1 | | | |
– | | Metasomal depression not setose (Fig. 141) | | 3 |
| |
2 | | | |
– | | | |
3 | | Metascutellum setose dorsally (Figs 83, 128, 140, 364, 405) | | 4 |
| |
– | | Metascutellum not setose dorsally (Figs 146,
236, 255) | | 16 |
| |
4 | | Metascutellum dorsally nearly flat, apically convex (Fig. 364) | | Oxyscelio peludo Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Metascutellum dorsally concave, apically emarginate (Figs (Figs 83, 128, 140, 405) | | 5 |
| |
5 | | Frontal depression flat or nearly so; submedian carina absent or indicated only dorsally by a weak elevation or short carina (Figs 84, 379, 406). Philippines: Oxyscelio carinatus Species Group | | 6 |
| |
– | | Lead statement missing! | | Frontal depression deeply concave; submedian carina strong, extending laterally to form a protruding hood-like structure (Figs 59, 142, 317) Oxyscelio mesiodentis Species Complex 9 |
| |
6 | | Small and tooth-like oblique flange present between antennal foramina and eye (Fig. 406) | | Oxyscelio spinosiceps (Kieffer) |
| |
– | | Ventral frons without oblique flange (Figs 84, 379) | | 7 |
| |
7 | | Mesoscutum anteriorly tall and very steep, almost at a right angle (Fig. 377). Metascutellum with many (>5) dorsal setae (Fig. 378) | | Oxyscelio praecipitis Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Mesoscutum sometimes anteriorly weakly curved, not nearly at a right angle (Fig. 430). Metascutellum with 2-4 dorsal setae (Figs 83, 431) | | 8 |
| |
8 | | Radicle darker than scape (Fig. 84). Female: fore wing long enough to reach to or beyond T6 (Fig. 85) | | Oxyscelio carinatus (Kieffer) |
| |
– | | Radicle same color as scape (Figs 430, 432) . Female: fore wing not long enough to reach T6 (Fig. 433) | | Oxyscelio vittae Burks, sp. n. |
| |
9 | | Straight, vertical facial carina present extending dorsoventrally alongside antennal foramen (Fig. 317). Male: submedian carina with a small protrusion medially that intercedes between pedicels when antenna at rest (Figs 60, 320) | | 10 |
| |
– | | Vertical facial carina absent (Figs 142, 182). Male: submedian carina without median protrusion (Fig. 127) | | 11 |
| |
10 | | 1st metatarsomere over 1.1x as long as metatarsomeres 2–5 combined. Body long: females over 4 mm, males over 3.4 mm | | Oxyscelio mesiodentis Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | 1st metatarsomere less than 1.1x as long as metatarsomeres 2–5 combined Body short: females less than 4 mm, males less than 3.3 mm | | Oxyscelio brevidentis Burks, sp. n. |
| |
11 | | Female: T1 midlobe with 5 straight and anteriorly complete longitudinal carinae (as in Fig. 85). Male: A5 tyloid carina-like, not expanded (as in Fig. 136); T7 always with sharp and elongate posterolateral corners (Fig. 144) | | 12 |
| |
– | | Female: T1 midlobe with 4 anteriorly complete longitudinal carinae (Figs 37, 98), or with an irregular curved set of carinae that are difficult to discern medially (Figs 183, 422, 425). Male: A5 tyloid expanded, teardrop-shaped or sinuate (Figs 36, 99, 424); T7 with rounded or sharp posterior corners, but these not narrow and elongate (Figs 37, 425) | | 13 |
| |
12 | | Occipital carina connected to hyperoccipital carina by a median carina (as in Fig. 356) | | Oxyscelio crassicornis (Kieffer) |
| |
– | | Occipital carina not connected to hyperoccipital carina (Fig. 140) | | Oxyscelio crustum Burks, sp. n. |
| |
13 | | Postmarginal vein absent or very short: less than 1/3 stigmal vein length. Female: A4 longer than broad (Fig. 180) | | Oxyscelio doumao Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Postmarginal vein long: more than 1/3 stigmal vein length. Female: A4 usually as broad or broader than long (Figs 35, 96; exception: Oxyscelio unguis, Figs 420, 423) | | 14 |
| |
14 | | Medial mesoscutum with longitudinal rugae posteriorly (Fig. 97). Male: T1 midlobe with 3 longitudinal carinae | | Oxyscelio ceylonensis (Dodd) |
| |
– | | Medial mesoscutum without longitudinal rugae (Figs 34, 421). Male: T1 midlobe with 4 or 5 longitudinal carinae (Figs 37, 425) | | 15 |
| |
15 | | Mesoscutum and mesoscutellum forming a strong arch in lateral view (Fig. 32). Female: T1 midlobe longitudinal carinae in pairs (with no median carina) but not broadly separated medially (as in Fig. 37) | | Oxyscelio arcus Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Mesoscutum and mesoscutellum not forming such a steep arch (Fig. 420). Female: T1 midlobe longitudinal carinae in two broadly separated pairs with sometimes an irregular or split median carina between the pairs (Fig. 422) | | Oxyscelio unguis Burks, sp. n. |
| |
16 | | Hyperoccipital carina indicated by a sharp carina but not connected to occipital carina laterally (Figs 58, 146, 318) | | 17 |
| |
– | | Hyperoccipital carina absent, indicated by one or more rounded rugae (Figs 11, 39), or connected to occipital carina laterally (Figs 132, 403) | | 27 |
| |
17 | | Ventral frons with oblique flange between antennal foramen and eye (Fig. 347) | | Oxyscelio nubbin Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Ventral frons without oblique flange between antennal foramen and eye (Fig. 237) | | 18 |
| |
18 | | Netrion smooth centrally, with only two rows of foveae peripherally (Fig. 312). Frontal depression nearly flat (Fig. 314) | | Oxyscelio marginalis (Kieffer) |
| |
– | | Netrion with additional foveae centrally or crossed by rugae (Fig. 145, 235). Frontal depression deeply concave (Fig. 147, 274, 428) | | 19 |
| |
19 | | Metascutellum narrowing posteriorly, truncate or very slightly emarginate apically (Figs 23, 273, 427) | | 20 |
| |
– | | Metascutellum deeply divided apically (Figs 49, 146) | | 22 |
| |
20 | | Lateral propodeal carinae broadly separated anteriorly (as in Fig. 181). T1 midlobe with 6 longitudinal carinae. Gena roughly sculptured, without granulate sculpture (Fig. 22) | | Oxyscelio angustifrons Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Lateral propodeal carinae narrowly separated anteriorly (Figs 275, 427). T1 midlobe with 4 or 5 longitudinal carinae. Gena with extensive granulate sculpture or nearly smooth (Fig. 272, 426) | | 21 |
| |
21 | | Metasomal depression strongly sculptured (Fig. 427). Gena without middle carina or ruga (Fig. 427) | | Oxyscelio vadorum Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Metasomal depression not sculptured (Fig. 275). Gena with middle carina or ruga (Fig. 272) | | Oxyscelio kramatos Burks, sp. n. |
| |
22 | | T1 midlobe with 5 or more anteriorly complete longitudinal carinae (Fig. 49). Occipital carina with a sharply narrowed median peak (Fig. 49). Female: metasomal depression with complete median carina (Fig. 51); A3-A6 longer than broad | | Oxyscelio aureamediocritas Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | T1 midlobe with 4 anteriorly complete longitudinal carinae (Fig. 148). Occipital carina without median peak (Fig. 146). Female: metasomal depression often with sculpture, but not a complete median carina (Fig. 256); at least A6 broader than long (Fig. 253) | | 23 |
| |
23 | | Metasomal depression with a pair of anterior areoles separated by a tiny median carina. Male: submedian carina with a small protrusion medially, separating pedicels when antenna at rest (as in Fig. 320) | | Oxyscelio bipunctuum Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Metasomal depression smooth or with only a single median areole anteriorly (Fig. 256). Male: submedian carina without protrusion medially (as in Fig. 147) | | 24 |
| |
24 | | Metascutellum narrowing apically, with posterolateral corners slightly convergent (Fig. 117) | | Oxyscelio convergens Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Metascutellum not narrowing apically, posterolateral corners not convergent (Fig. 146) | | 25 |
| |
25 | | Mesoscutellum without granulate sculpture (Fig. 146). Propodeal carinae anteromedially broadly separated (as in Fig. 97) | | Oxyscelio cuculli Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Mesoscutellum posterolaterally with some granulate sculpture (Figs 236, 255–256). Propodeal carinae anteromedially narrowly separated (Fig. 256) | | 26 |
| |
26 | | Mesoscutellum lacking granulate sculpture medially, but posterolaterally with granulate microsculpture (Figs 255–256). Propodeum anteriorly relatively long, its carinae anteromedially not expanded, proceeding for a long distance anteriorly before reaching anterior rim (Fig. 256) | | Oxyscelio intermedietas Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Mesoscutellum uniformly sculptured, with strong granulate microsculpture (Figs 236). Propodeum anteriorly shorter, its carinae expanded (Fig. 238) | | Oxyscelio granorum Burks, sp. n. |
| |
27 | | Ventral frons with oblique carina-like or tooth-like flange between antennal foramen and eye (Figs 7, 335, 361) | | 28 |
| |
– | | Ventral frons without flange or carina between antennal foramen and eye (Figs 134, 291) | | 37 |
| |
28 | | Female: club not expanded or compact (Fig. 6). Males unknown | | Oxyscelio aclavae Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Specimen male, or female with an expanded and compact antennal club (Fig. 284) | | 29 |
| |
29 | | Metascutellum dorsally convex (Figs 246, 360) | | 30 |
| |
– | | Metascutellum dorsally flat or concave (Figs 152, 226, 400) | | 31 |
| |
30 | | Metascutellum deeply triangularly emarginate apically (Fig. 360). Female: T5, T6 not nearly parallel-sided (Fig. 362) | | Oxyscelio operimenti Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Metascutellum nearly truncate apically (Fig. 246). Female: T5, T6 very narrow, nearly parallel-sided (Fig. 248) | | Oxyscelio greenacus Burks, sp. n. |
| |
31 | | T2 with sublateral longitudinal depressions (as in Fig. 217) | | Oxyscelio rugosus (Kieffer) |
| |
– | | T2 without sublateral depressions (Fig. 403) | | 32 |
| |
32 | | Hyperoccipital carina connected laterally with occipital carina (Figs 400, 403). Female: T6 terminating in an elongate, sharp spine (Fig. 402). Male: T7 with rounded posterior corners (Fig. 403) | | Oxyscelio spinae Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Hyperoccipital carina not distinctly connected with occipital carina laterally (Fig. 334). Female: T6 not terminating in elongate spine (Fig. 336). male: T7 with sharp posterior corners | | 33 |
| |
33 | | Metascutellum longer than broad, with a narrow median channel (Fig. 285) | | Oxyscelio latinubbin Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Metascutellum broader than long, with a median fovea or set of rugae (Figs 226, 334) | | 34 |
| |
34 | | T1 midlobe with 3 anteriorly separate longitudinal carinae (Fig. 336) | | Oxyscelio nasolabii Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | T1 midlobe with 5 or more anteriorly separate longitudinal carinae, or T1 without separate longitudinal carinae (Figs 29, 152) | | 35 |
| |
35 | | | |
– | | Metascutellum large and broad, rugose medially (Figs 27, 226) | | 36 |
| |
36 | | Frontal depression crossed by 1 (faint) transverse carina (Fig. 227). Female: T1 midlobe with strong anterior horn and no longitudinal carinae | | Oxyscelio foveatus Kieffer |
| |
– | | Frontal depression with 3 or more transverse carinae dorsally (Fig. 28). Female: T1 midlobe without anterior horn, with 6 strong and complete longitudinal carinae (Fig. 29) | | Oxyscelio angustinubbin Burks, sp. n. |
| |
37 | | Occipital carina with sharp, protruding lateral corners (Figs 155–156) | | 38 |
| |
– | | Occipital carina rounded laterally, without lateral corners (Figs 381–382) | | 69 |
| |
38 | | Mesoscutellar rim medially sharply incised (Fig. 123) | | Oxyscelio cordis Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Mesoscutellum apically convex, straight, or broadly concave posteriorly, but rim not incised (Fig. 289) | | 39 |
| |
39 | | Propodeum forming a complete, roughly sculptured arch protruding over the base of T1 (Figs 435, 438) | | Oxyscelio zeuctomesos Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Propodeum with at most a slight arch anteriorly, not protruding over the base of T1 (Fig. 289) | | 40 |
| |
40 | | Occipital carina medially flat, with sharp dorso-lateral corners, distinctly indicated throughout (Fig. 375) | | Oxyscelio planocarinae Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Occipital carina absent or convex medially | | 41 |
| |
41 | | Netrion anteriorly deeply concave (Fig. 196) | | 42 |
| |
– | | Netrion not concave (Fig. 351) | | 43 |
| |
42 | | Occipital carina and submedian carina acuminate medially (Figs 89–90). Metascutellum extending beyond anterior margin of propodeum (Fig. 89) | | Oxyscelio cavinetrion Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Occipital carina absent medially (Fig. 197), submedian carina rounded medially (Fig. 198). Metascutellum very tiny, hardly extending beyond anterior margin of propodeum (Fig. 197) | | Oxyscelio flavipennis (Kieffer) |
| |
43 | | Mesoscutum and mesoscutellum smooth and shiny, head and mesosoma without granulate sculpture (Figs 352, 415). Seram | | 44 |
| |
– | | Mesoscutum and mesoscutellum, if nearly smooth, then strongly granulate (Fig. 328) | | 45 |
| |
44 | | | |
– | | | |
45 | | Metascutellum elongate, extending past propodeal apex (Fig. 307) | | Oxyscelio magnus (Kieffer) |
| |
– | | Metascutellum not elongate, not extending past propodeal apex (Figs 289, 356) | | 45 |
| |
46 | | Occipital carina submedially concave, medially acuminate or with a strongly convex middle section (Figs 356, 396). Submedian carina acuminate medially (Fig. 357). Oxyscelio ogive Species Group | | 47 |
| |
– | | Occipital carina and submedian carina absent medially or uniformly rounded medially (Figs 65, 130) | | 50 |
| |
47 | | Metascutellum rugose medially, without transverse carinae (Figs 193, 396) | | 48 |
| |
– | | Metascutellum smooth medially, or with transverse carinae (Figs 279, 356) | | 49 |
| |
48 | | Mesoscutellum with many strong longitudinal rugae (Fig. 396). Occipital carina with a strong median peak or arch (Fig. 396) | | Oxyscelio sinuum Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Mesoscutellum without longitudinal rugae (Fig. 193). Occipital carina rounded medially (Fig. 193) | | Oxyscelio flabelli Burks, sp. n. |
| |
49 | | Fore wing not long enough to reach beyond T5 in females (Fig. 358). Occipital carina with a sharp peak medially (Fig. 356) | | Oxyscelio ogive Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Fore wing long enough to reach middle of T6 in females. Occipital carina weakly sinuate, with a weaker median peak (Fig. 281) | | Oxyscelio labis Burks, sp. n. |
| |
50 | | Males (metasoma with 8 externally visible terga, the 8th small and directed posteriorly) | | 51 |
| |
– | | Females (metasoma with 6 externally visible terga on dorsal surface of metasoma, last pair of terga held internally unless ovipositor system extruded) | | 59 |
| |
51 | | T1 midlobe with 6 or more anteriorly complete longitudinal carinae (Fig. 69) | | 52 |
| |
– | | T1 midlobe with 5 or fewer anteriorly complete longitudinal carinae (Fig. 224) | | 54 |
| |
52 | | Head with depression extending from median ocellus to submedian carina (Fig. 251). Halmahera | | Oxyscelio halmaherae Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Head without such a depression (Fig. 67) | | 53 |
| |
53 | | Mesoscutellum with granulate sculpture (Fig. 179). Body brownish. the Philippines | | Oxyscelio dorsalis (Kieffer) |
| |
– | | Mesoscutellum without granulate sculpture (Fig. 65). Body metallic blue. Christmas Island | | Oxyscelio caesitas Burks, sp. n. |
| |
54 | | T7 with bluntly rounded posterior corners that are not tapering (Fig. 132) | | Oxyscelio crateris Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | T7 with tapering posterior corners (Fig. 224) | | 55 |
| |
55 | | | |
– | | Interantennal process not elongate (Fig. 155) | | 6 |
| |
56 | | | |
– | | A11 broader than long (Figs 292, 331) | | 57 |
| |
57 | | Propodeum forming an interrupted arch over the base of T1, with metascutellum resting in the interruption (Fig. 159) | | Oxyscelio cyrtomesos Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Propodeum not forming an arch over base of T1 (Fig. 332), metascutellum not so closely associated with propodeum | | 58 |
| |
58 | | Metascutellum with a smooth median area or with branched rugae (Fig. 332) | | Oxyscelio naraws Kozlov & Le |
| |
– | | | |
59 | | T2 with strong, curved and parallel sublateral striae, the medial ones without setae between them (Figs 66, 413); triangular anteromedian area present between the two sets of striae, setose and slightly raised (Fig. 413). Oxyscelio striarum Species Group | | 60 |
| |
– | | T2 with weaker longitudinal rugae or striae, with setae between all of them, and with no raised triangular area medially (Fig. 330) | | 61 |
| |
60 | | | |
– | | Body brownish. Mesoscutellar apex straight or weakly convex (Fig. 411) | | Oxyscelio striarum Burks, sp. n. |
| |
61 | | T2 and anterior part of T3 with sublateral longitudinal depressions, these medially bordered by a strong carina or unusually strong ruga (Fig. 217). Oxyscelio fossarum Species Group | | 62 |
| |
– | | T2 and T3 without sublateral longitudinal depressions (Fig. 330) | | 66 |
| |
62 | | Mesoscutellum with granulate sculpture (Fig. 156) | | 63 |
| |
– | | Mesoscutellum without granulate sculpture (Fig. 211) | | 65 |
| |
63 | | Metascutellum tongue-shaped; propodeum forming a long arch over base of T1, with a narrow median break (Fig. 156) | | Oxyscelio cyrtomesos Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Metascutellum broader and subrectangular or apically emarginate; propodeum forming only a very short arch anteriorly, this not overhanging base of T1 and without median break (Figs 215, 221) | | 64 |
| |
64 | | Fore wings long enough to reach middle of T4 (Fig. 217). T1 midlobe without longitudinal carinae anteriorly (Fig. 217) | | Oxyscelio fossarum Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Fore wings long enough to reach middle of T5 or beyond. T1 midlobe with longitudinal carinae anteriorly (Fig. 222) | | Oxyscelio fossularum Burks, sp. n. |
| |
’’Note’’: | ’’Note’’: | Lead statement missing! | | Unknown females of Oxyscelio fistulae would key to this couplet, but should be distinguished in having an elongate interantennal process (as in Fig. 190). |
| |
65 | | T5, T6 elongate and nearly parallel-sided (Fig. 213). Fore wings long enough to reach middle of T4 | | Oxyscelio fodiens Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | T5, T6 moderately broad and tapering, not nearly parallel-sided (Fig. 9). Fore wings long enough to reach middle of T5 | | Oxyscelio acutiventris (Kieffer) |
| |
66 | | | |
– | | | |
67 | | | |
– | | T5, T6 moderately broad and tapering, broader and not nearly parallel-sided (Figs 330, 372) | | 68 |
| |
68 | | | |
– | | Metascutellum about as long as broad, convex or truncate apically (Figs 328, 330) | | Oxyscelio naraws Kozlov & Le |
| |
69 | | Frontal depression crossed by many (>5) transverse carinae or grooves along its entire length, or with many dorsal transverse carinae that are discontinuous medially but reaching the midpoint from both sides (Figs 102, 343). (Fig. 342). Oxyscelio noduli Species Group | | 70 |
| |
– | | Frontal depression almost entirely smooth, with fewer than 5 carinae, these either complete or broadly interrupted (Fig. 134) | | 72 |
| |
70 | | Fore wings long enough to reach middle of T6. Metascutellum completely smooth aside from peripheral carina (Fig. 342). T1 midlobe with a very slight, indistinct anterior horn (Fig. 344) | | Oxyscelio noduli Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Fore wings long enough to reach middle of T5. Metascutellum with some central sculpture (Figs 101, 338). T1 midlobe with a strong anterior horn (Fig. 340) | | 71 |
| |
71 | | Body yellowish. Metascutellar apex weakly emarginate (Fig. 101) | | Oxyscelio chimaerae Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Body dark greenish-brown. Metascutellar apex convex (Fig. 338) | | Oxyscelio nodorum Burks, sp. n. |
| |
72 | | Mesosoma anteriorly very tall and steep, descending at a right angle (Figs 16, 294). India, Sri Lanka. Oxyscelio limae Species Group | | 73 |
| |
– | | Mesosoma more weakly curved, not descending at a right angle. Widespread | | 75 |
| |
73 | | Mesoscutum without extra carinae between median carina and notauli (Fig. 18) | | Oxyscelio anguli Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Mesoscutum with extra set of carinae between median carina and notauli, anteriorly with 5 longitudinal carinae (Figs 201, 298) | | 74 |
| |
74 | | Metasoma yellow; metascutellum tiny, not extending over base of T1; T1 midlobe with 5 separate longitudinal carinae in females and no smooth elevation(Fig. 201) | | Oxyscelio flaviventris Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Metasoma black or dark brown; metascutellum large, extending partially over base of T1 (Fig. 298). T1 midlobe with smooth elevation anteriorly in females, this interrupting the carinae (Fig. 296) | | Oxyscelio limae Burks, sp. n. |
| |
75 | | Metascutellum nearly flat and with some rugae or weak irregular sculpture centrally, without transverse carinae (Fig. 173). Oxyscelio florus Species Group | | 76 |
| |
– | | Metascutellum concave, smooth centrally or with one or more sharp transverse carinae (Fig. 137). Oxyscelio crebritas Species Group | | 80 |
| |
76 | | Mesoscutellum with granulate sculpture (Fig. 39) | | Oxyscelio arvi Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Mesoscutellum without granulate sculpture (Fig. 260) | | 77 |
| |
77 | | Upper frons with one or more extra carinae parallel to submedian carina (Figs 174, 206) | | 78 |
| |
– | | Upper frons without additional carinae parallel to submedian carina (Figs 261, 389) | | 79 |
| |
78 | | Fore wings long enough to reach middle of T4 or T5. Mesoscutellum with median carina (Fig. 205) | | Oxyscelio florus Kononova |
| |
– | | Fore wings long enough to reach apex of T5 or middle of T6. Mesoscutellum without median carina (Fig. 173) | | Oxyscelio dermatoglyphes Burks, sp. n. |
| |
79 | | Mesosoma in known specimen yellow (Fig. 259); mesofemoral depression crossed by 3 carinae | | Oxyscelio jaune Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Mesosoma in known specimens black (Fig. 387); mesofemoral depression crossed by more than 5 carinae | | Oxyscelio regionis Burks, sp. n. |
| |
80 | | Mesoscutum and mesoscutellum entirely granulate (Fig. 242) | | 81 |
| |
– | | At least mesoscutum with areas that are not granulate (Figs 137, 264) | | 82 |
| |
81 | | | |
– | | | |
82 | | Mesoscutellum with extensive granulate sculpture laterally (Figs 230, 264) | | 83 |
| |
– | | Mesoscutellum without granulate sculpture (Fig. 137) | | 85 |
| |
83 | | Weak median carina present along occiput (Fig. 232). Gena with very strong middle carina (Fig. 229) | | Oxyscelio genae Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Occiput without median carina (Fig, 264). Middle genal carina not very strong (Fig. 263) | | 84 |
| |
84 | | Male (females unknown): T1 midlobe with 3 longitudinal carinae. Philippines | | Oxyscelio kiefferi Dodd |
| |
– | | T1 midlobe with 4 longitudinal carinae (Fig. 268). | | Oxyscelio jugi Burks, sp. n. |
| |
85 | | Middle genal carina angled towards posterior genal carina (Fig. 381) | | 86 |
| |
– | | Middle genal carina parallel with eye margin (Fig. 133) | | 87 |
| |
86 | | Female: T1 midlobe without anterior elevation, longitudinal carinae distinct (Fig. 383). Male: T7 with rounded posterior corners (Fig. 386) | | Oxyscelio reflectens Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Female: T1 midlobe with smooth elevation rendering anterior carinae uncountable (Fig. 79). Male: T7 with sharp posterior corners (Fig. 81) | | Oxyscelio capitis Burks, sp. n. |
| |
87 | | Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area rugose or with very short carinae that do not cross it, not crossed by long straight carinae (Figs 42, 282) | | 88 |
| |
– | | Metapleuron above ventral metapleural area crossed by long straight carinae, or smooth centrally (Figs 10, 133) | | 90 |
| |
88 | | | |
– | | Submedian carina sharp, well-defined (Fig. 134) | | 89 |
| |
89 | | Male (females unknown): T1 midlobe with 4 anteriorly complete longitudinal carinae (Fig. 187). A5 tyloid carina-like, not expanded. Philippines | | Oxyscelio excavatus (Kieffer) |
| |
– | | Male (see Figs 42–45 for females): T1 midlobe with 3 anteriorly complete longitudinal carinae (as in Fig. 138). A5 tyloid expanded, sinuate or comma-shaped (as in Fig. 385) | | Oxyscelio asperi Burks, sp. n. |
| |
90 | | Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression dense and very numerous, arising only from tiny pits that are not bordered by a carina (Fig. 70) | | Oxyscelio capilli Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Setae along anterior limit of femoral depression more sparsely distributed, arising from foveae that are bordered by a carina dorsally (Fig. 133) | | 91 |
| |
91 | | Medial mesoscutum and mesoscutellum with transverse rugae (Fig. 11). Female: T6 apex sharply acuminate (Fig. 13) | | Oxyscelio amrichae Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Medial mesoscutum and mesoscutellum without transverse rugae (Fig. 137). Female: T6 apex rounded. (Fig. 135) | | 92 |
| |
92 | | Male, T1 midlobe with 5 anteriorly complete longitudinal carinae (Fig. 305) | | 93 |
| |
– | | Female, or T1 midlobe with 4 or fewer anteriorly complete longitudinal carinae (Fig. 138) | | 94 |
| |
93 | | Occipital carina absent medially; medial mesoscutum strongly sculptured, with strong longitudinal elevation between median carina and notaulus (Fig. 301) | | Oxyscelio longiventris Burks, sp. n. |
| |
– | | Occipital carina complete medially; medial mesoscutum weakly sculptured, without elevation between median carina and notaulus (Fig. 323) | | Oxyscelio mollitia Burks, sp. n. |
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94 | | | |
– | | Specimen male, or female with fore wings long enough to reach middle of T5 (Fig. 107) | | 95 |
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95 | | Female: T1 midlobe with smooth elevation anteriorly, obscuring anterior carinae; T6 longer than broad (Figs 107, 325) | | 96 |
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– | | Female: T1 midlobe with 5 separate carinae anteriorly, or T6 broader than long (Fig. 135). (Males cannot be reliably keyed past this couplet) | | 97 |
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96 | | Mesofemoral depression crossed by more than 5 carinae (Fig. 322). Female: A5 longer than broad | | Oxyscelio mollitia Burks, sp. n. |
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– | | Mesofemoral depression crossed by at most 5 carinae (Fig. 104). Female: A5 broader than long | | Oxyscelio codae Burks, sp. n. |
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97 | | Mesoscutum and mesoscutellum shiny, with weak sculpture that appears melted; sculpture of posterior portion of medial mesoscutum umbilicate-punctate (Figs 111,
115). Philippines | | Oxyscelio consobrinus (Kieffer) |
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– | | Mesoscutum and mesoscutellum not shiny, with strong sculpture; sculpture of posterior portion of medial mesoscutum umbilicate-foveate, with no punctate areas (Fig. 137). Widespread, but absent from Philippines | | Oxyscelio crebritas Burks, sp. n. |
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