Bradysia parvifinis

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Ordo: Diptera
Familia: Sciaridae
Genus: Bradysia


Bradysia parvifinis  unpublished

Type material

Holotype ♂, 06.–13.07.2013, Malaise trap, garden, ZFMK-TIS-2513180 in ZFMK, leg. Jürgen Hagemeister

Type locality

Germany, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Rostock, Lütten Enn

Barcoded material studied

Stadium Country Province Locality Habitat Method Date Collector Collection Number Collection Latitude Longitude Elevation (m)
1 ♂ holotype Germany Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Rostock, Lütten Enn garden Malaise Trap 13.07.2013 Jürgen Hagemeister ZFMK-TIS-2513180 ZFMK 54.1333 12.0856 4
1 ♀ Canada Ontario Wellington County, Guelph, Ponsonby Public School Malaise Trap 05.03.2013 Josh Ellis BIOUG05580-G05 BIOUG 43.6230 -80.3540
1 ♂ Canada Ontario Simcoe, New Tecumseth, St. James Catholic School Malaise Trap 05.03.2013 Cameron Morrison BIOUG05679-E01 BIOUG 44.0260 -79.8490
1 ♀ Canada Ontario Durham, Whitby, Dr. Robert Thornton Public School Malaise Trap 05.03.2013 Carla Schaub BIOUG05695-G07 BIOUG 43.8950 -78.9090
1 ♂ Canada Ontario Halton, Oakville, Gary Allan High School Malaise Trap 05.08.2015 Jasmina Pita BIOUG21906-D06 BIOUG 43.4420 -79.6940 98

Description (male)

Head. Eye bridge 2–3 rows of facets. Antenna unicolour. LW-index of 4th flagellomere 1.75–1.9; neck 0.32–0.42 × segment width; transition of basal part to neck pronounced. Colour of neck unicolour. Antennal setae shorter than segment width; of normal strength; sparse. Sensillae present. Palpus darkened; of normal length; palpomeres 3. First palpomere of normal shape; with 2–3 setae; with delimited sensillary field. Second palpomere short and oval. Third palpomere as long as first. Thorax. Colour bright brown. Notum unicolour. Thoracic setae normal; brown. Posterior pronotum bare. Mesothoracic sclerites bare. Legs. Colour yellow. Hind coxa of same colour as femora. Front tibial organ as distinct, delimited comb; pale; front tibial organ not bordered. Tibial comb undivided. Tibial setae on hind legs weak and inconspicuous. Tibial spurs of equal length. Claws untoothed. Wing. Wing slightly darkened; of normal shape. Wing membrane without macrotrichia. Wing venation weak, with faint stM. M-fork of normal shape. R1 ending clearly before base of m-fork; posterior veins bare; bM bare; r-m bare; bM:r-M 0.95–1.1; st-Cu:bM 0.5–0.7; R1:R 0.5–0.6; c:w 0.7–0.8. Halter pale; of normal length. Abdomen. Abdominal setae weak; sparse; on tergites brown; on sternites brown. Hypopygium concolour with abdomen; LW-index 0.5–0.7. Base of gonocoxites with weak setae; gonocoxites narrowly separated; inner margin of gonocoxites typically U-shaped; inner membrane of hypopygium bare; ventral margin of gonocoxite with short setae. Gonostylus elongate; LW-index 3.3–3.6; Inner margin straight; apex equally rounded. Apical tooth dorsally present; without internal structure; of medium strength; as long or longer than subapical megasetae; LW-Index 4–6. Awl-like setae absent. Megasetae present; number of megasetae 13–16; thick; straight; in one group. Position of basalmost megaseta 16–26 % from top. Whiplash-hair absent. Tegmen 0.8–9.4 × longer than broad; trapezoid; without special features; central process absent. Length of ejaculatory apodeme/hypopygium 10–16 %; base of ejaculatory apodeme present. Field with aedeagal teeth clearly visible. Measurements. Body size 1.5–2.5 mm. Hind tibia 0.6–0.75 mm. Wing length 1.1–1.6 mm.


Bradysia parvifinis is one of the species with a very elongate gonostylus such as Bradysia bellstedti and Bradysia quercina. In all these three species the gonostylus bears a very long dorsal tooth, which is shifted away from the apex. They may therefore be regarded a separate subgroup. B. parvifinis can be distinguished from B. bellstedti by the smaller and less equally rounded tegmen and by B. quercina by the more parallel shape of the gonostylus.

DNA Barcoding

The COI sequence is assigned to BIN BOLD:ABX3194 (average distance 0.01%, max. 0.56%, n=203, K2P: 9.02%). The nearest neighbour is Bradysia bellstedti


Interestingly this in North American widespread species has not been recorded earlier from Europe. It was neither found under a different identification among the material, which was checked for the revision of the Bradysia nitidicollis complex. Only one further European specimen was detected by DNA sampling from Bulgaria on BOLD. The species may have been recently introduced or it is a rare, native species, which has not been collected earlier. The holotype and all studied Canadian specimens have been collected in suburban areas. The finding in an urban environment may suggest the hypothesis of introduction to Europe by human activities.


The Latin word parvifinis means "belonging to Little End" and refers to the Lower German street name "Lütten Enn" in Rostock, where the holotype was collected.


Canada, Bulgaria, Germany, USA.

