Cesathrix piliata

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Ordo: Diptera
Familia: Sciaridae
Genus: Cesathrix


Cesathrix piliata (Mohrig, 2003)ZooBank link

  • Pterothrix piliata Mohrig, 2003[1]: 11-12, Fig. 7
  • Cesathrix piliata (Mohrig, 2003)[2]: 2

Type material

Holotype ♂, 9.-11.7.1993, Malaise trap, leg. B. Brown, PWMP (coll. Mohrig)

Type locality

Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva

Description (male)

Head. Eye bridge 4 rows of facets. Antenna unicolour. LW-index of 4th flagellomere 1.7–2.1; neck 0.1–0.2 × segment width; transition of basal part to neck pronounced. Colour of neck unicolour. Antennal setae shorter than segment width; of normal strength; dense; salient. Palpus darkened; short; palpomeres 2. First palpomere thickened; with 5–7 setae; with only sparse sensilla. Second palpomere globular. Thorax. Colour brown. Notum unicolour. Thoracic setae normal; brown. Posterior pronotum bare. Mesothoracic sclerites bare. Legs. Colour yellow-brown. Hind coxa darkened. Setae on front coxa darkened. Front tibial organ as patch of setae; dark; front tibial organ not bordered. Tibial setae on hind legs weak and inconspicuous. Tibial spurs of equal length. Claws untoothed. Wing. Wing very dark; of normal shape. Wing membrane completely covered with macrotrichia. Wing venation weak, with faint stM. M-fork of normal shape. R1 ending at or slightly before base of m-fork; posterior veins with macrotrichia; stM mostly with macrotrichia; CuA1 and CuA2 mostly with macrotrichia; bM setose; r-m mostly setose; bM:r-M 0.4–0.5; st-Cu:bM 0.4–0.7; R1:R 1.2–1.6; c:w 0.57–0.67. Halter dark; of normal length. Abdomen. Abdominal setae strong; dense; on tergites black; on sternites black. Hypopygium concolour with abdomen; LW-index 0.6–0.8. Base of gonocoxites with weak setae; gonocoxites broadly separated; inner margin of gonocoxites typically U-shaped; inner membrane of hypopygium bare; ventral margin of gonocoxite with elongate setae. Gonostylus elongate; LW-index 2.1–2.4; Inner margin concave; apex tapered. Apical tooth present; without internal structure; strong; as long or longer than subapical megasetae. Awl-like setae absent. Megasetae present; number of megasetae 6–8; thin; straight; in one group. Position of basalmost megaseta 40–55 % from top. Whiplash-hair absent. Tegmen 0.85–1.15 × longer than broad; equally rounded; without special features; central process absent. Length of ejaculatory apodeme/hypopygium 20–30 %; base of ejaculatory apodeme present. Field with aedeagal teeth inconspicuous. Measurements. Body size 3.5–4 mm. Hind tibia 1.78–1.88 mm. Wing length 3–3.6 mm.


Cesathrix piliata is the type species if the genus. It differs from its currently only congener Cesathix capillosa by the two-segmented instead of one-segmented palpus, the more numerous hyaline spines at the gonostylus and the leg colour.


pilum lat. = hair; referring to the completely with macrotrichia covered wings.


Costa Rica.



  1. Mohrig, W. 2003: Black fungus gnats of Central America. Part I. (Diptera, Sciaridae). Beiträge zur Entomologie, 53(1), 1–69.
  2. Koçak, A.Ö.; Hüseyinoğlu, Y. 2008: Nomenclatural notes on the genus group names in the order Diptera (Tabanidae, Sciaridae). Centre for Entomological Studies Ankara miscellaneous papers, 143, 1–2.