User:Bart De Dijn

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I have been studying stingless bees (Meliponines) and orchid bees (Euglossines), mainly in Suriname. My interest in terms of keys is mainly in Neotropical Entomology and Botany.

I have a developed a draft key to the Euglossa orchid bees of Suriname, and would be interested to finalize this at some point and make it more widely available digitally, so that it can be augmented and expanded by others. The initial key would work well for most Euglossa spp. of the Guiana Shield and Northern Amazonia in general. Collaborators would be most welcome that have access to type material of Euglossa species, and can check if the type material and key are in agreement. High quality images of the type material can be very helpful to improve and add to the key. I have already checked a substantial amount of type material at SI in Washington (DC) and in Gainesville (Florida), but more checking is required, esp. of material stored in musea in Europe and Brazil.