Scaleble vector graphics (SVG) for schematic drawings or diagramms of animals, plants or fungi or whatever. They can be easily made with the free vector drawing software Inkscape.
Media (including all subcategories, 36 total)
Logo for amphibians File:Amphibia logo.svg
File:Bug in Amber no reflection.svg
Bumblebee File:Bumblebee Pearson Scott Foresman.svg
File:Chiroptera echolocation.svg
Logo for determination File:Determination logo 2 question.svg
Logo for determination File:Determination logo 2.svg
Logo for determination File:Determination logo question.svg
File:Dragonfly 2 (PSF).svg
Dragonfly icon File:Dragonfly icon.svg
Fersenhöcker Kleiner Wasserfrosch ( Rana lessonae) File:Fersenhoecker Kleiner Wasserfrosch.svg
Fersenhöcker Seefrosch ( Rana ridibunda) File:Fersenhoecker Seefrosch.svg
Fersenhöcker Kleiner Wasserfrosch ( Rana lessonae) File:Fersenhoecker Teichfrosch.svg
Frog schematic simple File:Frosch einfach.svg
Schallblasen seitlich File:Froschlurche-kehlige-Schallblasen.svg
Schallblasen seitlich File:Froschlurche-seitliche-Schallblasen.svg
Grasshopper File:Grasshoppermetasnodgrass last stage.svg
File:Gulf Fritillary Life Cycle NL.svg
File:Gulf Fritillary Life Cycle.svg
Scheme of an Pentatomoidea (Heteroptera) File:Heteroptera Rhynchota-Pentatomoidea-schematic.svg
Shape of snail-shells File:Hoch.svg
Kurzflügelige Insekten File:InsektenKurzfluegel 1.svg
Toad schematic simple File:Kroete einfach.svg
Muschelschale feingestreift File:Muschel feingestreift.svg
Mollusca pictogram File:Muscheln-Schnecken.svg
File:Ppullula-wing-gray indicated.svg
Eye's pupil horizontal File:Pupil-eye horizontal.svg
Eye's pupil triangualar File:Pupil-eye triangular Bombina.svg
Eye's pupil vertical File:Pupil-eye-vertical.svg
This category has only the following subcategory.