User:Daniel Mietchen/Talks/Elephas 2011/Obstacles
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< User:Daniel Mietchen | Talks | Elephas 2011
What I wonder is why professors don't curate [pages on] Wikipedia and add course materials and open access sections of textbooks, much of which they post online anyways. We aren't really seeing the potential that you would hope for with all of the Web 2.0 tools out there. We aren't seeing the academic community take advantage of them as much as other subsets of the community. — David Lipman
Obstacles to using wikis in scholarly publishing
- Some, e.g. integration with reference managers (particularly for data and items not available online), or export/import to & from XML, especially JATS, or karma systems compatible with traditional reputation systems (e.g. by coupling to ORCID)
- Scholars are used to type their manuscripts in Word processors for an end product designed for print
- Publishers have an opportunity to initiate change here
- recognition problem by funders, tenure committees and scientists in general
- similar problems affected online publications, open data and open access long before, and their initial adoption heavily depended on model projects
- scholars not ready to have their writings peer-edited