Leptospina truncata tertia
Ordo: Diptera
Familia: Sciaridae
Genus: Leptospina
Species: Leptospina truncata
Leptospina truncata tertia unpublished
Type material
Holotype: ♀, 28.06.–13.07.2015, Malaise trap, leg. J. Kjaerandsen & M. T. Dahl, TSZD-JKJ-103935 in TSZD (Tromsø)
Type locality
Norway, Troms, Skaktarelvmoen, Øvre Dividal LVN, 68.766 N, 19.713 E
The subspecies is solely based on its unique COI sequence.
DNA Barcoding
The COI sequence is assigned to BIN BOLD:ACU7107 (average distance 1.2%, max. 1.8%, n=3, K2P: 4.31%).
Only one sequenced female from Norway was studied, but there are two more specimens from Finland belonging to the same BIN. Le. truncata tertia is the subspecies with the highest K2P. With more than 4% it might well be a distinct species.
lat. tertius = third. In the count of subspecies it is the third one.
Finland, Norway.