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(Chthonius (Gardini, Giulio 2013))
(Chthonius (Gardini, Giulio 2013))
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  | journal = Zootaxa
  | journal = Zootaxa
  | volume = 3655
  | volume = 3655
  | pages = 100 -- 102
  | pages = 103 -- 108
  | doi = TODO
  | doi = TODO
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  | Familia = Chthoniidae
  | Familia = Chthoniidae
  | Genus = Chthonius
  | Genus = Chthonius
  | Specific name =  
  | Specific name = siculus
  | Infraspecific name =  
  | Infraspecific name =  
  | Taxon rank = genus
  | Taxon rank = genus
  | Taxon authority = Gardini, Giulio, 2013
  | Taxon authority = Beier 1961: 90
  | Taxon status =  
  | Taxon status =  
  | Nomenclature citation = {{Nomenclature citation| ''{{Taxon name|Chthonius }}'' Gardini, Giulio, 2013, Zootaxa 3655: 100-102.}}  
  | Nomenclature citation = {{Nomenclature citation| ''{{Taxon name|Chthonius siculus}}'' Gardini, Giulio, 2013, Zootaxa 3655: 103-108.}}  
  | Wikispecies page name = Chthonius_
  | Wikispecies page name = Chthonius_siculus
  | ZooBank ID =  
  | ZooBank ID =  
  | Pensoft Profile = Chthonius_
  | Pensoft Profile = Chthonius_siculus
{{Section|class=materials_examined|heading = Materials Examined|content=[[Type]] locality:[[Italy]], Sardinia, Cagliari Prov., Domusnovas, Grotta Rolfo 1301 Sa/CA (39 ° 20 ʹ 53 ʺN 8 ° 37 ʹ 11 ʺE).}}
{{Section|class=description|heading = Description|content={{Taxon name|Chthonius|''Chthonius''}} (E.) {{Taxon name|Chthonius tetrachelatus|''tetrachelatus''}} (not Preyssler, 1790): Lazzeroni 1969 a: 324 (misidentification, in part).
{{Taxon name|Chthonius|''Chthonius''}} (E.) {{Taxon name|Chthonius gibbus|''gibbus''}} (not Beier, 1953): Mahnert 1975: 186, figs 1 a, 1 c (misidentification).; Callaini 1979 a: 134, figs IIa, b (misidentification); Callaini 1983 b: 403 (misidentification); Callaini 1989: 138 (misidentification); Gardini 1995 a: 3 (misidentification); Gardini 1995 b: 45 (misidentification); Gardini et al.1997: 221 (misidentification, in part); Gardini 2008 b: 631 (misidentification).
Not {{Taxon name|Chthonius|''Chthonius''}} (E.) {{Taxon name|Chthonius siculus|''siculus''}}: Mahnert 1976: 309 (misidentification, see {{Taxon name|Chthonius concii|''C. concii''}}); Mahnert 1980: 223 (misidentification); Gardini 1980: 103 (misidentification, see {{Taxon name|Chthonius concii|''C. concii''}}); Zaragoza 1985: 154 (misidentification).
{{Taxon name|Chthonius|''Chthonius''}} ({{Taxon name|Ephippiochthonius|''Ephippiochthonius''}}) cfr. {{Taxon name|Chthonius gibbus|''gibbus''}}: Callaini 1986: 345, fig. Ic (misidentification).
{{Taxon name|Chthonius|''Chthonius''}} (E.) {{Taxon name|Chthonius siculus|''siculus''}}: Gardini 2007: 384; Gardini 2008 a: 8, figs 11–16.}}
{{Section|class=distribution|heading = Distribution|content=Distribution.[[Italy]]: Sardinia.}}
{{Section|class=materials_examined|heading = Materials Examined|content=[[Type]] locality:[[Italy]], Sicily, Siracusa Prov., Pachino, Grotta Calafarina 3510 Si/SR (36 ° 43 ʹ 19 ʺN 15 °07ʹ0 2 ʺE).}}
{{Section|class=diagnosis|heading = Diagnosis|content=Diagnosis (Ƥ). An anophthalmic hypogean {{Taxon name|Chthonius|''Chthonius''}} ({{Taxon name|Ephippiochthonius|''Ephippiochthonius''}}) from Sardinia that differs from other species of the {{Taxon name|Chthonius tetrachelatus|''C. tetrachelatus''}} group in the following combination of characters: movable cheliceral finger without isolated subapical tooth (di) and with spinneret in both sexes; posterior margin of carapace with 2 macrosetae; fixed and movable chelal finger respectively with 33–36 and 16–18 triangular teeth; fixed chelal finger at level of est-it with 4 teeth occupying 0.1 mm (distance between successive apices 0.028 mm); length of chela 1.77–1.83 (3), 1.68–1.77 (Ƥ) mm, length of movable chelal finger 1.07–1.14 (3), 1.02–1.07 (Ƥ) mm; chela 7.6– 7.9 (3), 7.3–7.4 (Ƥ) times as long as deep; ratio of pedipalpal femur/carapace 1.9 –2.0 (3 Ƥ).}}
{{Section|class=distribution|heading = Distribution|content=Distribution. Central-southern [[Italy]], Sicily, Sardinia.}}
{{Section|class=materials_examined|heading = Materials Examined|content=[[Type]] material examined. ITALY— Sardinia: Cagliari Prov.—1 3 ([[holotype]]) 1 Ƥ ([[paratype]]), Domusnovas, Su Corovau, Grotta Rolfo 1301 Sa/CA, 286 m a.s.l., 22.I. 1995, G. Marini leg., under stones; 1 T ([[paratype]]), id., 21.XI. 1994, G. Pani leg., landslip at 200 m from entrance, on rotten wood; 1 3 1 T ([[paratype|paratypes]]), id., 16.IX. 1997, J. [[De]] Waele & A. [[Saba]] leg., in mine tunnel; 1 T 2 D ([[paratype|paratypes]]), id., 15.XI. 1997, G. Marini leg., at 100 m from entrance; 1 Ƥ ([[paratype]]), Iglesias, Corongiu de [[Mari]], Grotta del Cancello 1423 Sa/CA, 190 m a.s.l., 22.VI. 1996, J. [[De]] Waele leg., on paper in [[Sala]]; 1 T ([[paratype]]), id., 27.X. 1996, D. Deidda & R. Spiga leg., on rotten wood at 100 m from entrance.
{{Section|class=diagnosis|heading = Diagnosis|content=Diagnosis (Ƥ). An eyed epigean {{Taxon name|Chthonius|''Chthonius''}} ({{Taxon name|Ephippiochthonius|''Ephippiochthonius''}}) that differs from other species of the {{Taxon name|Chthonius tetrachelatus|''C. tetrachelatus''}} group in the following combination of characters: movable cheliceral finger without isolated tooth (di) and with spinneret in both sexes; posterior margin of carapace mostly with 2 macrosetae (rarely with 1 on each side); hand of chela depressed at level of trichobothria ib-isb and with hump distad of ib-isb; fixed and movable chelal fingers respectively with 12–20 and 6–9 triangular teeth; rounded teeth reduced in size proximally, but still distinguishable as far as base of fingers; fixed chelal finger at level of est-it with 4–6 teeth occupying 0.1 mm (distance between successive apices 0.019–0.022 mm); length of chela 0.48–0.72 (3), 0.53–0.81 (Ƥ); length of movable chelal finger 0.28–0.41 (3), 0.30–0.45 (Ƥ); chela 4.5 –6.0 (3), 4.0– 5.2 (Ƥ) times as long as deep; ratio of pedipalpal femur/carapace 1.1–1.3 (3 Ƥ).}}
Other material examined. ITALY— Sardinia: Cagliari Prov.—1 Ƥ, Domusnovas, Punta Planotzara-S’Ega de is Reburras, Grotta dei Picchi n.c. Sa/CA, 29.X. 2006, C. Onnis & S. Papinuto leg.}}
{{Section|class=description|heading = Description|content=Description of adults (Ƥ). Marked troglomorphic facies. Integument depigmented. Weak hispid granulation on lateral surfaces of carapace, on cheliceral palm and on dorsodistal surface of chelal hand. Carapace 1.0– 1.1 times longer than broad, posteriorly slightly constricted; anterior margin (fig. 191) with long and sharp denticles between median macrosetae, slightly produced as a weak epistome in both sexes; ocular area as in fig. 191, eyes strongly reduced (anterior ocular structures with reduced tapetum); chaetotaxy mm 4mm: 6: 4: 2: 2 (18), macrosetae fine; length of anteromedian macrosetae 0.14 mm. Chaetotaxy of tergites I–X 4: 4: 4: 4: 6: 6: 6: 6: 6: 4. Chaetotaxy of sternites II–X 9–10:(3) 8–9 (3):(2) 8–9 (2): 9: 6–7: 6–7: 6: 6: 7; genital opening of males mostly flanked by 8 (rarely 9) setae on each side. Chelicerae (figs 192–193) 2.3–2.4 times as long as broad, palm with 6 (rarely 5) setae and 2 microsetae laterally, dentition as in figs 192–193, movable cheliceral finger without isolated subapical tooth (di), gl ratio 0.60–0.62; spinneret of males triangular, small, little prominent, larger in females. Coxal setae: pedipalp 5 (including 2 on manducatory process), I 3 + 3 marginal microsetae, II 4, III 5, IV 6; coxa II with 10–14 coxal spines, coxa III with 7–12 coxal spines; intercoxal tubercle bisetose. Pedipalp: femur 9.3–9.6 (3), 8.4–9.2 (Ƥ) times as long as broad; chela (figs 194–195) 7.6–7.9 (3), 7.3–7.4 (Ƥ) times as long as deep; hand of chela 2.9–3.1 (3), 2.8–2.9 (Ƥ) times as long as deep, weakly depressed at level of ib-isb and with a plane dorsolateral area between isb and eb; ventrodistal surface of chelal hand with a group of 11–17 gland pores; fixed chelal finger with 33–36 triangular, upright, pointed teeth and, proximally, with 8–10 rounded teeth, all with dental canals, rarely with a small triangular tooth proximad of the modified accessory tooth (td); fixed chelal finger at level of est-it with 4 teeth occupying 0.1 mm (distance between successive apices 0.028 mm); distal half of movable chelal finger with 16–18 triangular, upright, pointed teeth and 17–19 rounded teeth in proximal half, all with dental canals; movable chelal finger rarely with a very small subdistal triangular tooth; coupled sensilla pc distad of sb, between 3 rd and 8 th teeth; trichobothria as in fig. 200; basal apodeme of movable chelal finger strongly sclerotized, long, fine and rounded apically; ratio of movable finger/hand of chela 1.5–1.6 (3 Ƥ); ratio of pedipalpal femur/movable finger 1.2 (3 Ƥ); ratio of pedipalpal femur/carapace 1.9 –2.0 (3 Ƥ).
{{Section|class=materials_examined|heading = Materials Examined|content=[[Type]] material examined. ITALY— Sicily: Siracusa Prov.—1 3 1 Ƥ ([[syntype|syntypes]]) “ [[Typen]], {{Taxon name|Chthonius|''Chthonius''}} (E.) {{Taxon name|Chthonius siculus|''siculus''}} n. sp. ” M. Beier det., Pachino, Grotta Calafarina, 11.XII. 1960, leg.? (MSNV).
Measurements (in mm). Body length 2.4–2.7 (3 Ƥ). Carapace 0.69–0.71 × 0.62–0.66 (0.58–0.63 anteriorly) (3), 0.64–0.69 × 0.62–0.63 (0.59 anteriorly) (Ƥ). Chelicerae 0.61–0.66 × 0.26–0.29 (3), 0.62–0.64 × 0.27 (Ƥ), movable finger length 0.33–0.34 (3), 0.335–0.34 (Ƥ). Pedipalp: femur 1.30–1.35 × 0.14 (3), 1.26–1.29 × 0.14– 0.15 (Ƥ); chela 1.77–1.83 × 0.225–0.24 (3), 1.68–1.77 × 0.23–0.24 (Ƥ); hand length 0.69–0.70 (3), 0.64–0.69 (Ƥ); movable finger length 1.07–1.14 (3), 1.02–1.07 (Ƥ).
Other material examined.[[ITALY]] —Latium: {{Taxon name|Latina|''Latina''}} Prov. —1 Ƥ, Cisterna, 28.X. 2002, G. Nardi leg. (CNBFVR); 1 3, San Felice Circeo, Peretto, 190 m a.s.l., 3–17.V. 2005, G. Forcina & A. Noal leg.; 1 Ƥ, id., 8– 19.VII. 2005 (CNBFVR); 1 Ƥ, Ventotene, 12.IV. 2008, L. Galli leg., Mediterranean scrub under {{Taxon name|Genista|''Genista''}} and {{Taxon name|Ferula|''Ferula''}}. Latium: Rome Prov.—1 3, Tolfa, near Rota, 23.IV. 1972, A. Vigna leg. Campania: Naples Prov.—1 3 1 Ƥ 2 T 1 D, Torre del Greco, Camaldoli della Torre, 29.IX. 1982, G. Gardini & S. Zoia leg., {{Taxon name|Quercus ilex|''Quercus ilex''}} wood. Apulia: Bari Prov.—1 Ƥ, Gravina di Puglia, 6.IV. 1985, S. Vit leg. (MHNG). Apulia: Foggia Prov.—1 Ƥ, Apricena, 6 km NNE Apricena, 290 m a.s.l., 4.V. 2002, S. Zoia & F. Polese leg. Apulia: Taranto Prov.—1 3 ({{Taxon name|Chthonius tetrachelatus|''C. tetrachelatus''}}, G. Lazzeroni det.), Mottola, 24.IX. 1967, C. Baroni Urbani leg. (MSNV) (together with 10 3 1 Ƥ of {{Taxon name|Chthonius tetrachelatus|''C. tetrachelatus''}}). Sicily: Agrigento Prov.—2 3 2 Ƥ 5 T 2 D, Santo Stefano di Quisquina, 9.VII. 1996, B. Massa leg., soil {{Taxon name|Pinus halepensis|''Pinus halepensis''}}; 2 Ƥ 4 T, id., 9.VII. 1996, soil {{Taxon name|Cedrus atlantica|''Cedrus atlantica''}}; 5 3 5 Ƥ 7 T 1 D, id., 13.XI. 1996, soil {{Taxon name|Pinus|''Pinus''}} and {{Taxon name|Cedrus|''Cedrus''}}; 5 3 4 Ƥ 6 T, id., 24.II. 1997; 7 3 15 Ƥ 4 T 2 D, id., 7.V. 1997. Sicily: Caltanissetta Prov.—3 T (M. Beier det.), Niscemi, Monte Ursitto, 24.II. 1962, La Greca & Sichel leg. (MSNV). Sicily: Catania Prov.—2 3 3 Ƥ 5 T 2 D, Acitrezza, Isole dei Ciclopi, [[Isola]] Lachea, 28.IV. 2000, S. Zoia & F. Polese leg., under {{Taxon name|Opuntia|''Opuntia''}}; 1 Ƥ, Fiumefreddo, 31.VIII– 21.IX. 1994, F. [[Di]] Franco leg., {{Taxon name|Rubus|''Rubus''}} scrub; 1 3, id., 14.XI– 13.XII. 1994; 2 Ƥ 2 T, id., 4–25.II. 1995, F. [[Di]] Franco leg.; 1 Ƥ, id., 20.III– 8.IV. 1995; 2 3 3 Ƥ 1 T, id., 8–29.IV. 1995, F. [[Di]] Franco leg., {{Taxon name|Rubus|''Rubus''}} scrub; 1 3 2 Ƥ, id., 29.IV– 13.V. 1995, F. [[Di]] Franco leg., under {{Taxon name|Arundo|''Arundo''}}; 1 3 1 Ƥ 1 T, Linguaglossa, 8.III. 2001, B. Massa leg., {{Taxon name|Fagus sylvatica|''Fagus sylvatica''}} and {{Taxon name|Quercus pubescens|''Quercus pubescens''}} wood on volcanic soil. Sicily: Messina Prov.—1 3 1 Ƥ ({{Taxon name|Chthonius gibbus|''C. gibbus''}}, G. Gardini det. 1994), Caronia, Case Crocitti, 750 m a.s.l., IX. 1987, G. Sabella leg., {{Taxon name|Quercus pubescens|''Quercus pubescens''}} wood; 1 3 ({{Taxon name|Chthonius gibbus|''C. gibbus''}}, G. Gardini det. 1994), id., VIII. 1988; 1 Ƥ ({{Taxon name|Chthonius gibbus|''C. gibbus''}}, G. Gardini det. 1994), Caronia, Contrada Moglia, 1400 m a.s.l., X. 1987, G. Sabella leg., {{Taxon name|Fagus sylvatica|''Fagus sylvatica''}} wood; 3 3 2 Ƥ 2 T ({{Taxon name|Chthonius gibbus|''C. gibbus''}}, G. Gardini det. 1994), Cesarò, Monte Soro, 16.VI. 81, G. Gardini leg., {{Taxon name|Quercus cerris|''Quercus cerris''}} wood; 1 3 1 T ({{Taxon name|Chthonius gibbus|''C. gibbus''}}, G. Gardini det. 1994), id., 16.VI. 1981, G. Gardini leg., {{Taxon name|Fagus sylvatica|''Fagus sylvatica''}} wood; 1 3 1 Ƥ ({{Taxon name|Chthonius siculus|''C. siculus''}}, M. Beier det.), [[Isola]] Lipari, Quattropani, 22.II. 1966, Alicata leg. (MBAC); 1 3, [[Isola]] di Salina, 7.IV. 1990, R. Argano leg.; 2 3 4 Ƥ ({{Taxon name|Chthonius gibbus|''C. gibbus''}}, G. Gardini det. 1994), Montalbano Elicona, Bosco Malabotta, 24.V. 1981, P. Brandmayr leg., {{Taxon name|Quercus cerris|''Quercus cerris''}} wood; 2 3 ({{Taxon name|Chthonius gibbus|''C. gibbus''}}, G. Gardini det. 1994), id., 24.V. 1981, P. Brandmayr leg., {{Taxon name|Fagus sylvatica|''Fagus sylvatica''}} wood; 11 3 3 Ƥ ({{Taxon name|Chthonius gibbus|''C. gibbus''}}, G. Gardini det. 1994), id., 18.VI. 1981, G. Gardini leg., {{Taxon name|Quercus cerris|''Quercus cerris''}} wood; 1 3 4 Ƥ ({{Taxon name|Chthonius gibbus|''C. gibbus''}}, G. Gardini det. 1994), id., 18.VI. 1981, G. Gardini leg., {{Taxon name|Fagus sylvatica|''Fagus sylvatica''}} wood; 1 3 ({{Taxon name|Chthonius gibbus|''C. gibbus''}}, G. Gardini det. 1994), id., 19.VII. 1981, P.
Description of tritonymph. Integument depigmented. Carapace 1.0– 1.1 times longer than broad, anterior margin denticulate, without epistome; no eyes or eye-spots; chaetotaxy mm(or m) 4mm (or m): 6: 4: 2: 2 (18). Chaetotaxy of tergites as in adults. Chaetotaxy of sternites II–X 6:(2) 6–7 (2):(1) 6 (1): 7: 6–7: 6: 6: 6: 6. Chelicerae 2.0– 2.1 times as long as broad, palm with 5 (rarely 4) setae and 1 or 2 microsetae laterally; fixed and movable fingers with about 6 teeth; movable finger without isolated subapical tooth (di); gl ratio 0.57–0.59; spinneret as in females. Coxal setae: pedipalp 5 (including 2 on manducatory process), I 3 + 2 marginal microsetae, II 4, III 5, IV 5; coxa II with 10–12 coxal spines, coxa III with 6–8 coxal spines; intercoxal tubercle bisetose. Pedipalp: femur 7.3–7.6 times as long as broad; chela 6.8 –7.0 times as long as deep; hand of chela 2.6–27 times as long as deep, ventral hand surface with 6–10 gland pores; fixed chelal finger with 30–36 triangular, upright, pointed teeth and proximally with 4–6 rounded teeth; fixed chelal finger with 2–3 small triangular tooth proximad of the modified accessory tooth (td); distal half of movable chelal finger with 1–2 distal small teeth followed by 15–16 triangular teeth; proximal half of movable chelal finger with 12–13 apically rounded teeth; coupled sensilla pc distad of b, at level of 10 th tooth; ratio of movable finger/hand of chela 1.5–1.6; ratio of pedipalpal femur/movable finger 1.2; ratio of pedipalpal femur/carapace 1.6.
Brandmayr leg., {{Taxon name|Quercus cerris|''Quercus cerris''}} wood; 1 3 ({{Taxon name|Chthonius gibbus|''C. gibbus''}}, G. Gardini det. 1994), id., 17.IX. 1981, P. Brandmayr leg., {{Taxon name|Fagus sylvatica|''Fagus sylvatica''}} wood; 1 3 ({{Taxon name|Chthonius gibbus|''C. gibbus''}}, G. Gardini det. 1994), id., 22.XI. 1981, P. Brandmayr leg., Anemono- Fagetum; 1 3 1 Ƥ ({{Taxon name|Chthonius gibbus|''C. gibbus''}}, G. Gardini det. 1994), id., 30.V. 1982, P. Brandmayr, {{Taxon name|Quercus cerris|''Quercus cerris''}} wood; 2 3 1 Ƥ ({{Taxon name|Chthonius gibbus|''C. gibbus''}}, G. Gardini det. 1994), id., 30.V. 1982, P. Brandmayr leg., {{Taxon name|Fagus sylvatica|''Fagus sylvatica''}} wood; 1 Ƥ ({{Taxon name|Chthonius gibbus|''C. gibbus''}}, G. Gardini det. 1994), id., 25.VI. 1982, P. Brandmayr leg., {{Taxon name|Quercus cerris|''Quercus cerris''}} wood; 1 Ƥ, San Fratello, 28.IV. 1982, G. Gardini & R. Rizzerio leg. Sicily: Palermo Prov.—1 3, Caltavuturo, 450 m a.s.l., 30.V. 1985, R. Rizzerio & S. Zoia leg., {{Taxon name|Quercus ilex|''Quercus ilex''}} wood; 1 Ƥ, Castelbuono, slope NE Pizzo Carbonara, 1500 m a.s.l., 31.V. 1985, S. Zoia & R. Rizzerio leg., {{Taxon name|Fagus sylvatica|''Fagus sylvatica''}} wood; 1 Ƥ, Collesano, Piano Zucchi, 1050 m a.s.l., 31.V. 1985, S. Zoia & R. Rizzerio leg., {{Taxon name|Quercus ilex|''Quercus ilex''}} wood; 1 3, id., road to Piano Zucchi, 1100 m a.s.l., 3.VI. 1985, S. Zoia leg., hollow in {{Taxon name|Quercus|''Quercus''}}; 1 Ƥ, id., Scillato, 2.I. 1994, P. Magrini leg.; 1 Ƥ, Corleone, Bosco della Ficuzza, 15.VI. 1981, G. Gardini leg.; 4 Ƥ, id., near Case Cucco, 1000 m a.s.l., 29.V. 1985, S. Zoia & R. Rizzerio leg.; 1 Ƥ, id., slope SE Monte Busambra, 650 m a.s.l., 30.V. 1985, R. Rizzerio & S. Zoia leg.; 1 3, id., Bosco della Ficuzza, 800 m a.s.l., 2.V. 2000, S. Zoia & F. Polese leg., {{Taxon name|Quercus|''Quercus''}} wood; 1 Ƥ, Favorita, 12.IV. 1990, P. Magrini leg.; 1 3, Palermo, Madonna dei Bosci, 14.VI. 1981, G. Gardini leg.; 1 3, Petralia Sottana, Piano Battaglia, 1500 m a.s.l., 30.V. 1985, R. Rizzerio & S. Zoia leg., {{Taxon name|Fagus sylvatica|''Fagus sylvatica''}} wood. Sicily: Siracusa Prov.—1 3 1 Ƥ 1 T ({{Taxon name|Chthonius siculus|''C. siculus''}}, M. Beier det.), Ferla, 10.IV. 1962, Sichel & Alicata leg. (MBAC). Sicily: Trapani Prov.—1 3, [[Isola]] di Favignana, 3.IV. 1990, S. Zoia leg.; 1 Ƥ, [[Isola]] di Levanzo, Cala Tramontana, 4.IV. 1990, S. Zoia leg.; 2 3 2 Ƥ ({{Taxon name|Chthonius siculus|''C. siculus''}}, M. Beier det.), [[Isola]] di Marettimo, 23.II. 1972, D. Caruso & Costa leg., leaf litter under {{Taxon name|Fraxinus|''Fraxinus''}} sp. (MBAC); 4 3 3 Ƥ, id., near Marettimo, 5.IV. 1990, S. Zoia leg.; 1 3, id., Cala Cimitero, 5.V. 1991, R. Argano leg.; 1 Ƥ, [[Isola]] di Pantelleria, Gadir, 31.III. 1990, S. Zoia leg.; 1 3, id., Piano di Ghirlanda, 30.III. 1990, S. Zoia leg., {{Taxon name|Quercus ilex|''Quercus ilex''}} wood; 1 Ƥ, id., 7.V. 1994, F. Lo Valvo leg.; 2 3 3 Ƥ, Mazara del Vallo, Gorghi Tondi, 3.I. 1995, G. Gardini leg.; 2 Ƥ, id., 30.IV. 2000, S. Zoia & F. Polese leg., sieved under {{Taxon name|Quercus ilex|''Quercus ilex''}}; 1 3 3 Ƥ, Scopello, Riserva Naturale dello Zingaro, 31.XII. 1994, G. Gardini & S. Zoia leg., {{Taxon name|Quercus ilex|''Quercus ilex''}} wood; 1 3, id., 17.I. 1997, B. Massa leg.; 1 3, id., 20.III. 1997; 1 3, id., 25.IV. 1997; 9 3 4 Ƥ, id., 23.V. 1997; 1 3 4 Ƥ 1 T, id., 13.VI. 1997; 1 3 1 Ƥ, id., 14.IX. 1997; 6 3 1 Ƥ, id., 30.VIII– 15.IX. 2001; 2 3 1 T, id., 15–30.IX. 2001; 1 3 2 Ƥ, id., 30.IX– 17.X. 2001; 4 Ƥ, id., 17–31.X. 2001; 1 3 1 Ƥ 2 T, id., 31.X– 17.XI. 2001; 1 3, id., 26.I– 23.II. 2002; 1 3, id., 23.II– 16.III. 2002; 1 Ƥ, id., 16.III– 16.IV. 2002. Sardinia: Cagliari Prov.—1 Ƥ, Arbus, 26.X. 1991, L. Fancello & P. Leo leg.; 1 Ƥ, Armungia, 16.X. 1992, P. Leo leg.; 1 3, Cagliari, Cala Regina, 8.XII. 1990, L. Fancello leg.; 2 Ƥ, Fluminimaggiore, 26.X. 1991, L. Fancello & P. Leo leg.; 3 3 12 Ƥ 2 T, id., 4 km S Fluminimaggiore, 2.IV. 1997, S. Vit leg.; 2 3 1 Ƥ, Iglesias, Tempio di Antas, 29.III. 1991, G. Gardini leg., {{Taxon name|Quercus ilex|''Quercus ilex''}} wood; 3 3, [[Isola]] San Pietro, Monte Guardia dei Mori, 10.VI. 1989, R. Poggi leg. (MSNG); 1 Ƥ, [[Isola]] Sant’Antioco, Cala Lunga, 11.II. 1984, L. Fancello & P. Leo leg.; 1 3 1 Ƥ, id., 4.II. 1990, L. Fancello leg.; 2 3 2 Ƥ, Masua, Montecani, 25. V. 1986, L. Fancello & P. Leo leg.; 1 Ƥ, Santadi, 17.XII. 1993, L. Fancello & P. Leo leg.; 1 3, Sarroch, 31.III. 1997, S. Vit leg., {{Taxon name|Olea|''Olea''}} roots; 1 3, Siliqua, Acqua Fredda, 27.II. 1989 L. Fancello & P. Leo leg. Sardinia: Nuoro Prov.—1 Ƥ, Dorgali, Cala Gonone, 23.V. 1980, G. Gardini leg., Mediterranean scrub; 2 Ƥ, Esterzili, 25.I. 1989, L. Fancello & P. Leo leg.; 1 3 1 Ƥ, Gairo, Valle del Riu Pardu, 7.VII. 1984, C. Torti leg., {{Taxon name|Quercus ilex|''Quercus ilex''}} wood on limestone; 1 Ƥ, id., Gairo Cardedu, 26.VI. 1984, C. Torti leg., {{Taxon name|Quercus ilex|''Quercus ilex''}} wood; 2 3, Macomer, Monte Sant’Antonio, 8.V. 1993, L. Latella & M. Rampini leg.; 1 Ƥ, Perdasdefogu, 18.VI. 1983, C. Torti leg.; 1 3, Perdasdefogu, near Monte Rasu, 600 m a.s.l., 4.IV. 2008, C. Torti leg., leaf litter; 1 Ƥ, Tertenia, 23.IV. 1992, P. Leo leg. Sardinia: Oristano Prov.—2 Ƥ, Gonnostramatza, 2.XII. 1989, P. Leo leg.; 1 3 1 T, Paulilatino, 5 km SE Paulilatino, 200 m a.s.l., 3.IV. 1997, S. Vit leg., {{Taxon name|Olea|''Olea''}} roots; 1 Ƥ 1 T 1 D, Santu Lussurgiu, Badde Urbara, 800 m a.s.l., 2.IV. 1991, G. Gardini leg., sieved under {{Taxon name|Quercus ilex|''Ilex''}}. Sardinia: Sassari Prov.—1 3, Alghero, Punta La Speranza, 26.VII. 1975, S. Zoia leg.; 1 3, [[Isola]] Asinara, near Tumbarino, 13.X. 1989, R. Poggi leg. (MSNG); 1 3 1 Ƥ, id., Tumbarino, 25 m a.s.l., V. 2008, G. Ruzzante leg.; 1 Ƥ, [[Isola]] Maddalena, Spiaggia dei Monti della Rena, 8.IX. 1987, R. Poggi leg. under {{Taxon name|Pistacia lentiscus|''Pistacia lentiscus''}} L. (MSNG); 1 3, Padria, 16.XII. 1986, L. Fancello & P. Leo leg.}}
Measurements (in mm). Body length 1.95 –2.0. Carapace 0.53–0.57 × 0.52 (0.50 anteriorly). Chelicerae 0.48 × 0.23–0.24, movable finger length 0.25–0.26. Pedipalp: femur 0.88–0.92 × 0.12; chela 1.23–1.30 × 0.175–0.19; hand length 0.46–0.51; movable finger length 0.73–0.78.}}
{{Section|class=discussion|heading = Discussion|content=Remarks. Among the species of the {{Taxon name|Chthonius tetrachelatus|''Chthonius tetrachelatus''}} group, {{Taxon name|Chthonius sardous|''C. sardous''}} is presumably related to the epigean {{Taxon name|Chthonius siculus|''C. siculus''}} because of the serrated dentition of the chelal fingers. They differ clearly by most troglomorphic characters. Comparisons between similar hypogean species were made by Gardini (2008).
{{Section|class=description|heading = Description|content=Description of adults (Ƥ). Integument pigmented, carapace, tergites, chelicerae and pedipalps pale brown; marked hispid granulation on lateral surfaces of carapace, on cheliceral palm, on distal surface of chelal hand and on base of chelal fingers. Carapace 1.0 times longer than broad, subquadrate, posteriorly slightly constricted; anterior margin (figs 196–197) strongly dentate between median macrosetae, sometimes weakly prominent, rarely with epistome (3 Ƥ from Cagliari: Sarroch and Fluminimaggiore; Ƥ from Oristano, Santu Lussurgiu); ocular area as in figs 198–199, anterior eyes with strongly convex lens (diameter 0.03–0.05 mm), rarely reduced (3 from Rome: Tolfa; Ƥ from {{Taxon name|Latina|''Latina''}}: Ventotene; Ƥ from Foggia: Apricena; 3 from Taranto: Mottola; Ƥ from Siracusa: Ferla); posterior eyes with weak convex lens or reduced to ocular spot; both pairs mostly with tapetum; distance from anterior eyes to anterior margin of carapace 0.025–0.035 mm; normal carapacial chaetotaxy mm 4mm: 6: 4: 2: 2 (18), macrosetae mostly short and thick (fine macrosetae in Ƥ from Foggia: Apricena); exceptions in carapacial chaetotaxy: 1 preocular microseta on each side in 3 Ƥ from Naples: Camaldoli della Torre; 3 Ƥ from Marettimo Is.; 3 Ƥ from Catania: Fiumefreddo; 3 Ƥ from Trapani: Scopello; 3 Ƥ from Pantelleria Is.; 3 Ƥ from Cagliari: Fluminimaggiore and Iglesias; posterior margin of carapace with one microseta on each side in Ƥ from Gravina di Puglia; 3 Ƥ from Acitrezza: Is. Lachea; 3 Ƥ from Cagliari: Masua; 3 Ƥ from Asinara Is.; length of anteromedian macrosetae 0.06–0.08 mm. Chaetotaxy of tergites I–X 4: 4: 4: 4: 6: 6: 6: 6: 6: 4. Chaetotaxy of sternites II–X 10:(3) 10 (3):(2) 7 (2): 8: 6: 6: 6: 6: 7; sternite II rarely with 9 setae, sternite III rarely with (3) 9 (3) setae, sternite IV rarely with (2) 8–9 (2) setae, sternite V rarely with 7 or 9 setae; genital opening of males flanked by 6–7 (rarely 8 or 9) setae on each side. Chelicerae (figs 200–201) 2.0– 2.2 times as long as broad, palm with 6 setae and 2 microsetae laterally (one microseta in 3 Ƥ from Marettimo Isl. and from Trapani: Scopello); fixed finger with 5–6 teeth (rarely up to 8) proximally reduced in size (rarely the distal one is smaller) and 4–6 proximal microtubercles; movable finger with 4–6 teeth proximally reduced in size (the distal one always larger) and 3–5 proximal microtubercles, without isolated subapical tooth (di); gl ratio 0.54–0.65; spinneret prominent, rounded apically, slightly smaller in males; rallum with 11 blades; serrulae interior and exterior respectively with 12 and 14 blades. Coxal setae: pedipalp 5 (including 2 on manducatory process), I 3 + 3 marginal microsetae, II 4, III 5, IV 6; coxa II with 6–8 coxal spines (rarely up to 11), coxa III with 2–6 coxal spines; intercoxal tubercle bisetose. Pedipalp: femur 4.7–6.1 (3), 4.5–5.8 (Ƥ) times as long as broad; chela (figs 202–204) 4.5 –6.0 (3), 4.0– 5.2 (Ƥ) times as long as deep; hand of chela 1.8–2.4 (3), 1.7–2.15 (Ƥ) times as long as deep, clearly depressed at level of trichobothria ib-isb and with hump distad of ib-isb; fixed chelal finger with 14–23 teeth: rarely with 1 very small, triangular distal tooth, 12–20 large, triangular, pointed teeth with dental canals, weakly reclined and proximally reduced in size, and 1–7 proximal teeth with rounded apices, all with dental canals; base of fixed chelal finger mostly with 3–4 microtubercles; tip of fixed finger with a modified accessory tooth (td) on antiaxial face; fixed chelal finger at level of est-it with 4–6 teeth occupying 0.1 mm (distance between successive apices 0.019–0.022 mm); movable chelal finger with 10–17 teeth: rarely 1 very small distal tooth, 6–9 triangular, large, upright and pointed teeth with dental canals, and 5–10 proximal, rounded teeth gradually reduced in size, reaching as far as halfway between b and sb, without dental canals; base of movable chelal finger mostly with 2–4 microtubercles; coupled sensilla pc mostly at level of sb, rarely between b-sb; trichobothria as in figs 203–204, eb-esb-ist mostly placed in a straight line; basal apodeme of movable chelal finger strongly sclerotized, rectangular, squat, with subapical indentation; ratio of movable finger/hand of chela 1.3–1.5 (3), 1.2–1.4 (Ƥ); ratio of pedipalpal femur/movable finger 1.2–1.3 (3 Ƥ); ratio of pedipalpal femur/carapace 1.1–1.3 (3 Ƥ).
{{Taxon name|Chthonius sardous|''C. sardous''}}, which is endemic to karstic complexes of SW Sardinia, represents the most specialized subterranean species of {{Taxon name|Ephippiochthonius|''Ephippiochthonius''}} on this island.}}
Measurements (in mm). Body length 1.0– 1.5 (3), 1.2–1.6 (Ƥ). Carapace 0.29–0.39 × 0.28–0.39 (0.24–0.35 anteriorly) (3), 0.32–0.45 × 0.31–0.45 (0.27–0.41 anteriorly) (Ƥ). Chelicerae 0.23–0.325 × 0.11–0.155 (3), 0.26– 0.37 × 0.12–0.18 (Ƥ); movable finger length 0.115–0.17 (3), 0.135–0.18 (Ƥ). Pedipalp: femur 0.33–0.51 × 0.07– 0.10 (3), 0.37–0.58 × 0.08–0.11 (Ƥ); chela 0.48–0.72 × 0.105–0.145 (3), 0.53–0.81 × 0.12–0.195 (Ƥ); hand length 0.20–0.30 (3), 0.23–0.36 (Ƥ); movable finger length 0.28–0.41 (3), 0.30–0.45 (Ƥ).
Description of tritonymph. Integument with weak pigmentation and weak hispid granulation. Carapace 1.0 times longer than broad, anterior margin denticulate between median macrosetae, without epistome; anterior eyes with convex lenses, posterior ones reduced; chaetotaxy m 4m: 6: 4: 2: 2 (18); posterior margin of carapace rarely with one microseta on each side (3 Ƥ from Acitrezza: Lachea Is.); length of anteromedian macrosetae 0.05–0.06 mm. Chaetotaxy of tergites as in adults. Chaetotaxy of sternites II–X 5:(2) 6 (2):(1) 6 (1): 7–8: 6: 6: 6: 6: 7. Chelicerae 1.9– 2.05 times as long as broad, palm with 5 setae and 1 microseta laterally; fixed finger with 5–7 teeth and about 4 proximal microtubercles; movable finger with 3–5 teeth and about 3 proximal microtubercles, without isolated subapical tooth (di); gl ratio 0.57–0.59. Coxal setae: pedipalp 5 (including 2 on manducatory process), I 3 + 2 marginal microsetae, II 4, III 5, IV 5; coxa II with 4–6 coxal spines, coxa III with 2–6 coxal spines; intercoxal tubercle bisetose. Pedipalp: femur 4.6–5.3 times as long as broad; chela 4.4–4.6 times as long as deep; hand of chela 1.9 –2.0 times as long as deep, with a weak depression at level of trichobothrium ib and a hump distad of ib; dentition of chelal fingers of same form as in adults; fixed chelal finger with 14–16 teeth and 3–4 proximal microtubercles; tip of fixed finger with a modified accessory tooth (td) on antiaxial face; movable chelal finger with 6–8 triangular teeth, 3–5 proximal vestigial teeth and 2–3 microtubercles proximally; coupled sensilla pc distad of b; ratio of movable finger/hand of chela 1.3–1.4; ratio of pedipalpal femur/movable finger 1.2; ratio of pedipalpal femur/carapace 1.0– 1.1.
Measurements (in mm). Body length 0.85 –1.0. Carapace 0.27–0.32 × 0.27–0.32 (0.24–0.28 anteriorly). Chelicerae 0.205–0.25 × 0.10–0.13, movable finger length 0.10–0.13. Pedipalp: femur 0.28–0.36 × 0.055–0.07; chela 0.42–0.53 × 0.09–0.12; hand of chela length 0.17–0.23; movable finger length 0.24–0.29.}}
{{Section|class=discussion|heading = Discussion|content=Remarks.{{Taxon name|Chthonius siculus|''Chthonius siculus''}} was described by Beier (1961) from a male and a female from Sicily (Pachino: Grotta Calafarina). The species was subsequently recorded from Crete (Mahnert 1980), [[Spain]] (Zaragoza 1985), mainland [[Italy]], Pontine Isl. and Sardinia (see Gardini 2000): all these records are based on the original description of Beier (1961), reproduced in Beier (1963 a). Gardini (2008) redescribed the [[syntype|syntypes]] of {{Taxon name|Chthonius siculus|''C. siculus''}} and noted the absence of an isolated subapical tooth (di) on movable cheliceral finger, thus showing that the records from Crete, from [[Spain]] (Valencia: Tous) and, in part, from [[Italy]] were based on misidentifications. The species has often been confused with {{Taxon name|Chthonius gibbus|''C. gibbus''}}.
Among the species of the {{Taxon name|Chthonius tetrachelatus|''Chthonius tetrachelatus''}} group, the epigean {{Taxon name|Chthonius siculus|''C. siculus''}} and {{Taxon name|Chthonius tetrachelatus|''C. tetrachelatus''}} differ from each other in the shape of chelal hand (dorsally depressed at level of ib-isb and with hump distad of ib-isb in {{Taxon name|Chthonius siculus|''C. siculus''}}, not depressed, or very weakly depressed, and without hump in {{Taxon name|Chthonius tetrachelatus|''C. tetrachelatus''}}), in the spacing between the chelal teeth of fixed finger at level of est-it with 4–6 teeth occupying 0.1 mm, distance between successive apices 0.019–0.022 mm in {{Taxon name|Chthonius siculus|''C. siculus''}}; with 3–4 teeth occupying 0.1 mm, distance 0.024–0.040 mm in {{Taxon name|Chthonius tetrachelatus|''C. tetrachelatus''}}) and in size (length of chela 0.48–0.72 (3) 0.53–0.81 (Ƥ) in {{Taxon name|Chthonius siculus|''C. siculus''}}, 0.65–0.95 (3) 0.55–1.04 (Ƥ) in {{Taxon name|Chthonius tetrachelatus|''C. tetrachelatus''}}).
{{Taxon name|Chthonius siculus|''C. siculus''}} is closely related to {{Taxon name|Chthonius vachoni|''C. vachoni''}}, an epigean species known from mainland [[France]] and western Liguria. {{Taxon name|Chthonius siculus|''C. siculus''}} differs from {{Taxon name|Chthonius vachoni|''C. vachoni''}} chiefly in the number of setae on the posterior margin of the carapace (mostly with 2 macrosetae, rarely with 2 macro- and 2 microsetae in {{Taxon name|Chthonius siculus|''C. siculus''}}, always with 2 macro- and 2 microsetae in {{Taxon name|Chthonius vachoni|''C. vachoni''}}) and in the shape of the teeth in proximal half of chelal fingers [teeth reduced in size proximally, but still distinguishable as far as the base in {{Taxon name|Chthonius siculus|''C. siculus''}} (figs 203–204); vestigial, broadly rounded proximally, only reaching as far as trichobothrium sb in {{Taxon name|Chthonius vachoni|''C. vachoni''}} (figs 268–269)]. Measurements and ratios are almost the same in both species.
The presence of only two macrosetae on the posterior margin of the carapace in {{Taxon name|Chthonius siculus|''C. siculus''}} is assumed to be a character of taxonomic significance, despite the existence of a few populations with an additional microseta on each side (see above description and Callaini 1979, 1983) and a high individual and intrapopulational variation (Cagliari, Masua: 3 Ƥ with 1 microseta on each side, Ƥ without microsetae; Acitrezza, Lachea Islot: 3 with 2 microsetae on each side, Ƥ with 1 + 0 microsetae, tritonymphs with 1 + 1 or 1 + 0 microsetae).}}
==Taxon Treatment==
==Taxon Treatment==
*{{aut|Gardini, Giulio}}; 2013: A revision of the species of the pseudoscorpion subgenus Chthonius (Ephippiochthonius) (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones, Chthoniidae) from Italy and neighbouring areas, Zootaxa '''3655''': 100-102. {{doi|TODO}}
*{{aut|Gardini, Giulio}}; 2013: A revision of the species of the pseudoscorpion subgenus Chthonius (Ephippiochthonius) (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones, Chthoniidae) from Italy and neighbouring areas, Zootaxa '''3655''': 103-108. {{doi|TODO}}
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This page should be cited as follows (rationale):
Gardini, Giulio (2013) A revision of the species of the pseudoscorpion subgenus Chthonius (Ephippiochthonius) (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones, Chthoniidae) from Italy and neighbouring areas. Zootaxa 3655 : 103 – 108, doi. Versioned wiki page: 2016-12-29, version 118191, https://species-id.net/w/index.php?title=Chthonius_(Gardini,_Giulio_2013)&oldid=118191 , contributors (alphabetical order): PlaziBot.

Citation formats to copy and paste


author = {Gardini, Giulio},
journal = {Zootaxa},
title = {A revision of the species of the pseudoscorpion subgenus Chthonius (Ephippiochthonius) (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones, Chthoniidae) from Italy and neighbouring areas},
year = {2013},
volume = {3655},
issue = {},
pages = {103 -- 108},
doi = {TODO},
url = {},
note = {Versioned wiki page: 2016-12-29, version 118191, https://species-id.net/w/index.php?title=Chthonius_(Gardini,_Giulio_2013)&oldid=118191 , contributors (alphabetical order): PlaziBot.}


RIS/ Endnote:

T1 - A revision of the species of the pseudoscorpion subgenus Chthonius (Ephippiochthonius) (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones, Chthoniidae) from Italy and neighbouring areas
A1 - Gardini, Giulio
Y1 - 2013
JF - Zootaxa
JA -
VL - 3655
IS -
UR - http://dx.doi.org/TODO
SP - 103
EP - 108
PB -
M1 - Versioned wiki page: 2016-12-29, version 118191, https://species-id.net/w/index.php?title=Chthonius_(Gardini,_Giulio_2013)&oldid=118191 , contributors (alphabetical order): PlaziBot.

M3 - doi:TODO

Wikipedia/ Citizendium:

<ref name="Gardini2013Zootaxa3655">{{Citation
| author = Gardini, Giulio
| title = A revision of the species of the pseudoscorpion subgenus Chthonius (Ephippiochthonius) (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones, Chthoniidae) from Italy and neighbouring areas
| journal = Zootaxa
| year = 2013
| volume = 3655
| issue =
| pages = 103 -- 108
| pmid =
| publisher =
| doi = TODO
| url =
| pmc =
| accessdate = 2024-12-13

}} Versioned wiki page: 2016-12-29, version 118191, https://species-id.net/w/index.php?title=Chthonius_(Gardini,_Giulio_2013)&oldid=118191 , contributors (alphabetical order): PlaziBot.</ref>


Ordo: Pseudoscorpiones
Familia: Chthoniidae
Genus: Chthonius


Chthonius siculus Beier 1961: 90Wikispecies linkPensoft Profile


Chthonius (E.) tetrachelatus (not Preyssler, 1790): Lazzeroni 1969 a: 324 (misidentification, in part). Chthonius (E.) gibbus (not Beier, 1953): Mahnert 1975: 186, figs 1 a, 1 c (misidentification).; Callaini 1979 a: 134, figs IIa, b (misidentification); Callaini 1983 b: 403 (misidentification); Callaini 1989: 138 (misidentification); Gardini 1995 a: 3 (misidentification); Gardini 1995 b: 45 (misidentification); Gardini et al.1997: 221 (misidentification, in part); Gardini 2008 b: 631 (misidentification). Not Chthonius (E.) siculus: Mahnert 1976: 309 (misidentification, see C. concii); Mahnert 1980: 223 (misidentification); Gardini 1980: 103 (misidentification, see C. concii); Zaragoza 1985: 154 (misidentification). Chthonius (Ephippiochthonius) cfr. gibbus: Callaini 1986: 345, fig. Ic (misidentification). Chthonius (E.) siculus: Gardini 2007: 384; Gardini 2008 a: 8, figs 11–16.

Materials Examined

Type locality:Italy, Sicily, Siracusa Prov., Pachino, Grotta Calafarina 3510 Si/SR (36 ° 43 ʹ 19 ʺN 15 °07ʹ0 2 ʺE).


Distribution. Central-southern Italy, Sicily, Sardinia.


Diagnosis (Ƥ). An eyed epigean Chthonius (Ephippiochthonius) that differs from other species of the C. tetrachelatus group in the following combination of characters: movable cheliceral finger without isolated tooth (di) and with spinneret in both sexes; posterior margin of carapace mostly with 2 macrosetae (rarely with 1 on each side); hand of chela depressed at level of trichobothria ib-isb and with hump distad of ib-isb; fixed and movable chelal fingers respectively with 12–20 and 6–9 triangular teeth; rounded teeth reduced in size proximally, but still distinguishable as far as base of fingers; fixed chelal finger at level of est-it with 4–6 teeth occupying 0.1 mm (distance between successive apices 0.019–0.022 mm); length of chela 0.48–0.72 (3), 0.53–0.81 (Ƥ); length of movable chelal finger 0.28–0.41 (3), 0.30–0.45 (Ƥ); chela 4.5 –6.0 (3), 4.0– 5.2 (Ƥ) times as long as deep; ratio of pedipalpal femur/carapace 1.1–1.3 (3 Ƥ).

Materials Examined

Type material examined. ITALY— Sicily: Siracusa Prov.—1 3 1 Ƥ (syntypes) “ Typen, Chthonius (E.) siculus n. sp. ” M. Beier det., Pachino, Grotta Calafarina, 11.XII. 1960, leg.? (MSNV). Other material examined.ITALY —Latium: Latina Prov. —1 Ƥ, Cisterna, 28.X. 2002, G. Nardi leg. (CNBFVR); 1 3, San Felice Circeo, Peretto, 190 m a.s.l., 3–17.V. 2005, G. Forcina & A. Noal leg.; 1 Ƥ, id., 8– 19.VII. 2005 (CNBFVR); 1 Ƥ, Ventotene, 12.IV. 2008, L. Galli leg., Mediterranean scrub under Genista and Ferula. Latium: Rome Prov.—1 3, Tolfa, near Rota, 23.IV. 1972, A. Vigna leg. Campania: Naples Prov.—1 3 1 Ƥ 2 T 1 D, Torre del Greco, Camaldoli della Torre, 29.IX. 1982, G. Gardini & S. Zoia leg., Quercus ilex wood. Apulia: Bari Prov.—1 Ƥ, Gravina di Puglia, 6.IV. 1985, S. Vit leg. (MHNG). Apulia: Foggia Prov.—1 Ƥ, Apricena, 6 km NNE Apricena, 290 m a.s.l., 4.V. 2002, S. Zoia & F. Polese leg. Apulia: Taranto Prov.—1 3 (C. tetrachelatus, G. Lazzeroni det.), Mottola, 24.IX. 1967, C. Baroni Urbani leg. (MSNV) (together with 10 3 1 Ƥ of C. tetrachelatus). Sicily: Agrigento Prov.—2 3 2 Ƥ 5 T 2 D, Santo Stefano di Quisquina, 9.VII. 1996, B. Massa leg., soil Pinus halepensis; 2 Ƥ 4 T, id., 9.VII. 1996, soil Cedrus atlantica; 5 3 5 Ƥ 7 T 1 D, id., 13.XI. 1996, soil Pinus and Cedrus; 5 3 4 Ƥ 6 T, id., 24.II. 1997; 7 3 15 Ƥ 4 T 2 D, id., 7.V. 1997. Sicily: Caltanissetta Prov.—3 T (M. Beier det.), Niscemi, Monte Ursitto, 24.II. 1962, La Greca & Sichel leg. (MSNV). Sicily: Catania Prov.—2 3 3 Ƥ 5 T 2 D, Acitrezza, Isole dei Ciclopi, Isola Lachea, 28.IV. 2000, S. Zoia & F. Polese leg., under Opuntia; 1 Ƥ, Fiumefreddo, 31.VIII– 21.IX. 1994, F. Di Franco leg., Rubus scrub; 1 3, id., 14.XI– 13.XII. 1994; 2 Ƥ 2 T, id., 4–25.II. 1995, F. Di Franco leg.; 1 Ƥ, id., 20.III– 8.IV. 1995; 2 3 3 Ƥ 1 T, id., 8–29.IV. 1995, F. Di Franco leg., Rubus scrub; 1 3 2 Ƥ, id., 29.IV– 13.V. 1995, F. Di Franco leg., under Arundo; 1 3 1 Ƥ 1 T, Linguaglossa, 8.III. 2001, B. Massa leg., Fagus sylvatica and Quercus pubescens wood on volcanic soil. Sicily: Messina Prov.—1 3 1 Ƥ (C. gibbus, G. Gardini det. 1994), Caronia, Case Crocitti, 750 m a.s.l., IX. 1987, G. Sabella leg., Quercus pubescens wood; 1 3 (C. gibbus, G. Gardini det. 1994), id., VIII. 1988; 1 Ƥ (C. gibbus, G. Gardini det. 1994), Caronia, Contrada Moglia, 1400 m a.s.l., X. 1987, G. Sabella leg., Fagus sylvatica wood; 3 3 2 Ƥ 2 T (C. gibbus, G. Gardini det. 1994), Cesarò, Monte Soro, 16.VI. 81, G. Gardini leg., Quercus cerris wood; 1 3 1 T (C. gibbus, G. Gardini det. 1994), id., 16.VI. 1981, G. Gardini leg., Fagus sylvatica wood; 1 3 1 Ƥ (C. siculus, M. Beier det.), Isola Lipari, Quattropani, 22.II. 1966, Alicata leg. (MBAC); 1 3, Isola di Salina, 7.IV. 1990, R. Argano leg.; 2 3 4 Ƥ (C. gibbus, G. Gardini det. 1994), Montalbano Elicona, Bosco Malabotta, 24.V. 1981, P. Brandmayr leg., Quercus cerris wood; 2 3 (C. gibbus, G. Gardini det. 1994), id., 24.V. 1981, P. Brandmayr leg., Fagus sylvatica wood; 11 3 3 Ƥ (C. gibbus, G. Gardini det. 1994), id., 18.VI. 1981, G. Gardini leg., Quercus cerris wood; 1 3 4 Ƥ (C. gibbus, G. Gardini det. 1994), id., 18.VI. 1981, G. Gardini leg., Fagus sylvatica wood; 1 3 (C. gibbus, G. Gardini det. 1994), id., 19.VII. 1981, P. Brandmayr leg., Quercus cerris wood; 1 3 (C. gibbus, G. Gardini det. 1994), id., 17.IX. 1981, P. Brandmayr leg., Fagus sylvatica wood; 1 3 (C. gibbus, G. Gardini det. 1994), id., 22.XI. 1981, P. Brandmayr leg., Anemono- Fagetum; 1 3 1 Ƥ (C. gibbus, G. Gardini det. 1994), id., 30.V. 1982, P. Brandmayr, Quercus cerris wood; 2 3 1 Ƥ (C. gibbus, G. Gardini det. 1994), id., 30.V. 1982, P. Brandmayr leg., Fagus sylvatica wood; 1 Ƥ (C. gibbus, G. Gardini det. 1994), id., 25.VI. 1982, P. Brandmayr leg., Quercus cerris wood; 1 Ƥ, San Fratello, 28.IV. 1982, G. Gardini & R. Rizzerio leg. Sicily: Palermo Prov.—1 3, Caltavuturo, 450 m a.s.l., 30.V. 1985, R. Rizzerio & S. Zoia leg., Quercus ilex wood; 1 Ƥ, Castelbuono, slope NE Pizzo Carbonara, 1500 m a.s.l., 31.V. 1985, S. Zoia & R. Rizzerio leg., Fagus sylvatica wood; 1 Ƥ, Collesano, Piano Zucchi, 1050 m a.s.l., 31.V. 1985, S. Zoia & R. Rizzerio leg., Quercus ilex wood; 1 3, id., road to Piano Zucchi, 1100 m a.s.l., 3.VI. 1985, S. Zoia leg., hollow in Quercus; 1 Ƥ, id., Scillato, 2.I. 1994, P. Magrini leg.; 1 Ƥ, Corleone, Bosco della Ficuzza, 15.VI. 1981, G. Gardini leg.; 4 Ƥ, id., near Case Cucco, 1000 m a.s.l., 29.V. 1985, S. Zoia & R. Rizzerio leg.; 1 Ƥ, id., slope SE Monte Busambra, 650 m a.s.l., 30.V. 1985, R. Rizzerio & S. Zoia leg.; 1 3, id., Bosco della Ficuzza, 800 m a.s.l., 2.V. 2000, S. Zoia & F. Polese leg., Quercus wood; 1 Ƥ, Favorita, 12.IV. 1990, P. Magrini leg.; 1 3, Palermo, Madonna dei Bosci, 14.VI. 1981, G. Gardini leg.; 1 3, Petralia Sottana, Piano Battaglia, 1500 m a.s.l., 30.V. 1985, R. Rizzerio & S. Zoia leg., Fagus sylvatica wood. Sicily: Siracusa Prov.—1 3 1 Ƥ 1 T (C. siculus, M. Beier det.), Ferla, 10.IV. 1962, Sichel & Alicata leg. (MBAC). Sicily: Trapani Prov.—1 3, Isola di Favignana, 3.IV. 1990, S. Zoia leg.; 1 Ƥ, Isola di Levanzo, Cala Tramontana, 4.IV. 1990, S. Zoia leg.; 2 3 2 Ƥ (C. siculus, M. Beier det.), Isola di Marettimo, 23.II. 1972, D. Caruso & Costa leg., leaf litter under Fraxinus sp. (MBAC); 4 3 3 Ƥ, id., near Marettimo, 5.IV. 1990, S. Zoia leg.; 1 3, id., Cala Cimitero, 5.V. 1991, R. Argano leg.; 1 Ƥ, Isola di Pantelleria, Gadir, 31.III. 1990, S. Zoia leg.; 1 3, id., Piano di Ghirlanda, 30.III. 1990, S. Zoia leg., Quercus ilex wood; 1 Ƥ, id., 7.V. 1994, F. Lo Valvo leg.; 2 3 3 Ƥ, Mazara del Vallo, Gorghi Tondi, 3.I. 1995, G. Gardini leg.; 2 Ƥ, id., 30.IV. 2000, S. Zoia & F. Polese leg., sieved under Quercus ilex; 1 3 3 Ƥ, Scopello, Riserva Naturale dello Zingaro, 31.XII. 1994, G. Gardini & S. Zoia leg., Quercus ilex wood; 1 3, id., 17.I. 1997, B. Massa leg.; 1 3, id., 20.III. 1997; 1 3, id., 25.IV. 1997; 9 3 4 Ƥ, id., 23.V. 1997; 1 3 4 Ƥ 1 T, id., 13.VI. 1997; 1 3 1 Ƥ, id., 14.IX. 1997; 6 3 1 Ƥ, id., 30.VIII– 15.IX. 2001; 2 3 1 T, id., 15–30.IX. 2001; 1 3 2 Ƥ, id., 30.IX– 17.X. 2001; 4 Ƥ, id., 17–31.X. 2001; 1 3 1 Ƥ 2 T, id., 31.X– 17.XI. 2001; 1 3, id., 26.I– 23.II. 2002; 1 3, id., 23.II– 16.III. 2002; 1 Ƥ, id., 16.III– 16.IV. 2002. Sardinia: Cagliari Prov.—1 Ƥ, Arbus, 26.X. 1991, L. Fancello & P. Leo leg.; 1 Ƥ, Armungia, 16.X. 1992, P. Leo leg.; 1 3, Cagliari, Cala Regina, 8.XII. 1990, L. Fancello leg.; 2 Ƥ, Fluminimaggiore, 26.X. 1991, L. Fancello & P. Leo leg.; 3 3 12 Ƥ 2 T, id., 4 km S Fluminimaggiore, 2.IV. 1997, S. Vit leg.; 2 3 1 Ƥ, Iglesias, Tempio di Antas, 29.III. 1991, G. Gardini leg., Quercus ilex wood; 3 3, Isola San Pietro, Monte Guardia dei Mori, 10.VI. 1989, R. Poggi leg. (MSNG); 1 Ƥ, Isola Sant’Antioco, Cala Lunga, 11.II. 1984, L. Fancello & P. Leo leg.; 1 3 1 Ƥ, id., 4.II. 1990, L. Fancello leg.; 2 3 2 Ƥ, Masua, Montecani, 25. V. 1986, L. Fancello & P. Leo leg.; 1 Ƥ, Santadi, 17.XII. 1993, L. Fancello & P. Leo leg.; 1 3, Sarroch, 31.III. 1997, S. Vit leg., Olea roots; 1 3, Siliqua, Acqua Fredda, 27.II. 1989 L. Fancello & P. Leo leg. Sardinia: Nuoro Prov.—1 Ƥ, Dorgali, Cala Gonone, 23.V. 1980, G. Gardini leg., Mediterranean scrub; 2 Ƥ, Esterzili, 25.I. 1989, L. Fancello & P. Leo leg.; 1 3 1 Ƥ, Gairo, Valle del Riu Pardu, 7.VII. 1984, C. Torti leg., Quercus ilex wood on limestone; 1 Ƥ, id., Gairo Cardedu, 26.VI. 1984, C. Torti leg., Quercus ilex wood; 2 3, Macomer, Monte Sant’Antonio, 8.V. 1993, L. Latella & M. Rampini leg.; 1 Ƥ, Perdasdefogu, 18.VI. 1983, C. Torti leg.; 1 3, Perdasdefogu, near Monte Rasu, 600 m a.s.l., 4.IV. 2008, C. Torti leg., leaf litter; 1 Ƥ, Tertenia, 23.IV. 1992, P. Leo leg. Sardinia: Oristano Prov.—2 Ƥ, Gonnostramatza, 2.XII. 1989, P. Leo leg.; 1 3 1 T, Paulilatino, 5 km SE Paulilatino, 200 m a.s.l., 3.IV. 1997, S. Vit leg., Olea roots; 1 Ƥ 1 T 1 D, Santu Lussurgiu, Badde Urbara, 800 m a.s.l., 2.IV. 1991, G. Gardini leg., sieved under Ilex. Sardinia: Sassari Prov.—1 3, Alghero, Punta La Speranza, 26.VII. 1975, S. Zoia leg.; 1 3, Isola Asinara, near Tumbarino, 13.X. 1989, R. Poggi leg. (MSNG); 1 3 1 Ƥ, id., Tumbarino, 25 m a.s.l., V. 2008, G. Ruzzante leg.; 1 Ƥ, Isola Maddalena, Spiaggia dei Monti della Rena, 8.IX. 1987, R. Poggi leg. under Pistacia lentiscus L. (MSNG); 1 3, Padria, 16.XII. 1986, L. Fancello & P. Leo leg.


Description of adults (Ƥ). Integument pigmented, carapace, tergites, chelicerae and pedipalps pale brown; marked hispid granulation on lateral surfaces of carapace, on cheliceral palm, on distal surface of chelal hand and on base of chelal fingers. Carapace 1.0 times longer than broad, subquadrate, posteriorly slightly constricted; anterior margin (figs 196–197) strongly dentate between median macrosetae, sometimes weakly prominent, rarely with epistome (3 Ƥ from Cagliari: Sarroch and Fluminimaggiore; Ƥ from Oristano, Santu Lussurgiu); ocular area as in figs 198–199, anterior eyes with strongly convex lens (diameter 0.03–0.05 mm), rarely reduced (3 from Rome: Tolfa; Ƥ from Latina: Ventotene; Ƥ from Foggia: Apricena; 3 from Taranto: Mottola; Ƥ from Siracusa: Ferla); posterior eyes with weak convex lens or reduced to ocular spot; both pairs mostly with tapetum; distance from anterior eyes to anterior margin of carapace 0.025–0.035 mm; normal carapacial chaetotaxy mm 4mm: 6: 4: 2: 2 (18), macrosetae mostly short and thick (fine macrosetae in Ƥ from Foggia: Apricena); exceptions in carapacial chaetotaxy: 1 preocular microseta on each side in 3 Ƥ from Naples: Camaldoli della Torre; 3 Ƥ from Marettimo Is.; 3 Ƥ from Catania: Fiumefreddo; 3 Ƥ from Trapani: Scopello; 3 Ƥ from Pantelleria Is.; 3 Ƥ from Cagliari: Fluminimaggiore and Iglesias; posterior margin of carapace with one microseta on each side in Ƥ from Gravina di Puglia; 3 Ƥ from Acitrezza: Is. Lachea; 3 Ƥ from Cagliari: Masua; 3 Ƥ from Asinara Is.; length of anteromedian macrosetae 0.06–0.08 mm. Chaetotaxy of tergites I–X 4: 4: 4: 4: 6: 6: 6: 6: 6: 4. Chaetotaxy of sternites II–X 10:(3) 10 (3):(2) 7 (2): 8: 6: 6: 6: 6: 7; sternite II rarely with 9 setae, sternite III rarely with (3) 9 (3) setae, sternite IV rarely with (2) 8–9 (2) setae, sternite V rarely with 7 or 9 setae; genital opening of males flanked by 6–7 (rarely 8 or 9) setae on each side. Chelicerae (figs 200–201) 2.0– 2.2 times as long as broad, palm with 6 setae and 2 microsetae laterally (one microseta in 3 Ƥ from Marettimo Isl. and from Trapani: Scopello); fixed finger with 5–6 teeth (rarely up to 8) proximally reduced in size (rarely the distal one is smaller) and 4–6 proximal microtubercles; movable finger with 4–6 teeth proximally reduced in size (the distal one always larger) and 3–5 proximal microtubercles, without isolated subapical tooth (di); gl ratio 0.54–0.65; spinneret prominent, rounded apically, slightly smaller in males; rallum with 11 blades; serrulae interior and exterior respectively with 12 and 14 blades. Coxal setae: pedipalp 5 (including 2 on manducatory process), I 3 + 3 marginal microsetae, II 4, III 5, IV 6; coxa II with 6–8 coxal spines (rarely up to 11), coxa III with 2–6 coxal spines; intercoxal tubercle bisetose. Pedipalp: femur 4.7–6.1 (3), 4.5–5.8 (Ƥ) times as long as broad; chela (figs 202–204) 4.5 –6.0 (3), 4.0– 5.2 (Ƥ) times as long as deep; hand of chela 1.8–2.4 (3), 1.7–2.15 (Ƥ) times as long as deep, clearly depressed at level of trichobothria ib-isb and with hump distad of ib-isb; fixed chelal finger with 14–23 teeth: rarely with 1 very small, triangular distal tooth, 12–20 large, triangular, pointed teeth with dental canals, weakly reclined and proximally reduced in size, and 1–7 proximal teeth with rounded apices, all with dental canals; base of fixed chelal finger mostly with 3–4 microtubercles; tip of fixed finger with a modified accessory tooth (td) on antiaxial face; fixed chelal finger at level of est-it with 4–6 teeth occupying 0.1 mm (distance between successive apices 0.019–0.022 mm); movable chelal finger with 10–17 teeth: rarely 1 very small distal tooth, 6–9 triangular, large, upright and pointed teeth with dental canals, and 5–10 proximal, rounded teeth gradually reduced in size, reaching as far as halfway between b and sb, without dental canals; base of movable chelal finger mostly with 2–4 microtubercles; coupled sensilla pc mostly at level of sb, rarely between b-sb; trichobothria as in figs 203–204, eb-esb-ist mostly placed in a straight line; basal apodeme of movable chelal finger strongly sclerotized, rectangular, squat, with subapical indentation; ratio of movable finger/hand of chela 1.3–1.5 (3), 1.2–1.4 (Ƥ); ratio of pedipalpal femur/movable finger 1.2–1.3 (3 Ƥ); ratio of pedipalpal femur/carapace 1.1–1.3 (3 Ƥ). Measurements (in mm). Body length 1.0– 1.5 (3), 1.2–1.6 (Ƥ). Carapace 0.29–0.39 × 0.28–0.39 (0.24–0.35 anteriorly) (3), 0.32–0.45 × 0.31–0.45 (0.27–0.41 anteriorly) (Ƥ). Chelicerae 0.23–0.325 × 0.11–0.155 (3), 0.26– 0.37 × 0.12–0.18 (Ƥ); movable finger length 0.115–0.17 (3), 0.135–0.18 (Ƥ). Pedipalp: femur 0.33–0.51 × 0.07– 0.10 (3), 0.37–0.58 × 0.08–0.11 (Ƥ); chela 0.48–0.72 × 0.105–0.145 (3), 0.53–0.81 × 0.12–0.195 (Ƥ); hand length 0.20–0.30 (3), 0.23–0.36 (Ƥ); movable finger length 0.28–0.41 (3), 0.30–0.45 (Ƥ). Description of tritonymph. Integument with weak pigmentation and weak hispid granulation. Carapace 1.0 times longer than broad, anterior margin denticulate between median macrosetae, without epistome; anterior eyes with convex lenses, posterior ones reduced; chaetotaxy m 4m: 6: 4: 2: 2 (18); posterior margin of carapace rarely with one microseta on each side (3 Ƥ from Acitrezza: Lachea Is.); length of anteromedian macrosetae 0.05–0.06 mm. Chaetotaxy of tergites as in adults. Chaetotaxy of sternites II–X 5:(2) 6 (2):(1) 6 (1): 7–8: 6: 6: 6: 6: 7. Chelicerae 1.9– 2.05 times as long as broad, palm with 5 setae and 1 microseta laterally; fixed finger with 5–7 teeth and about 4 proximal microtubercles; movable finger with 3–5 teeth and about 3 proximal microtubercles, without isolated subapical tooth (di); gl ratio 0.57–0.59. Coxal setae: pedipalp 5 (including 2 on manducatory process), I 3 + 2 marginal microsetae, II 4, III 5, IV 5; coxa II with 4–6 coxal spines, coxa III with 2–6 coxal spines; intercoxal tubercle bisetose. Pedipalp: femur 4.6–5.3 times as long as broad; chela 4.4–4.6 times as long as deep; hand of chela 1.9 –2.0 times as long as deep, with a weak depression at level of trichobothrium ib and a hump distad of ib; dentition of chelal fingers of same form as in adults; fixed chelal finger with 14–16 teeth and 3–4 proximal microtubercles; tip of fixed finger with a modified accessory tooth (td) on antiaxial face; movable chelal finger with 6–8 triangular teeth, 3–5 proximal vestigial teeth and 2–3 microtubercles proximally; coupled sensilla pc distad of b; ratio of movable finger/hand of chela 1.3–1.4; ratio of pedipalpal femur/movable finger 1.2; ratio of pedipalpal femur/carapace 1.0– 1.1.

Measurements (in mm). Body length 0.85 –1.0. Carapace 0.27–0.32 × 0.27–0.32 (0.24–0.28 anteriorly). Chelicerae 0.205–0.25 × 0.10–0.13, movable finger length 0.10–0.13. Pedipalp: femur 0.28–0.36 × 0.055–0.07; chela 0.42–0.53 × 0.09–0.12; hand of chela length 0.17–0.23; movable finger length 0.24–0.29.


Remarks.Chthonius siculus was described by Beier (1961) from a male and a female from Sicily (Pachino: Grotta Calafarina). The species was subsequently recorded from Crete (Mahnert 1980), Spain (Zaragoza 1985), mainland Italy, Pontine Isl. and Sardinia (see Gardini 2000): all these records are based on the original description of Beier (1961), reproduced in Beier (1963 a). Gardini (2008) redescribed the syntypes of C. siculus and noted the absence of an isolated subapical tooth (di) on movable cheliceral finger, thus showing that the records from Crete, from Spain (Valencia: Tous) and, in part, from Italy were based on misidentifications. The species has often been confused with C. gibbus. Among the species of the Chthonius tetrachelatus group, the epigean C. siculus and C. tetrachelatus differ from each other in the shape of chelal hand (dorsally depressed at level of ib-isb and with hump distad of ib-isb in C. siculus, not depressed, or very weakly depressed, and without hump in C. tetrachelatus), in the spacing between the chelal teeth of fixed finger at level of est-it with 4–6 teeth occupying 0.1 mm, distance between successive apices 0.019–0.022 mm in C. siculus; with 3–4 teeth occupying 0.1 mm, distance 0.024–0.040 mm in C. tetrachelatus) and in size (length of chela 0.48–0.72 (3) 0.53–0.81 (Ƥ) in C. siculus, 0.65–0.95 (3) 0.55–1.04 (Ƥ) in C. tetrachelatus). C. siculus is closely related to C. vachoni, an epigean species known from mainland France and western Liguria. C. siculus differs from C. vachoni chiefly in the number of setae on the posterior margin of the carapace (mostly with 2 macrosetae, rarely with 2 macro- and 2 microsetae in C. siculus, always with 2 macro- and 2 microsetae in C. vachoni) and in the shape of the teeth in proximal half of chelal fingers [teeth reduced in size proximally, but still distinguishable as far as the base in C. siculus (figs 203–204); vestigial, broadly rounded proximally, only reaching as far as trichobothrium sb in C. vachoni (figs 268–269)]. Measurements and ratios are almost the same in both species. The presence of only two macrosetae on the posterior margin of the carapace in C. siculus is assumed to be a character of taxonomic significance, despite the existence of a few populations with an additional microseta on each side (see above description and Callaini 1979, 1983) and a high individual and intrapopulational variation (Cagliari, Masua: 3 Ƥ with 1 microseta on each side, Ƥ without microsetae; Acitrezza, Lachea Islot: 3 with 2 microsetae on each side, Ƥ with 1 + 0 microsetae, tritonymphs with 1 + 1 or 1 + 0 microsetae).

Taxon Treatment

  • Gardini, Giulio; 2013: A revision of the species of the pseudoscorpion subgenus Chthonius (Ephippiochthonius) (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones, Chthoniidae) from Italy and neighbouring areas, Zootaxa 3655: 103-108. doi
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