district, NT (Andersen 2007[19])) | | ‘species K’ (TERC) |
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– | | Minor worker with nine teeth ≤ | | 88 |
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88 | | Anterior margin of clypeus in major and media workers a prominent rim that is produced anteromedially as a broadly angulate projection, this projection directed anteriad at angle of about 90° to head capsule when seen in profile; mandible of major worker usually with three distinct teeth (fourth tooth reduced to an angle in most cases); mandible of minor workers minutely striate with six or more teeth on masticatory margin (mid- and north-west WA) (JDM 1244) (Fig. 85a–g) | | prominens |
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– | | If mandible of minor worker minutely striate with six or more teeth on masticatory margin, then major and media workers without above clypeal configuration (in similar species, anteromedial clypeal projection is directed ventrally); major worker with four or five teeth. | | 89 |
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89 | | Palps extremely short and variable in appearance and number of segments, palps when directed posteriad not reaching the hypostomal border, PF 4,3 or 3,3 or even apparently 2,3 (in undissected major worker) (interior SA) (Fig. 76a–h) | | brevipalpus |
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– | | Palps longer, extending beyond hypostomal border and PF always 6,4 | | 90 |
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90 | | Colour pale, depigmented yellow; colour of frons in full-face view often two-tone, colour lighter on lower genae (minor and media workers indistinguishable from M. sulla [sensu stricto]) (a few records from inland WA) | | ‘ sulla ’ |
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– | | Colour not pale, depigmented yellow | | 91 |
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91 | | Strongly bicoloured, relatively smooth species with black, brown or variegated brown head, orange mesosoma and black gaster, gaster and often head (in darker morphs) with distinct bluish to violet iridescence; shorter setae on frons and pronotum may be expanded, mainly at their tip (arid inland Australia) (JDM 1245) (Fig. 77a–g) | | caeruleoviolaceus |
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– | | Species without characteristic bluish or violet iridescence on gaster; erect setae on head and pronotum usually fine, erect setae often lacking entirely on mesosoma | | 92 |
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92 | | Anterior sector of the clypeus of minor worker strongly folded back towards the mandible, and clypeal psammophore placed on a distinct ledge that may be carinate, minor worker mandible with 5-9 teeth and denticles; head, mesosoma and gaster of all workers with short, inconspicuous appressed setae that are usually separated by more than their own length on the gaster (if more elongate, as in some small minor workers, then ant is glossy and weakly sculptured); media and major workers larger (HW of large major worker ≥ 2.60 mm) | | wheeleri cluster (see couplet 93 below) |
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– | | If clypeus distinctly folded back towards the mandible and clypeal psammophore placed on a ledge in minor worker, then head, mesosoma and gaster with relatively long, whitish, appressed setae that overlap and form a weak pubescence on the gaster and ant has distinct microreticulate or shagreenate sculpture and is matt or has a weak sheen (in such cases, minor worker with five mandibular teeth and HW of known major worker smaller than above [HW ≈ 1.45 mm]) | | 94 |
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93 | | Head of minor worker smooth, with vestigial sculpture and often glossy; erect non-marginal setae always present on first gastral tergite, with one or two small erect setae also present on the pronotum of some individuals; eye of minor worker large (0.30× length of side of head capsule); major worker usually with many fine, erect setae on mesosoma (though these may be more sparse and bristly in a few individuals) and dark crimson or reddish-black with a glossy head capsule that is slightly lighter in colour (inland QLD, NSW, one NT record) (Fig. 80a–g) | | diversus |
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– | | Head of minor worker always with some sculpture and matt to moderately shining in appearance; erect setae almost always lacking on pronotum and first gastral tergite, but if present (a few SA populations) then ant of intermediate appearance; eye of minor worker usually less than 0.30× length of side of head capsule; major worker similar to above, but either with glabrous mesosoma or with short, bristly setae on that part, commonly matt in appearance (WA, NT) but may be glossy (eastern states) with bright orange (rarely, dark crimson) head capsule (other Australia) (Fig. 87a–j) | | wheeleri |
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94 | | Clypeus distinctly folded back towards mandible and clypeal psammophore placed on a ledge in minor worker (carina may be present or absent in a given individual–if absent, check for long, appressed setae); head, mesosoma and gaster with relatively long, whitish, appressed setae that overlap and form a weak pubescence on the gaster in minor and known major workers; cuticle conspicuously shagreenate or microreticulate and matt or with a weak sheen | | 95 |
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– | | Clypeus variable in appearance (flattened or weakly protuberant or depressed anteriorly) but not distinctly folded back as above; head, mesosoma and gaster with short, inconspicuous appressed setae that are usually separated by more than their own length on the gaster (if more elongate, as in some small minor workers, then ant is glossy and weakly sculptured) | | 96 |
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95 | | Ant uniformly brown; minor worker smaller (HW ≈ 0.70 mm) (NT, northern WA) (JDM 951) (Fig. 83a–g) | | parvimolaris |
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– | | Ant bicoloured, with tawny orange head, antennae and mesosoma, and black gaster and legs (legs have a bluish iridescent sheen); minor worker larger (HW ≈ 0.90 mm) (major worker unknown) (inland SA, WA; a few records only) (JDM 1033) (Fig. 88a–d) | | xouthos |
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96 | | All workers with narrowly convex mesonotum; pronotum steeply (i.e., 60° >) inclined and flattened dorsally; minor workers with maximum of five mandibular teeth; major worker with all teeth in the same plane; bright red or reddish-orange ants with dark brown gaster (SE Australia) (Fig. 78a–g) | | cerasinoniger |
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– | | Minor and media workers, at least, with straight or only weakly sinuous mesonotum; pronotum in minor and media workers moderately (i.e., ≈ 45°) inclined and curved throughout its length; minor workers may have more than five mandibular teeth; if major worker similar in colour and profile, then basal tooth is weakly to strongly offset | | 97 |
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97 | | Minor worker (major worker unknown) very similar to M. fieldi complex minor workers in appearance, but with six mandibular teeth and short maxillary palps (as described in couplet 33); basal tooth the same size as the other non-apical teeth and not offset, masticatory margin of mandible almost vertical; in full-face view, anterior clypeal margin evenly convex; in profile, clypeus protuberant (as in many fieldi complex minor workers); clypeal psammophore set at midpoint of clypeal sclerite (NSW) (Fig. 81a–d) | | hexidens |
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– | | If minor worker with combination of six teeth and clypeal psammophore set at midpoint of clypeal sclerite, then masticatory margin of mandible oblique and basal tooth distinctly offset and may be enlarged; anterior clypeal margin generally planar or nearly so in full-face view | | 98 |
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98 | | In full-face view, broad head capsule of minor worker expanded towards mandibular insertions giving it a slight to strongly accentuated trapezoidal shape; basal margin of known major worker mandible a carinate ledge set at 90° to the rest of the mandible throughout its length, the (slightly) offset basal tooth horizontal and the sub-basal tooth with a horizontal and a vertical plane; mandibular carina present to varying degrees in media and minor workers; workers with glabrous mesosoma | | 99 |
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– | | In full-face view, sides of head capsule of minor worker convex, straight or even slightly concave, head square; apical margin of major worker mandible not completely carinate throughout its length; carina absent or reduced to a blunt edge in mandible of minor worker; erect setae present on mesosoma of nearly all M. purpureus workers (a few minor workers glabrous) and some M. chauliodon major workers | | 100 |
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99 | | In full-face view, genae of minor and media worker strongly divergent towards anterior angles of head capsule, the latter noticeably trapezoidal, an imaginary perpendicular line drawn from the base of the eye excluding a section of the anterior clypeal margin whose width is greater than the width of the eye seen from in front; masticatory margin of mandible strongly oblique; head brown above lighter below, upper frons distinctly darker than mesosoma (large major worker not seen) (inland WA, possibly SA) (JDM 1079) (Fig. 84a–g) | | pelorocephalus |
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– | | In full-face view, genae of minor worker weakly divergent towards anterior angles of head capsule, the latter basically square, an imaginary line drawn from the base of the eye excluding a section of the anterior clypeal margin whose width is about that of the eye seen from in front; masticatory margin of mandible weakly oblique; head and mesosoma of the same shade (i.e., tan to orange-tan) (arid inland Australia) (JDM 971) (Fig. 82a–g) | | laticeps |
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100 | | Eye of minor worker an elongated ellipse, length of eye ≥ 0.3 × length of side of head capsule; at least minor and media workers glabrous; major and media workers with basal mandibular tooth strongly offset to varying degrees, often tusk-like (widespread) (JDM 783) (Fig. 79a–g) | | chauliodon |
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– | | Eye of minor worker spheroidal, length of eye ≤ 0.25 × length of side of head capsule; minor and media workers often with two or more bristly erect setae, especially on pronotum; offset basal tooth of major and media workers not prominent and never tusk-like (southwest WA) (JDM 1077) (Fig. 86a–g) | | purpureus |
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