1 | a | Bird either clattering its bill or drumming on wood. | ► 2 |
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1 | b | Bird singing or calling. | ► 5 |
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2 | a | | |
2 | b | Bird less than half as large, usually climbing the trees using stiff tail as a support. Drumming rhythmically on tree trunks (woodpeckers). | ► 3 |
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3 | a | | |
3 | b | | |
4 | a | | |
4 | b | | |
5 | a | Singing mostly during the night. | ► 6 |
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5 | b | Singing mostly during the day. | ► 9 |
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6 | a | | |
6 | b | Song composed of clear, short notes with a pause between each one, regularly repeated. | ► 7 |
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6 | c | Song usually long and melodious, without a pause. | ► 8 |
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7 | a | | |
7 | b | | |
8 | a | | |
8 | b | Song fluting and warbling, often begining with a few high, drawn-out, thin notes, then the verse droping in pitch and speeding up with fast runs of trembling and excited, clear squeaky notes. Template:Inline Sound | | Robin (Erithacus rubecula) | |
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8 | c | | |
9 | a | Bird climbing tree trunks using the stiff tail as a support or climbing in all directions. | ► 10 |
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9 | b | Bird rarely climbing tree trunks and then only climbing upwards without using tail as a support. | ► 14 |
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10 | a | | |
10 | b | Bird always climbing upwards using its tail for support. | ► 11 |
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11 | a | | |
11 | b | Medium sized woodpecker, somewhat larger than a Blackbird. Back black or green. Making loud calls or drumming on wood. | ► 12 |
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12 | a | | |
12 | b | | |
12 | c | Back green. Drums in spring. | ► 13 |
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13 | a | | |
13 | b | | |
14 | a | Bird 2 to 3 times the size of a Blackbird. | ► 15 |
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14 | b | Bird approximately the same size as a Blackbird. | ► 23 |
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14 | c | Bird at most half of the size of the Blackbird. | ► 24 |
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Larger bird, 2-3 times the size of a Blackbird |
15 | a | Bird uniformly coloured (black or grey). | ► 16 |
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15 | b | Bird bi-coloured or multi-coloured. | ► 19 |
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16 | a | Bird mostly uniformly medium or light grey, the breast and belly only slightly lighter than the rest of the plumage. | ► 17 |
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16 | b | Bird mostly uniformly black or dark grey. | ► 18 |
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17 | a | Abundant in parks, often feeding on grass lawns. Neck with a large white patch at the side. Wing with uniformly grey underside and a white transverse band clearly visible on the upper surface in flight. Singing high up in the canopy. Song is a hollow, hoarse, stifled, growling hooh-hrooo ... Template:Inline Sound | | Wood Pigeon (Columba palumbus) |
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17 | b | Widespread and abundant in towns and cities, usually in flocks. Generally grey, but also in many colour variants. Wings white on underside. Song is a moaning drroo-u, repeated several times, often with faint increase in volume. | | Feral Pigeon (Columba livia domestica) |
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17 | c | | |
18 | a | Bird appearing completely dark at a distance but at closer range is dark grey with lighter grey over neck and nape. Call a rather short and cutting kyack. | | Jackdaw (Corvus monedula) |
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18 | b | | |
19 | a | Bird bi-coloured (generally only two colours of plumage). | ► 20 |
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19 | b | Bird multi-coloured. | ► 21 |
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20 | a | Black and white bird with very long tail. Most calls are hoarse and unmusical. Best known is long-drown-out, fast very hoarse staccato series tsche-tsche-tsche ... Template:Inline Sound | | Magpie (Pica pica) | |
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20 | b | | |
21 | a | Wings broadly rounded; wings and tail black and white striped. Orange body and crown with an erectile crest like that of a Native American Chief. Bill long, narrow and slightly down-curved. Song hollow, muffled with 3 (sometimes only 2) syllables oop-oop-oop. Template:Inline Sound | | Hoopoe (Upupa epops) |
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21 | b | Wings pointed and triangular; wings and tail long. Bill short. | ► 22 |
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22 | a | | |
22 | b | Bird of prey with reddish-brown back contrasting with dark grey wing tips. Frequently hovers with hanging tail spread like a fan. Calls in flight with a fast series of short, sharp notes kee-kee-kee ... Template:Inline Sound | | Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) | |
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Medium-sized bird, similar in size to a Blackbird |
23 | a | | |
23 | b | | |
23 | c | | |
Small bird, the size of a Sparrow |
24 | a | | |
24 | b | Bird more delicate in all its parts. Tail longer. | ► 25 |
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25 | a | Breast uniformly bright orange. | ► 26 |
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25 | b | | |
25 | c | Breast whitish, grey or brown. | ► 28 |
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26 | a | Back brown, belly white. Legs brown. Song fluting and warbling, often beginning with a few high, drawn-out, thin notes, and then the verse dropping in pitch and speeding up with fast runs of trembling and excited, clear, squeaky notes. Template:Inline Sound | | Robin (Erithacus rubecula) | |
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26 | b | | |
27 | a | | |
27 | b | | |
27 | c | Head black with large,white cheek patch. Underparts yellow with a black band stretching from the throat towards the tail. Rhythmic ringing song ti-ta ti-ta ti-ta or ti-ti-ta ti-ti-ta ti-ti-ta. Template:Inline Sound | | Great Tit (Parus major) | |
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28 | a | Upper side (at least back in tail) mainly black. Silhouette with long, narrow pointed wings and forked tail (Swallow like silhouette). | ► 29 |
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28 | b | | |
28 | c | | |
28 | d | Upper side not black, brown or grey. | ► 37 |
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29 | a | Bird entirely black except for the pale throat. Usually observed in flight, catching insects and calling with a shrill, monotone, ringing scream srriiirr. Template:Inline Sound | | Swift (Apus apus) |
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29 | b | Belly and underparts of the tail white. | ► 30 |
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30 | a | | |
30 | b | White throat, underparts and rump contrasting sharply with otherwise black upperparts. Black tail is short and moderately forked. Usually breeding in small colonies with the nests attached on the outside of houses. Noisy, especially in colonies. Gives incessant dry but pleasing twitter prrit. Template:Inline Sound | | House Martin (Delichon urbica) | |
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31 | a | Bird more or less entirely brownish. Song long and melodious; pauses between syllables are short. | ► 32 |
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31 | b | Bird with only upperparts brownish. Breast and belly whitish or greyish. Syllables of the song are short, with a longer pause between. | ► 33 |
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32 | a | Very small, uniformly brown bird, with the tail held erect when singing. Usually found in forest or in city parks and large gardens with dense vegetation. Sings loudly, usually from the lower branches of trees or the tops of bushes. Template:Inline Sound | | Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes) |
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32 | b | | |
32 | c | | |
33 | a | | |
33 | b | | |
34 | a | Head colours making a distinctive mask. | ► 35 |
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34 | b | Head uniformly coloured. | ► 36 |
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35 | a | | |
35 | b | | |
35 | c | | |
36 | a | | |
36 | b | | |
37 | a | Bird yellowish-green in general appearance, with no prominent white pattern on wings or head. | ► 38 |
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37 | b | Bird more bright coloured, with white patterns on wings or head. | ► 39 |
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38 | a | | |
38 | b | Smaller, more delicate bird with tiny bill. Song a very fast and almost strained stream of squeaky, sharp and jingling notes at even pitch. Sings from treetops or in song-flights made with stiff, slow-motion wingbeats. Template:Inline Sound | | Serin (Serinus serinus) |
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39 | a | | |
39 | b | Very colourful bird (black, yellow, red, brown, white) with an unmistakable red “face”. Wings black with a broad yellow bar. Song rather quiet; consisting of rapid trills, meowing notes and twittering sequences. Template:Inline Sound | | Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) |
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