Main Page

From Species-ID
Revision as of 18:26, 15 May 2009 by Gregor Hagedorn (Talk | contribs) (first design)

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Welcome to Species ID

Species-ID is dedicated to species descriptions and identification keys. It supports projects creating keys as well as projects creating species identification software. While general pages are dedicated to neutrality, authored pages may support their respective views in polite intercourse. Respecting each others opinion is an essential part of participating here.

This site is community-owned and supported by a consortium of the following service sponsors (List and logos to come here) - What this means.

Despite using Wikipedia-like software this is not Wikipedia. Important differences are:

  • You may create authored pages as well as fully collaborative pages
  • You may publish primary data and original information here
  • You may provide identification software for download
  • While contributors may include professional scientists, students, and amateurs, we will not support anonymous access. We also request your real name, as the custom of science requires.

If you are interested in a collaboration, please go to login and request an account (there may be a delay of 1 day until you are confirmed).

Species ID Portals