Laetiporus cincinnatus (Morgan) Burds., Banik & Volk

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Laetiporus cincinnatus (Morgan) Burds., Banik & Volk, Folia Cryptog. Estonica 33, 1998.

Basidiocarps annual, centrally stipitate, arising from the soil as a rosette up to 45(-60) cm diam., rearly imbricate from a tree trunk; pilei flabelliform up to 15 cm long, 10 cm wide and 3cm thick, upper surface bright salmon orange when fresh (Burdsall & Banik 2001), bright ochraceous when dry; pore surface cream color when fresh (Burdsall & Banik 2001), fading to pale tan on drying, pores nearly circular at first, becoming more angular in age, 2-4 per mm; tube layer up to 5mm thick;context pale yellow, drying crumbly or chalky. Hyphal system dimitic; contextual generative hyphae rarely apparent in the context, thin-walled, hyaline, simple-septate, up to 15 µm in diam.; contextual binding hyphae, firm- to thick-walled, hyaline, nonseptate, much branched and interlocking, up to 18 µm in diam.; tramal generative hyphae thin-walled, hyaline simple-septate, 2.5-5.0 µm diam.; tramal skeletal hyphae thick- to firm-walled,2.5-5 µm in diam. Cystidia or other sterile hymenial elements lacking. Basidia clavate, 4 sterigmate, 15 × 7.5µm (Burdsall & Banik 2001) simple-septate at the base, Basidiospores ovoid to ellipsoid, hyaline, smooth, IKI-, CB-, 4.8-5.5 × 3.0-4.2 µm, L = 5.1 µm, W = 3.9µm, r = 1.31, R = 1.19-1.45. (4.5-5.5 × 3.5-4.0 µm by Burdsall and Banik, 2001)

Substrata: hardwood trees especially Quercus spp. occurring on soil near the base of large old hardwood tree.

Distribution: the eastern and Midwestern USA.

Type of rot: brown rot, root and butt rot

DNA sequences (nuclear ribosomal DNA of ITS1, 5.8S and ITS2): EU402560[[1]], EU402559[[2]], EU402558[[3]]


子実体は1年生、中心生、土壌からロゼット状に発生する。子実体の大きさは45(-60)cm以下。まれに幹から重なりあって発生することがある。は扇型、長さ10cm、幅10cm、厚さ3cm。傘の表面は生時は明るいサーモンオレンジ色、のちに色あせて淡褐色になる。子実層托は菅孔状、菅孔表面はクリーム色、のちに色あせて淡褐色になる。孔口ははじめ円形のちにより角型になる。2-5個/mm。菅孔の長さは5mm以下。傘肉は淡黄色、新鮮時は多湿柔軟でもろい肉質、古くなり乾燥するともろく砕けやすくなる。 子実体組織の菌糸型は2菌糸型:傘肉の原菌糸は無色、薄壁、クランプをもたない、ほとんど分岐しない、径15µm以下。結合菌糸は径18 µm以下。実質組織の原菌糸は薄壁、無色、クランプを欠く、径2.5-5.0µm。骨格菌糸は厚壁、無色、径2.5-5.0µm。 担子器は4小柄、大きさ15 × 7.5µm、基部にクランプを欠く 担子胞子は楕円形~卵形、無色、平滑、IKI-, CB-, 4.8-5.5 × 3.0-4.2 µm, L = 5.1 µm, W = 3.9µm, r = 1.31, R = 1.19-1.45 (Ota et al. in preparation) (4.5-5.5 × 3.5-4.0 µm by Burdsall and Banik, 2001)

基質および宿主: 広葉樹大木 特にコナラ属。広葉樹大木の根元付近の土壌より発生。

分布: 北アメリカ東部および中西部地域
