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File:Wollenweber Fusaria autographice delineata 0996.png |
Ac:furtherInformationURL | + |
Copyright Statement | Copyrighted Material; the copyright remains with the author (not this web publication) + |
Country Name | USA + |
Creator | Hans Wilhelm Wollenweber + |
Description | @en:Drawings and annotations of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae (card no. 996, Wollenweber 1916, 1924, 1930, 1935). See also detailed meta data below. + |
Dwc:associatedMedia | + |
General Keyword | Schematic drawings + |
Language | Latina + |
Language ISO | la + |
License Statement | Creative Commons: Author Attribution Required, Share-Alike (cc-by-sa 3.0) + |
Locality | California + |
MetaFADW:card number | 996 + |
MetaFADW:current accepted name | Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae + |
MetaFADW:interpreted location | USA + |
MetaFADW:interpreted location details | California + |
MetaFADW:interpreted source | Ed. II (Ink Ms) + |
MetaFADW:interpreted substrate | Allium cepa + |
MetaFADW:interpreted substrate part | root + |
MetaFADW:name in Wollenweber 1931 | Fusarium bulbigenum Cke. et Mass. f. 1 Wr. n. c. + |
MetaFADW:other names in Wollenweber 1931 | syn. F. cromyophthoron Sideris + |
MetaFADW:substrate in Wollenweber 1931 | rad. Allii cepae + |
MetaFADW:verbatim heading name different from bottom name | Fusarium cromyophthoron Sideris + |
MetaFADW:verbatim location | Californiae, Amer. Bor., pr. Stockton + |
MetaFADW:verbatim name | Fusarium bulbigenum Cke. et Mass. f. 1 Wollenw. n. c. + |
MetaFADW:verbatim other names | Fusarium cromyophthoron Sideris [type/authentic] + , Fusarium lycopersici (Sacc.) Wollenw. + |
MetaFADW:verbatim substrate | rad. Allii cepae + |
Metadata Creator | M. Burhenne; G. Hagedorn; + |
Page Name | Wollenweber Fusaria autographice delineata 0996.png + |
Published Source | Wollenweber, H.W. (1916, 1924, 1930, 1935): Fusaria Autographice Delineata, 1: 1-509, 2: 510-659, 3: 660-1100, 4: 1101-1200. Berlin + |
Scientific Name with Author | Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae + |
Subject Category | Morphology of Fungi + |
Title | Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae (card no. 996, Wollenweber 1916, 1924, 1930, 1935) + |
Type | StillImage + |
Has query "Has query" is a predefined property that represents meta information (in form of a subobject) about individual queries.
File:Wollenweber Fusaria autographice delineata 0996.png + , File:Wollenweber Fusaria autographice delineata 0996.png + , File:Wollenweber Fusaria autographice delineata 0996.png + , File:Wollenweber Fusaria autographice delineata 0996.png + , File:Wollenweber Fusaria autographice delineata 0996.png + |
Has improper value for "Has improper value for" is a predefined property to track input errors for irregular value annotations that was likely caused by type or allowed value restrictions.
Subtype + |
Categories | Morphology of Fungi , Schematic drawings , Metadata Sources , Images by Wollenweber Fusaria Autographice Delineata |
Modification date This property is a special property in this wiki.
3 April 2015 22:25:27 + |
Page has default form This property is a special property in this wiki.
Metadata Fusaria Autographice Delineata Wollenweber + |
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File:Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae (card no. 996 of Wollenweber “Fusaria autographice delineata” from 1916, 1924, 1930, 1935).png + | redirect page |