Ablabesmyia tucuxi

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This page should be cited as follows (rationale):
Fusari, Lívia Maria, Neubern, Caroline S., Hamada, Neusa, Roque, Fabio O. (2012) New species of Ablabesmyia Johannsen from the Neotropical region: first report of a sponge-dwelling Tanypodinae. Zootaxa 3239 : 44 – 49, doi. Versioned wiki page: 2017-06-23, version 152682, https://species-id.net/w/index.php?title=Ablabesmyia_tucuxi&oldid=152682 , contributors (alphabetical order): PlaziBot.

Citation formats to copy and paste


author = {Fusari, Lívia Maria AND Neubern, Caroline S. AND Hamada, Neusa AND Roque, Fabio O.},
journal = {Zootaxa},
title = {New species of Ablabesmyia Johannsen from the Neotropical region: first report of a sponge-dwelling Tanypodinae},
year = {2012},
volume = {3239},
issue = {},
pages = {44 -- 49},
doi = {TODO},
url = {},
note = {Versioned wiki page: 2017-06-23, version 152682, https://species-id.net/w/index.php?title=Ablabesmyia_tucuxi&oldid=152682 , contributors (alphabetical order): PlaziBot.}


RIS/ Endnote:

T1 - New species of Ablabesmyia Johannsen from the Neotropical region: first report of a sponge-dwelling Tanypodinae
A1 - Fusari, Lívia Maria
A1 - Neubern, Caroline S.
A1 - Hamada, Neusa
A1 - Roque, Fabio O.
Y1 - 2012
JF - Zootaxa
JA -
VL - 3239
IS -
UR - http://dx.doi.org/TODO
SP - 44
EP - 49
PB -
M1 - Versioned wiki page: 2017-06-23, version 152682, https://species-id.net/w/index.php?title=Ablabesmyia_tucuxi&oldid=152682 , contributors (alphabetical order): PlaziBot.

M3 - doi:TODO

Wikipedia/ Citizendium:

<ref name="Fusari2012Zootaxa3239">{{Citation
| author = Fusari, Lívia Maria, Neubern, Caroline S., Hamada, Neusa, Roque, Fabio O.
| title = New species of Ablabesmyia Johannsen from the Neotropical region: first report of a sponge-dwelling Tanypodinae
| journal = Zootaxa
| year = 2012
| volume = 3239
| issue =
| pages = 44 -- 49
| pmid =
| publisher =
| doi = TODO
| url =
| pmc =
| accessdate = 2024-12-12

}} Versioned wiki page: 2017-06-23, version 152682, https://species-id.net/w/index.php?title=Ablabesmyia_tucuxi&oldid=152682 , contributors (alphabetical order): PlaziBot.</ref>


Ordo: Diptera
Familia: Chironomidae
Genus: Ablabesmyia


Ablabesmyia tucuxi Neubern et FusariWikispecies linkPensoft Profile

  • Ablabesmyia tucuxi Fusari, Lívia Maria, 2012, Zootaxa 3239: 44-49.

Materials Examined

Type material.Holotype: ♂, BRAZIL, Roraima, Boa Vista municipality, Cauamé River, (slide mounted in Euparal), 02° 52 ’06”N60 ° 44 ’ 24 ”W, 28–30.v. 2009, L. M. Fusari & A. Fernandes (INPA). Paratypes: 2 ♂, 2 pharate pupae, 2 pharate pupae with larval exuviae (MZUSP); 2 ♂, 2 pharate pupae, 2 pharate pupae with larval exuviae (INPA); 5 larvae (MZUSP), 6 larvae (INPA), same data as holotype. Bonfim municipality, Igarapé Arraia, 03° 21 ’01”N59 ° 54 ’ 14 ”W, 22.iii. 2001, S. R. M. Couceiro, 6 larvae (INPA). Diagnostic characters.Ablabesmyia tucuxi differs from other species by the combination of the following characters. Male - colored legs, tapered megaseta, grooved aedeagal blade and small dorsal lobe; Pupa - thoracic horn with respiratory atrium and with hexagonal pattern; aeropyle tube apex club-shaped; tergite VII without lateral setae. Larva - conic head and exclusive chaetotaxy; ligula with 5 small teeth on each side; A 1 and maxillary palp length; palpal formula 2 +0; posterior parapods apex without hooklets, 3 hooked claws and 2 small claws situated among the large claws.


Etymology. Informal name given to inhabitants of the Brazilian state of Roraima; the name is to be regarded as a noun in apposition.


Male (n = 5, unless otherwise stated) Dimensions: Total length [3.60]– 3.74 mm. Wing length [1.50]– 1.66 mm. Total length/wing length 2.25 –[2.40]. Wing length/length of profemur [2.11]– 2.20. Coloration (Figs 1, 4, 5): wing with dark spots. Leg: fore leg - femur with 3 bands, tibia with 5 bands; mid leg and hind leg - femur with 3 bands, tibia with 4 bands. Length and proportion of bands on legs as in Table 1. Abdomen like as in Figure 5.

A/B LMB/ LBCB Y/Z P I 0.65–0.75 1.21–2.25 0,37–0,43 P II 0.64–0.73 1.0– 1.27 0.33–0.38 P III 0.60–0.64 0.59–0.82 0.36–0.41Head (Fig 2): antenna with 13 flagellomeres, AR [1.89] 1.80 –2.0, apical flagellomere 94 –[106] μm long, subapical seta [36] μm long (n= 1). Temporal seta 20 –[29] long. Tentorium [185]– 208, μm long, stipes not measurable. Clypeus [92]– 111 μm long, [110] 95–111 μm wide at widest point, bearing [21]– 24 setae. Cibarial pump with anterior margin concave, [254]– 280 μm long and with orifice [46]– 58 from apex. Labrum [63]– 86 μm long, [76] 68–77 μm wide and with 3 setae. Palpomeres 1–5 lengths (μm): [45]– 52; [90] 88–98; [126] 125–134; [128] 125–134; [200]; palpomere 3 with sensilla capitata 34 –[37] μm from base.

Thorax (Fig 3): antepronotum with [17]– 19 lateral setae; acrostichals and dorsocentrals not discernible; prealars [17]– 18; supraalars [1]; scutelars [23]– 34. Wing (Fig 1): width 0.45 –[0.46] μm, width/length [0.28]– 0.31. C [1.43] 1.42–1.44 mm long, not protruding beyond R 4 + 5. Sc 0.75–0.82 mm long. VR [0.83]– 0.85. MCu [437.5] 430–480 μm from arculus. Brachiolum with [3]– 4 setae. Squama with 27 setae (n = 1). Legs (Fig 4): Fore leg - apex of tibia [52]– 75 μm wide and with 1 apical pectinated spur [49]– 56 μm long, spur ratio 0.50 –[0.56]. Mid leg - apex of tibia [54]– 69 μm wide and with 2 apical pectinated spurs [61.5]– 71 and [40]– 48.5 μm long, spurs ratio [0.45] 0.42–0.51 and 0.42 –[0.77]. Hind leg - apex of tibia [60]– 70 μm wide and with 2 apical pectinated spurs [63]– 70 and [43]– 60 μm long, spur ratio 0.49 –[0.54] and 0.45 –[0.57]. Lengths and proportions of leg segments as in Table 2.

fe ti ta 1 ta 2 ta 3 ta 4 P I 712.5–756 869–944 637.5–650 394–450 300–319 206–225 P II 806–906 819–919 625–875 337.5–400 275–300 194–212.5 P III 744–825 941–1156 806–825 437.5–456 362.5–381 187.5–250 continued. ta 5 LR BV SV BR P I 125–150 0.69–0.73 2.0– 2.16 2.48–2.62 3.18–6.57 P II 125–137.5 0.76 –1.0 2.40–2.66 1.98–2.61 4.45–4.81 P III 125–137.5 0.81–0.88 2.17 2.0– 2.16 4.80–5.22Hypopygium (Figs 6, 7): tergite IX with [3] 2–4 central setae. Anal point covers the aedeagal complex. Sternapodeme [141] 140–146 μm long. Phallapodeme [61.5]– 63 μm long. Gonocoxite [154]– 180 μm long and [121.5] 118.5–144.5 μm wide. Gonostylus 157 –[161.5] μm long, apex with 5 teeth and tapered megaseta. HR [0.95]– 1.15. HV [2.23]– 2.38. Aedeagal complex: lateral arc absent, grooved aedeagal blade [38.5]– 53 μm long, base [9] (n= 1) μm wide, 9 / 10 with [7] μm (n= 1) width, dorsal lobe [11]– 15 μm long, lateral and basidorsal lobes present. Female: unknown. Pupa (n = 3, unless otherwise stated) Dimension: male abdomen 2.5–3.7 mm long. Coloration: exuviae yellow; wing sheath without spots (Fig 13). Cephalothorax (Figs 8, 9): wing sheath 0.70–1.25 mm long and veins absent. Thoracic horn 229–290 μm long and 80–95 μm wide; without membranes; reticulation of respiratory atrium with hexagonal pattern; preapical papilla and plastron plate not discernible, aeropyle tube 37.5 (n= 1) μm long and with club-shaped apex; basal lobe present. Thoracic comb with 9–11 tubercles. Abdomen (Figs 10, 11, 12): tergites II–VII with shagreen composed of small spinules or serially arranged in transverse arched rows. Tergite I with scar 72.5–132.5 μm long. Chaetotaxy on segment IV as in Figure 10. Tergite VII without taeniae. Tergite VIII with 5 taeniae, LS 1 52.5–60 μm. Anal lobe 300–315 μm long and 412–430 μm wide; with 2 anal macrosetae, LS 1 72.5–100 μm, LS 2 200–230 μm; outer and inner margins spinulate. Genital sac 137.5 μm long. GS/AL 0.44–0.46. 4 th instar larva (n = 3, unless otherwise stated) Coloration (Figs 14, 17): head yellow, without spots; postoccipital margin brown; second antennal segment and maxillary palp pale yellow; apex of mandible brown; ligula teeth yellow; abdomen pale yellow; procercus yellow; posterior parapod with 3 brown claws. Head (Figs 14 –16, 18, 19): conic; 500–560 μm long, 325–400 μm wide; posterior region with crenulations; IC 0.58–0.78. Chaetotaxy as in Figure 15. Antenomeres1,2- 5: 162.5–182.5, 37.5–44 μm long; A 1 with ring organ located 63–75 μm from base; AR 3.91–4.38. Maxillary palp with 2 segments; palpomeres 1–2: 7.5–12.5; 10–12.5 μm long; palpal formula 2 +0; P 1 /P 2 0.66–1.11; A 1 /P 1 14–23; A 2 /P 1 2.80–4.60. Mandible 72.5–80 μm long, with 1 sensillum campaniformium 20 μm from apex; A 1 /MD 2.10–2.43. Dorsomental teeth not discernible. Hypopharyngeal complex: ligula 37.5–44 μm long; maximum width 25.5 – 25 μm, with 5 small teeth on each side and with central space; muscle attachment 12.5 μm long and 30 μm wide; bifid paraligula 14 μm long. Pecten hypopharyngis absent.

Body (Fig. 17): procercus 90–100 μm long and 22.5–37.5 μm wide, with 7 anal setae 230–300 μm long. Anal tubules not measurable. Posterior parapod apex without spinulates; with 12 simple claws with border slightly serrated, with 3 hooked claws and 2 small claws situated among the large claws.

Taxon Treatment

  • Fusari, Lívia Maria; Neubern, Caroline S.; Hamada, Neusa; Roque, Fabio O.; 2012: New species of Ablabesmyia Johannsen from the Neotropical region: first report of a sponge-dwelling Tanypodinae, Zootaxa 3239: 44-49. doi
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