Encarsia aseta Hayat & Polaszek

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Encarsia aseta Hayat & Polaszek 1992: 107. Holotype ♀, India, Maharashtra, Nagpur, 11.iii.1987 (M.R. Lad) ex Dialeurolonga elongata Dozier on Citrus sp. (BMNH, examined).

Encarsia aseta: Hayat 1998: 191-192, Huang & Polaszek 1998: 1844-1845.


Colour. Body entirely yellow. Fore wing hyaline.

Morphology. Stemmaticum with reticulate surface sculpture (Figure 36). Antennal formula 1,1,3,3. Pedicel longer than F1 (1.40–1.47). F1 1.77–2.00 times as long as its maximum width, slightly shorter than F2 (0.85–0.91) and F3 (0.71–0.79). F2 shorter than F3 (0.82–0.89). Flagellomeres with the following numbers of sensilla: F1: 0, F2: 1, F3: 2, F4: 2–3, F5: 3–4, F6: 3–4. Midlobe of mesoscutum without setae, side lobes with 1 seta each. Scutellar sensilla widely separated (approximately 11–12 times the maximum width of a sensillum). Distance between anterior pair of scutellar setae greater than between posterior pair. Fore wing with bare area, 3.0–3.1 times as long as width of disc. Marginal fringe 0.59–0.66 times as long as width of disc. Basal cell with 0–1 seta. Submarginal vein with 2 setae, marginal vein anteriorly with 5 setae. Tarsal formula 5-5-5. Apical spur of midtibia longer than half the length of the corresponding basitarsus (0.65–0.68). Tergites laterally with the following numbers of setae: T1: 0, T2: 1, T3: 1, T4: 1, T5: 2, T6: 2, T7 with 4 setae. Ovipositor shorter than midtibia (0.61–0.67) and 0.68–0.83 times as long as clava. Third valvula 0.60–0.63 times as long as second valvifer.



Species group placement

E. parvella group.


Australia: Northern Territory, Western Australia. China, Hawaii, India.


Aleyrodidae: Aleuroplatus pectiniferus Quaintance & Baker, Aleurolobus sp. The following additional hosts have been recorded: Aleurotrachelus sp. (Huang & Polaszek 1998), Dialeurolonga elongata Dozier (Hayat & Polaszek 1992).


Hayat, M. 1998. Aphelinidae of India (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea): a taxonomic revision. Memoirs on Entomology, International 13: 1-416.

  • Schmidt, S.; Polaszek, A. 2007: The Australian species of Encarsia Förster (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea: Aphelinidae), parasitoids of whiteflies (Hemiptera, Sternorrhyncha: Aleyrodidae) and armoured scale insects (Hemiptera, Coccoidea: Diaspididae). Journal of Natural History 41: 2099–2265. doi
  • Hayat, M.; Polaszek, A. 1992. Encarsia aseta, sp. nov. (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), a parasitoid of Dialeurolonga elongata Dozier (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) from India. Oriental Insects 26: 107-109.