User talk:Project Dryades Trieste
From OpenMedia
I like to ask if there is a possibility to ask the Dryades database also for meta data, while importing images? Because files are nearly useless having just an id number of the data base, right, I can't find anything although there are many good images here now. So I'd appreciate to have at least the scientific name added. BTW in MySQL you can use CONCAT() to compose field values and strings:
SELECT CONCAT(`table`.`column`,"a-string",`anothertable`.`column`) FROM `table`,`anothertable`
-- or if there are any NULL values try this
SELECT CONCAT(IFNULL(`table`.`column`,'alternative text if NULL'), 'a-string') FROM `table`
Kind regards --Andreas Plank 10:18, 6 June 2010 (CEST)