Hirtipennia holotricha

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Ordo: Diptera
Familia: Sciaridae
Genus: Hirtipennia


Hirtipennia holotricha (Mohrig & Menzel, 1997)Wikispecies linkZooBank link

  • Leptosciarella (Hirtipennia) holotricha Mohrig & Menzel, 1997[1]: 47, fig. 3

Type material

Holotype: ♂, 01.08.1982, leg. Gerecke in PWMP

Type locality

Germany, Tübingen

Material studied

Germany: 1 ♂, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Greifswald, Neuer Friedhof, Malaise trap, Mohrig, 28.8.-09.09.1997, PWMP 1265; 1 ♂, Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel-Universität, Gartengelände, Malaise trap, Heller, 13.-20.10.1995, PKHH 1285; 1 ♀, 19.-26.07.1996, PKHH 1632; 1 ♂, 1.4.-28.10.1995, PKHH 1329; 1 ♀, 22.-29.09.1995, PKHH 1214; Netherlands: 1 ♂, Tilburg, Kaaistoep, Malaise trap, v. Zuijlen, 26.9.-03.10.1998, NNKN 57; Sweden: 1 ♂, Skåne, Mölle, Kullabergs naturreservat, Oak forest in southern slope, Malaise trap, Swedish Malaise Trap Project, 9.8.-20.09.2005, PKHH 6868, NHRS 1095; 2 ♂, Småland, Bäckebo, Grytsjöns naturreservat, Old moisty haymaking meadow in forest edge, Malaise trap, Swedish Malaise Trap Project, 13.-24.08.2005, PKHH 5954; 1 ♂, Södermannland, Trosa, Hunga Söergard nr. 1, behind stable, tall grass close to manure, Malaise trap, Hippa, 11.9.-02.10.2004, PASS 243; 1 ♂, Uppland, Biskops-Arnö, northern beach, elm grove, Malaise trap, Swedish Malaise Trap Project, 20.6.-18.07.2005, NHRS 4550; 1 ♂, Svartlöga, Matkrok, maritime deciduos wood, Malaise trap, Swedish Malaise Trap Project, 15.-28.07.2004, NHRS 4613.

Description (male)

Head. Eye bridge 4–5 rows of facets. LW-index of 4th antennal flagellar segment 2.9–3.4; neck 0.38–0.49 of segment width; Transition of basal part to neck bottle-neck like. Colour of neck unicolour. Antennal hairs shorter than segment width, or as long as segment width; sparse; salient. Palps darkened; long; palpomeres 3. First palpomere elongate; with 4–7 bristles; with only some sparse sensillae. Second palpomere elongate. Third palpomere as long as first segment. Thorax. Colour brown, or reddish. Notum unicolorous. Thoracic setae normal; dark, or darkened. Mesonotum with some weaker central bristles. Posterior pronotum setose. Postpronotal setae 6–10; strong. Mediotergite with 2-6 setae. Legs. Colour yellow. Hind coxae of same colour as femora. Hairs on fore coxae black, or darkened. Front tibia apically with a patch of setae. Front tibial organ dark. Front tibial organ not bordered. Tibial setae on hind legs normal, shorter than tibial width. Tibial spurs of equal length. Claws untoothed. Wings. Wings slightly darkened; of normal shape. Wing membrane partially with macrotrichia, or completely covered with macrotrichia. Wing venation weak, with faint m-base. M-fork of normal shape. R1 inserting at or slightly before base of m-fork; posterior veins with macrotrichia; stM mainly with macrotrichia; cuA1 and cuA2 mainly with macrotrichia; bM setose; r-m mostly setose; bM:r-M 1.05–1.27; st-Cu:bM 0.1–0.2; r1:r 1.6–1.9; C:w 0.65–0.76. Halteres dark; of normal length. Abdomen. Abdominal setae strong and dense; dorsally dark; ventrally dark. Hypopygium concolour with abdomen; 0.52–0.63 × longer than wide. Base of gonocoxites with normal, weak hairs; gonocoxites broadly separated; inner margin of gonocoxites normally U-shaped; inner part of hypopygium scarcely setose; elongated setae on valves of hypopygium absent. Gonostylus globular; 1.75–2 × longer than wide; Inner margin straight; apex equally rounded. Apical tooth present; 2.32–2.72 × longer than broad; normal. Awl-like setae long; on inner side of gonostyles absent. Megasetae on inner part of gonostylus absent. Whiplash-hair absent. Tegmen 0.7–0.82 × longer than broad; equally rounded, or laterally emarginate; normal; Central process absent. Length of aedeagus/hypopygium 8–18 %; Aeadeagal apical structure present. Measurements. Body size 2.7–3.2 mm. Hind tibia 1.7–1.84 mm. Wing length 2.7–3.2 mm.


Hirtipennia holotricha is similar to Hirtipennia hirtipennis and can be distinguished by the smaller size, the less tapered gonostyli and the missing macrotrichia between the veins c and r5. Mohrig & Menzel (1997[1]: 48) mentioned the presence of some hairs on the mediotergite of the of the holotype, the only available specimen at that time. This character seems to be stable for the Le. holotricha, because it is present in all studied specimens.

DNA Barcoding

The COI sequence is assigned to BIN BOLD:ADR3348 (average distance 0.16%, max. 0.16%, n=2, K2P: 10.13%).


gr. ὅλο- (holo-) = complete, θρίξ (thrix) = hair; making reference to the completely setose wings.


Hirtipennia holotricha may be common in urban ecosystems.


Finland[2], Germany[1][3], Netherlands[4], Sweden[5].



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Mohrig, W.; Menzel, F. 1997: Revision der paläarktischen Arten von Trichosia Winnertz sensu Tuomikoski, 1960 (Diptera, Sciaridae). – Teil II. Gattungen Leptosciarella Tuomikoski, 1960 und Trichodapus gen. nov. Studia dipterologica, 4(1), 41–98.
  2. Vilkamaa, P.; Heller, K.; Hippa, H. 2013: New species of Sciaridae (Diptera) to the Finnish fauna. Sahlbergia, 19(1–2), 20–29.
  3. Heller, K. 2004: Eine Bestandsaufnahme der Sciaridae (Diptera) Schleswig-Holsteins mit Ergänzungen und Korrekturen zum bisher bekannten Arteninventar. Faunistisch-Ökologische Mitteilungen, 8, 233–257.
  4. Heller, K. 2011: Sciaridae (Diptera: Sciaroidea) aus dem Naturreservat „De Kaaistoep“, Niederlande. Studia dipterologica, 17(1-2), 172–176.
  5. Heller, K.; Vilkamaa, P.; Hippa, H. 2009: An annotated check list of Swedish black fungus gnats (Diptera, Sciaridae). Sahlbergia, 15(1), 23-51.