User:Muhammad Nasir

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Working as Assistant Plant Protection Officer (Trg. PP), Plant Pathology Research Institute; Ayub Agricultural Research Institute, Jhang Road Faisalabad, Pakistan. Received degree of Master of Sciences (Hons.) Agricuture in Plant Pathology in 2004 from the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan after submission of a dissertation on, “Studies on Purple Top Leaf Roll Disease of Potato caused by Phytoplasma” under the supervision of National Professor Dr. Sardar Muhammad Mughal (Plant Virologist). Primary field is Plant Virology with research emphasis on plant viruses/phytoplasmas. Currently, working on integrated crop management strategies, standardization of fungicides & evaluation of wheat advanced lines against rusts along with imparting training in the field of plant protection to Agri. Extension staff, sugar mills field staff & other stake holders employed to boost up agriculture production within the country.