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335 results found (modify search criteria Crystal Clear action find.png)

  • creator contains “Andreas Plank”

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FileTitle, CaptionMeta Data
File:42-Pflanzentafeln Arbeitsschritt Faecher - Farbkorrektur.png
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42-Pflanzentafeln Arbeitsschritt Faecher - Farbkorrektur.png
Title: Arbeitsschritt Pflanzenfächer -> Farbkorrektur (42-Pflanzentafeln)
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Scientific name with authorship: Dianthus carthusianorum L.; Dianthus deltoides L.
Scientific name without authorship: Dianthus deltoides; Dianthus carthusianorum
File:42-Pflanzentafeln Arbeitsschritt Retusche - Recherche.png
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42-Pflanzentafeln Arbeitsschritt Retusche - Recherche.png
Title: Arbeitsschritt Retusche & Recherche (42-Pflanzentafeln)
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Scientific name with authorship: Dianthus carthusianorum L.; Dianthus deltoides L.
Scientific name without authorship: Dianthus deltoides; Dianthus carthusianorum
Subject category: Images by Natura Miriquidica e.V.
File:Accipiter nisus -Lake District -England -flying-8 (Des Irwin, 1.1. 2000).png
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Accipiter nisus -Lake District -England -flying-8 (Des Irwin, 1.1. 2000).png
Title: Flying Accipiter nisus (background transparent)
Type: StillImage
Creator: Des Irwin; Andreas Plank, 1 January 2000 (Original Creation Date)
Keywords: Transparent background; Morphology of birds
File:Acer pseudoplatanus germ bud.jpg
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Acer pseudoplatanus germ bud.jpg
Title: Keimling Acer pseudoplatanus
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Common names: Sycamore Maple; Berg-Ahorn
Keywords: germ buds
Subject category: Acer pseudoplatanus
English: germ bud
Deutsch: Keimling
File:Agaricus xanthoderma Karbol-Champignon Andreas Plank.jpg
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Agaricus xanthoderma Karbol-Champignon Andreas Plank.jpg
Title: Agaricus xanthoderma
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Common names: Karbol-Champignon
Deutsch: Stilbasis nach Anschnitt gilbend, karboliger Geruch.
English: Basis of stem becomes yellowish after cutting it and with a carbolic smell.
File:Aleuria aurantia Gemeiner Orangebecherling Andreas Plank.jpg
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Aleuria aurantia Gemeiner Orangebecherling Andreas Plank.jpg
Title: Aleuria aurantia
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Common names: Gemeiner Orangebecherling
File:Amphibia and Reptilia pictogram.svg
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Amphibia and Reptilia pictogram.svg
Title: Pictogram for Amphibia and Reptilia
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Keywords: Pictograms
Subject category: Amphibia/Reptilia
File:Amphibia logo.svg
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Amphibia logo.svg
Title: Logo for amphibians
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Common names: Amphibians; Amphibien
Keywords: Pictograms; SVG Fauna
English: Logo image for amphibians.
Deutsch: Logo Bild für Amphibien.
File:Amphibienlaich und Larven Schlüsseleinstieg.jpg
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Amphibienlaich und Larven Schlüsseleinstieg.jpg
Title: Spawn and larvae of amphibians
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank, 13 September 2010 (Original Creation Date)
Subject category: Amphibia larvae; Spawn
English: For determination at a key entry
Deutsch: Zur Bestimmung in einem Hauptgruppenschlüssel.
File:Amphibienlaich und Larven Schlüsseleinstieg.xcf
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Error creating thumbnail: convert: memory allocation failed `/var/www/v-species/o/media/c/cb/Amphibienlaich_und_Larven_Schlüsseleinstieg.xcf' @ error/xcf.c/ReadXCFImage/1381.
convert: no images defined `/var/www/v-species/o/media/temp/transform_12b49914d01c-1.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3258.

Error code: 1
Title: Spawn and larvae of amphibians (gimp image)
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank, 13 September 2010 (Original Creation Date)
Subject category: Amphibia larvae; Spawn
English: For determination at a key entry
Deutsch: Zur Bestimmung in einem Hauptgruppenschlüssel.
File:Animierte Vorschau Projekt-42-Pflanzentafeln x120px.gif
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Animierte Vorschau Projekt-42-Pflanzentafeln x120px.gif
Title: Animierte Vorschau für Projekt 42-Pflanzentafeln
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank; KDE-Plasma-Desktop
Subject category: Images by Natura Miriquidica e.V.
Description: @de:120px hoch gerenderte Vorschau. Hintergrundbild Himmel mit Wiese ist vom KDE-Plasma-Desktop, Foto Junge ist eigenes Werk.
File:Antenna Lasioptera rubi Stephens-1846.svg
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Antenna Lasioptera rubi Stephens-1846.svg
Title: Antenna of Lasioptera rubi (Cecidomyiidae)
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Keywords: Tutorials
Subject category: Lasioptera rubi
English: Redrawn antenna with [[w:en:Inkscape|Inkscape]].
Deutsch: Mit [[w:en:Inkscape|Inkscape]] nachgezeichnete Antenne.
File:Anthocharis cardamines male-body-highlighted par Nemos.jpg
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Anthocharis cardamines male-body-highlighted par Nemos.jpg
Title: Male of Anthocharis cardamines with the body highlighted
Type: StillImage
Creator: F. Nemos; Andreas Plank
Subject category: Morphology of butterflies
File:Anthophora vs. Bombus face photos.jpg
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Anthophora vs. Bombus face photos.jpg
Title: Anthophora vs. Bombus face
Caption: Face of Anthophora sp. (A) vs. Bombus sp. with smaller compound eyes for Bombus sp. (B).
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Subject category: Morphological details
Description: Face of Anthophora sp. (A) vs. Bombus sp. with smaller compound eyes for Bombus sp. (B). Images: and
File:Antohphora vs. Bombus face.svg
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Antohphora vs. Bombus face.svg
Title: Anthophora vs. Bombus face
Caption: Face of Anthophora sp. (A) vs. Bombus sp. with smaller compound eyes for Bombus sp. (B).
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Subject category: Morphological details
Description: Face of Anthophora sp. (A) vs. Bombus sp. with smaller compound eyes for Bombus sp. (B). Redrawn from Chinery, M. 1993: Pareys Buch der Insekten. Ein Feldführer der europäischen Insekten. Parey, Hamburg, Berlin (übersetzt von Irmgard und Dieter Jung), ISBN 3-490-23118-X
File:Aporia crataegi 3 wing-margin-indicated by-Franz Xaver.jpg
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Aporia crataegi 3 wing-margin-indicated by-Franz Xaver.jpg
Title: Aporia crataegi with wing margin fringes indicated
Type: StillImage
Creator: Franz Xaver; Andreas Plank
Common names: Baumweißling
Subject category: Morphology of butterflies
File:Argynnis paphia 7 (Andreas Plank).JPG
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Argynnis paphia 7 (Andreas Plank).JPG
Title: Argynnis paphia
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
File:Arnica montana (Pflanzentafel - Natura Miriquidica e.V.).pdf
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Arnica montana (Pflanzentafel - Natura Miriquidica e.V.).pdf
Title: Arnica montana (Pflanzentafel - Natura Miriquidica e.V.)
Type: Dataset
Creator: Andreas Plank
Common names: Arnika; Berg-Wohlverleih
Keywords: Pflanzentafel - Natura Miriquidica e.V.
Description: @de:Pflanzentafel mit Informationen für Arnica montana L.
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Title: Arrow in wikiblue down
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Description: See also files Arrow-wikiblue-left.svg [[File:Arrow-wikiblue-left.svg|x14px|Title: Arrow in wikiblue left|border]] • Arrow-wikiblue-right.svg [[File:Arrow-wikiblue-right.svg|x14px|Title: Arrow in wikiblue right|border]] • Arrow-wikiblue-up.svg [[File:Arrow-wikiblue-up.svg|x14px|Title: Arrow in wikiblue up|border]]
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Title: Arrow in wikiblue left
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Description: See also files Arrow-wikiblue-down.svg [[File:Arrow-wikiblue-down.svg|x14px|Title: Arrow in wikiblue down|border]] • Arrow-wikiblue-right.svg [[File:Arrow-wikiblue-right.svg|x14px|Title: Arrow in wikiblue right|border]] • Arrow-wikiblue-up.svg [[File:Arrow-wikiblue-up.svg|x14px|Title: Arrow in wikiblue up|border]]
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Title: Arrow in wikiblue right
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Description: See also files Arrow-wikiblue-down.svg [[File:Arrow-wikiblue-down.svg|x14px|Title: Arrow in wikiblue down|border]] • Arrow-wikiblue-left.svg [[File:Arrow-wikiblue-left.svg|x14px|Title: Arrow in wikiblue left|border]] • Arrow-wikiblue-up.svg [[File:Arrow-wikiblue-up.svg|x14px|Title: Arrow in wikiblue up|border]]
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Title: Arrow in wikiblue up
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Description: See also files Arrow-wikiblue-down.svg [[File:Arrow-wikiblue-down.svg|x14px|Title: Arrow in wikiblue down|border]] • Arrow-wikiblue-left.svg [[File:Arrow-wikiblue-left.svg|x14px|Title: Arrow in wikiblue left|border]] • Arrow-wikiblue-right.svg [[File:Arrow-wikiblue-right.svg|x14px|Title: Arrow in wikiblue right|border]]
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Title: Arrow wikired down
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Description: See also files Arrow-wikired-left.svg [[File:Arrow-wikired-left.svg|x14px|Title: Arrow wikired left|border]] • Arrow-wikired-right.svg [[File:Arrow-wikired-right.svg|x14px|Title: Arrow wikired right|border]] • Arrow-wikired-up.svg [[File:Arrow-wikired-up.svg|x14px|Title: Arrow wikired up|border]]
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Title: Arrow wikired left
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Description: See also files Arrow-wikired-down.svg [[File:Arrow-wikired-down.svg|x14px|Title: Arrow wikired down|border]] • Arrow-wikired-right.svg [[File:Arrow-wikired-right.svg|x14px|Title: Arrow wikired right|border]] • Arrow-wikired-up.svg [[File:Arrow-wikired-up.svg|x14px|Title: Arrow wikired up|border]]
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Title: Arrow wikired right
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Description: See also files Arrow-wikired-left.svg [[File:Arrow-wikired-left.svg|x14px|Title: Arrow wikired left|border]] • Arrow-wikired-down.svg [[File:Arrow-wikired-down.svg|x14px|Title: Arrow wikired down|border]] • Arrow-wikired-up.svg [[File:Arrow-wikired-up.svg|x14px|Title: Arrow wikired up|border]]
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Title: Arrow wikired up
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Description: See also files Arrow-wikired-left.svg [[File:Arrow-wikired-left.svg|x14px|Title: Arrow wikired left|border]] • Arrow-wikired-right.svg [[File:Arrow-wikired-right.svg|x14px|Title: Arrow wikired right|border]] • Arrow-wikired-down.svg [[File:Arrow-wikired-down.svg|x14px|Title: Arrow wikired down|border]]
File:BE-MK-7-510a transparent.png
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BE-MK-7-510a transparent.png
Title: Colias hyale ♀
Type: StillImage
Creator: Michael Kurz; Andreas Plank
Keywords: Butterfly
Subject category: Colias; Lepidoptera
File:Bildschirmfoto Audacity Equalizer Hintergrundrauschen reduzieren.png
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Bildschirmfoto Audacity Equalizer Hintergrundrauschen reduzieren.png
Title: Screenshot of Audio editor software audacity showing the equalizer
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Subject category: Screenshots
Description: reducing noise below 4kHz
File:Bildschirmfoto Audacity Klangprofil von Spektrum nach Wellenform.png
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Bildschirmfoto Audacity Klangprofil von Spektrum nach Wellenform.png
Title: Screenshot of Audio editor software audacity showing to switch to wave form display
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Subject category: Screenshots
Description: showing the wave form instead of default spectrogram
File:Bildschirmfoto FloraWiki Betulaceae 20170518.png
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Bildschirmfoto FloraWiki Betulaceae 20170518.png
Title: Bildschirmfoto FloraWiki Betulaceae
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Keywords: Screenshots
File:Bildschirmfoto - Mobile Bestimmung - Merkmal Fühler beschreiben.png
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Bildschirmfoto - Mobile Bestimmung - Merkmal Fühler beschreiben.png
Title: Mobile Bestimmung - Merkmal Fühler beschreiben (, Bildschirmfoto)
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Subject category: Screenshots
Description: @de:Bildschirmfoto - Mobile Bestimmung - Merkmal Fühler beschreiben
File:Bildschirmfoto - Quizeingabe - Merkmal Sitzhaltung Schmetterling ansehen.png
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Bildschirmfoto - Quizeingabe - Merkmal Sitzhaltung Schmetterling ansehen.png
Title: Quizeingabe - Merkmal Sitzhaltung Schmetterling ansehen (
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Subject category: Screenshots
Description: @de:Bildschirmfoto - Quizeingabe - Merkmal Sitzhaltung Schmetterling ansehen
File:Bildschirmfoto - Quizeingabe - Merkmal Sitzhaltung Schmetterling beschreiben.png
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Bildschirmfoto - Quizeingabe - Merkmal Sitzhaltung Schmetterling beschreiben.png
Title: Quizeingabe - Merkmal Sitzhaltung Schmetterling beschreiben (
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Subject category: Screenshots
Description: @de:Bildschirmfoto - Quizeingabe - Merkmal Sitzhaltung Schmetterling beschreiben
File:Bird flying straight.svg
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Bird flying straight.svg
Title: Bird flying straight
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Keywords: Icons
Subject category: Birds in flight
Description: See also file Bird flying zigzag.svg [[File:Bird flying zigzag.svg|x14px|Title: Bird flying zigzag|border]]
File:Bird flying zigzag.svg
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Bird flying zigzag.svg
Title: Bird flying zigzag
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Keywords: Icons
Subject category: Birds in flight
Description: See also file Bird flying straight.svg [[File:Bird flying straight.svg|x14px|Title: Bird flying straight|border]]
File:Birds having gray colors by Tomi Trilar.png
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Birds having gray colors by Tomi Trilar.png
Title: Birds having gray colors
Type: StillImage
Creator: Tomi Trilar; Andreas Plank
Subject category: Bird determination
File:Birds having uniform colors by Tomi Trilar.png
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Birds having uniform colors by Tomi Trilar.png
Title: Large birds having more or less uniform colors
Type: StillImage
Creator: Tomi Trilar; Andreas Plank
Subject category: Bird determination
File:Birds sizes in silhouettes 2 blackbird-size.svg
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Birds sizes in silhouettes 2 blackbird-size.svg
Title: Indicate a size of a blackbird
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Subject category: Silhouette (Birds)
File:Birds sizes in silhouettes 2 larger-than-blackbird.svg
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Birds sizes in silhouettes 2 larger-than-blackbird.svg
Title: Indicate a size larger than a blackbird
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Subject category: Silhouette (Birds)
File:Birds sizes in silhouettes 2 sparrow-size.svg
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Birds sizes in silhouettes 2 sparrow-size.svg
Title: Indicate a size of a sparrow
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Subject category: Silhouette (Birds)
File:Birds sizes in silhouettes-line-sizes buzzard-size.svg
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Birds sizes in silhouettes-line-sizes buzzard-size.svg
Title: Silhouettes of birds with indicated sizes
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Subject category: Silhouette (Birds)
Description: Redrawn following Atlas-Verlag (Hrsg.) 2010: Vögel Deutschlands. 50 Dokumentationen und Porträts zum Sammeln.

Images used: [[:File: Buteo_jamaicensis_2_silhouette.svg]], [[:File: Carrion_crow_20090612_silhouette.svg]], [[:File: Ciconia-ciconia_silhouette_TTrilar-PMSL.svg]], [[:File: Columba_livia_Luc_Viatour_silhouette_l2r.svg]], [[:File: Sparrow_Silhouette.svg]]

Sizes are: Stork 90−160 cm
Buzzard 70−90 cm
Raven 40−70 cm
Pidgon 25−40 cm

Sparrow or smaller 8−25 cm
File:Birds sizes in silhouettes-line-sizes pigeon-size.svg
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Birds sizes in silhouettes-line-sizes pigeon-size.svg
Title: Silhouettes of birds with indicated sizes
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Subject category: Silhouette (Birds)
Description: Redrawn following Atlas-Verlag (Hrsg.) 2010: Vögel Deutschlands. 50 Dokumentationen und Porträts zum Sammeln.

Images used: [[:File: Buteo_jamaicensis_2_silhouette.svg]], [[:File: Carrion_crow_20090612_silhouette.svg]], [[:File: Ciconia-ciconia_silhouette_TTrilar-PMSL.svg]], [[:File: Columba_livia_Luc_Viatour_silhouette_l2r.svg]], [[:File: Sparrow_Silhouette.svg]]

Sizes are: Stork 90−160 cm
Buzzard 70−90 cm
Raven 40−70 cm
Pidgon 25−40 cm

Sparrow or smaller 8−25 cm
File:Birds sizes in silhouettes-line-sizes raven-size.svg
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Birds sizes in silhouettes-line-sizes raven-size.svg
Title: Silhouettes of birds with indicated sizes
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Subject category: Silhouette (Birds)
Description: Redrawn following Atlas-Verlag (Hrsg.) 2010: Vögel Deutschlands. 50 Dokumentationen und Porträts zum Sammeln.

Images used: [[:File: Buteo_jamaicensis_2_silhouette.svg]], [[:File: Carrion_crow_20090612_silhouette.svg]], [[:File: Ciconia-ciconia_silhouette_TTrilar-PMSL.svg]], [[:File: Columba_livia_Luc_Viatour_silhouette_l2r.svg]], [[:File: Sparrow_Silhouette.svg]]

Sizes are: Stork 90−160 cm
Buzzard 70−90 cm
Raven 40−70 cm
Pidgon 25−40 cm

Sparrow or smaller 8−25 cm
File:Birds sizes in silhouettes-line-sizes sparrow-size.svg
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Birds sizes in silhouettes-line-sizes sparrow-size.svg
Title: Silhouettes of birds with indicated sizes
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Subject category: Silhouette (Birds)
Description: Redrawn following Atlas-Verlag (Hrsg.) 2010: Vögel Deutschlands. 50 Dokumentationen und Porträts zum Sammeln.

Images used: [[:File: Buteo_jamaicensis_2_silhouette.svg]], [[:File: Carrion_crow_20090612_silhouette.svg]], [[:File: Ciconia-ciconia_silhouette_TTrilar-PMSL.svg]], [[:File: Columba_livia_Luc_Viatour_silhouette_l2r.svg]], [[:File: Sparrow_Silhouette.svg]]

Sizes are: Stork 90−160 cm
Buzzard 70−90 cm
Raven 40−70 cm
Pidgon 25−40 cm

Sparrow or smaller 8−25 cm
File:Birds sizes in silhouettes-line-sizes stork-size.svg
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Birds sizes in silhouettes-line-sizes stork-size.svg
Title: Silhouettes of birds with indicated sizes
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Subject category: Silhouette (Birds)
Description: Redrawn following Atlas-Verlag (Hrsg.) 2010: Vögel Deutschlands. 50 Dokumentationen und Porträts zum Sammeln.

Sizes are: Stork 90−160 cm
Buzzard 70−90 cm
Raven 40−70 cm
Pidgon 25−40 cm

Sparrow or smaller 8−25 cm
File:Birds sizes in silhouettes-line-sizes.svg
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Birds sizes in silhouettes-line-sizes.svg
Title: Silhouettes of birds with indicated sizes
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Subject category: Silhouette (Birds)
Description: Redrawn following Atlas-Verlag (Hrsg.) 2010: Vögel Deutschlands. 50 Dokumentationen und Porträts zum Sammeln.

Images used: [[:File: Buteo_jamaicensis_2_silhouette.svg]], [[:File: Carrion_crow_20090612_silhouette.svg]], [[:File: Ciconia-ciconia_silhouette_TTrilar-PMSL.svg]], [[:File: Columba_livia_Luc_Viatour_silhouette_l2r.svg]], [[:File: Sparrow_Silhouette.svg]]

Sizes are: Stork 90−160 cm
Buzzard 70−90 cm
Raven 40−70 cm
Pidgon 25−40 cm

Sparrow or smaller 8−25 cm
File:Birds sizes in silhouettes.svg
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Birds sizes in silhouettes.svg
Title: Silhouettes of birds with indicated sizes
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Subject category: Silhouette (Birds)
Description: Redrawn following Atlas-Verlag (Hrsg.) 2010: Vögel Deutschlands. 50 Dokumentationen und Porträts zum Sammeln.

Images used: [[:File: Buteo_jamaicensis_2_silhouette.svg]], [[:File: Carrion_crow_20090612_silhouette.svg]], [[:File: Ciconia-ciconia_silhouette_TTrilar-PMSL.svg]], [[:File: Columba_livia_Luc_Viatour_silhouette_l2r.svg]], [[:File: Sparrow_Silhouette.svg]]

Sizes are: Stork 90−160 cm
Buzzard 70−90 cm
Raven 40−70 cm
Pidgon 25−40 cm

Sparrow or smaller 8−25 cm
File:Black winged Stilt I MG 9747, transparent BG, head (J.M.Garg, 4.2.2006).png
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Black winged Stilt I MG 9747, transparent BG, head (J.M.Garg, 4.2.2006).png
Title: Head of Black winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus)
Type: StillImage
Creator: J.M.Garg; Andreas Plank, 14 February 2006 (Original Creation Date)
Keywords: Morphology of birds
File:Blatt spatelfoermig.svg
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Blatt spatelfoermig.svg
Title: Leaf spatulate
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Subject category: Leaf diagrams
Description: Blatt spatelförmig
File:Boloria euphrosyne-wing-margin CH 1.png
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Boloria euphrosyne-wing-margin CH 1.png
Title: Wing margin of Boloria euphrosyne
Type: StillImage
Creator: Commons-User:Adrian198cm; Andreas Plank
Subject category: Morphology of butterflies
File:Bombus hypnorum male - top (aka) wing-bw-indicated.png
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Bombus hypnorum male - top (aka) wing-bw-indicated.png
Title: Wing of Bombus indicated with a pale vene
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Keywords: Wings (Insecta)
Subject category: Bombus hypnorum
Description: Wing of Bombus indicated with a pale vene in cubital cell 1. Anthophora has none here.
File:Bombycilla garrulus 1, cut out, squared, transparent BG (Martin Mecnarowski, 12-2008).png
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Bombycilla garrulus 1, cut out, squared, transparent BG (Martin Mecnarowski, 12-2008).png
Title: Bombycilla garrulus with transparent background
Type: StillImage
Creator: Martin Mecnarowski; Andreas Plank
Common names: Seidenschwanz
Keywords: Morphology of birds
File:Book icon.svg
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Book icon.svg
Title: Book icon
Type: StillImage
Contributor: Andreas Plank
File:Branta leucopsis .R.H. (26), transparent BG, 50perc (Rob Hille, 12. 2. 2013).png
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Branta leucopsis .R.H. (26), transparent BG, 50perc (Rob Hille, 12. 2. 2013).png
Title: Branta leucopsis transparent BG (50% original file size)
Type: StillImage
Creator: Rob Hille; Andreas Plank, 12 February 2013 (Original Creation Date)
Common names: Weißwangengans
Keywords: Morphology of birds
File:Broadway tower edit film strip ffmpeg normal.png
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Broadway tower edit film strip ffmpeg normal.png
Title: ffmpeg example -vf "transpose=..."
Type: StillImage
Creator: wikiuser:en:Newton2; Andreas Plank
File:Broadway tower edit film strip ffmpeg transpose 0 transpose 1.png
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Broadway tower edit film strip ffmpeg transpose 0 transpose 1.png
Title: ffmpeg example -vf "transpose=0, transpose=1"
Type: StillImage
Creator: wikiuser:en:Newton2; Andreas Plank
File:Broadway tower edit film strip ffmpeg transpose 0.png
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Broadway tower edit film strip ffmpeg transpose 0.png
Title: ffmpeg example -vf "transpose=0"
Type: StillImage
Creator: wikiuser:en:Newton2; Andreas Plank
File:Broadway tower edit film strip ffmpeg transpose 1.png
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Broadway tower edit film strip ffmpeg transpose 1.png
Title: ffmpeg example -vf "transpose=1"
Type: StillImage
Creator: wikiuser:en:Newton2; Andreas Plank
File:Broadway tower edit film strip ffmpeg transpose 2.png
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Broadway tower edit film strip ffmpeg transpose 2.png
Title: ffmpeg example -vf "transpose=2"
Type: StillImage
Creator: wikiuser:en:Newton2; Andreas Plank
File:Broadway tower edit film strip ffmpeg transpose 3.png
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Broadway tower edit film strip ffmpeg transpose 3.png
Title: ffmpeg example -vf "transpose=3"
Type: StillImage
Creator: wikiuser:en:Newton2; Andreas Plank
File:Button category plus images.png
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Button category plus images.png
Title: Button images in subcategory
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Subject category: Button toolbar
Description: A button for showing images in subcategories
File:Button metadata.png
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Button metadata.png
Title: Button for metadata
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Subject category: Buttons; Icons
File:Button systematic categorisation.png
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Button systematic categorisation.png
Title: Button systematic categorisation
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Subject category: Button toolbar
Description: A button for categorise systemtic groups
File:Caelifera morphology.png
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Caelifera morphology.png
Title: Morphology of different grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Caelifera )
Type: StillImage
Creator: G.-U. Tolkiehn; Harald Süpfle; Tanja Kothe; Andreas Plank
Scientific name without authorship: Myrmeleotettix maculatus; Miramella alpina; Oedipoda germanica; Chorthippus apricarius
Subject category: Morphology Orthoptera
File:Caudata quadratic.png
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Caudata quadratic.png
Title: Caudates
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Keywords: Determination
File:Chiasmia clathrata 6631-wing-margin-indicated (G.-U. Tolkiehn).jpg
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Chiasmia clathrata 6631-wing-margin-indicated (G.-U. Tolkiehn).jpg
Title: Fringes of Chiasmia clathrata
Type: StillImage
Creator: G.-U. Tolkiehn; Andreas Plank
Common names: Gitterspanner
Scientific name synonym: Semiothisa clathrata
Subject category: Morphology of butterflies
File:Colias.palaeno.mounted wing-margin-indicated.jpg
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Colias.palaeno.mounted wing-margin-indicated.jpg
Title: Fringes of Colias palaeno
Type: StillImage
Creator: Commons-User:Sarefo; Andreas Plank
Common names: Hochmoorgelbling
Subject category: Morphology of butterflies
File:Columba-palumbus K2N TTrilar-PMSL spectrogram 10kHz-x-10sec.png
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Columba-palumbus K2N TTrilar-PMSL spectrogram 10kHz-x-10sec.png
Title: Spectrogram of Columba palumbus (10kHz × 10sec)
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Subject category: Spectrogram of bird songs
File:Common kestrel falco tinnunculus, back-only, transparent BG (Andreas Trepte, 16 April 2009).png
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Common kestrel falco tinnunculus, back-only, transparent BG (Andreas Trepte, 16 April 2009).png
Title: Back from Falco tinnunculus
Type: StillImage
Creator: ttp:// Andreas Trept; Andreas Plank
Keywords: Morphology of birds
File:Cyanistes caeruleus 3 Luc Viatour head, transparent BG.png
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Cyanistes caeruleus 3 Luc Viatour head, transparent BG.png
Title: Head of Cyanistes caeruleus (transparent background)
Type: StillImage
Creator: Luc Viatour; Andreas Plank
Common names: Blaumeise
Keywords: Transparent background; Morphology of birds
File:Cyathus olla Topf-Teuerling Andreas Plank.jpg
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Cyathus olla Topf-Teuerling Andreas Plank.jpg
Title: Cyathus olla
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Common names: Topf-Teuerling
Keywords: Decomposition
File:Dead wood formed by ants.jpg
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Dead wood formed by ants.jpg
Title: Totholz
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Keywords: Flora; ecology
English: Dead wood formed by ants
Deutsch: Totholz von Ameisengängen durchlöchert
File:Delichon urbicum lagopodum 1894, transparent BG, rump highlighted.png
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Delichon urbicum lagopodum 1894, transparent BG, rump highlighted.png
Title: Highlighted bump of Delichon urbicum
Type: StillImage
Creator: Richard Bowdler Sharpe; Andreas Plank
Common names: Mehlschwalbe
Keywords: Morphology of birds
File:Dendrocopos minor female, transparent BG (Johann Friedrich Naumann, 1901).png
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Dendrocopos minor female, transparent BG (Johann Friedrich Naumann, 1901).png
Title: female of Dendrocopos minor
Type: StillImage
Creator: Johann Friedrich Naumann; Andreas Plank
Common names: Kleinspecht
Keywords: Morphology of birds
File:Determination logo 2 question.svg
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Determination logo 2 question.svg
Title: Logo for determination
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Keywords: Schematic drawings; SVG Fungi; SVG Flora; SVG Fauna
Description: It should be used as icon for mobile keys on smartphones. See also [[:File:Determination logo question.svg]].
File:Determination logo 2.svg
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Determination logo 2.svg
Title: Logo for determination
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Keywords: Schematic drawings; SVG Fungi; SVG Flora; SVG Fauna
File:Determination logo ferns question.svg
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Determination logo ferns question.svg
Title: Logo for determination (ferns)
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Keywords: Schematic drawings; Ferns; Pictograms
File:Determination logo fungi question.svg
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Determination logo fungi question.svg
Title: Pictogram for determination (Fungi)
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Keywords: Schematic drawings; SVG Fungi
File:Determination logo fungi.svg
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Determination logo fungi.svg
Title: Logo for determination (Fungi)
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Keywords: Schematic drawings; SVG Fungi
File:Determination logo moblie cyan.svg
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Determination logo moblie cyan.svg
Title: Logo for determination with a mobile device
Type: StillImage
Creator: Max Semenik; Andreas Plank
Keywords: Determination
File:Determination logo plants question.svg
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Determination logo plants question.svg
Title: Logo for determination (plants)
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Keywords: Schematic drawings; Ferns; Pictograms; Trees; Flowers
File:Determination logo question shrubs-or-trees-with-opposite-composed-leaves.svg
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Determination logo question shrubs-or-trees-with-opposite-composed-leaves.svg
Title: Determination logo for shrubs or trees with opposite composed leaves
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Keywords: Logos
Subject category: Determination
File:Determination logo question shrubs-or-trees-with-opposite-lobed-leaves.svg
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Determination logo question shrubs-or-trees-with-opposite-lobed-leaves.svg
Title: Determination logo for shrubs or trees with opposite lobed leaves
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Keywords: Logos
Subject category: Determination
File:Determination logo question shrubs-or-trees-with-opposite-simple-leaves.svg
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Determination logo question shrubs-or-trees-with-opposite-simple-leaves.svg
Title: Determination logo for shrubs or trees with opposite simple leaves
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Keywords: Logos
Subject category: Determination
File:Determination logo question.svg
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Determination logo question.svg
Title: Logo for determination
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Keywords: Schematic drawings; SVG Fungi; SVG Flora; SVG Fauna
Description: See also [[:File:Determination logo 2 question.svg]]
File:Determination logo shrubs-or-trees-with-opposite-composed-leaves.svg
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Determination logo shrubs-or-trees-with-opposite-composed-leaves.svg
Title: Determination logo shrubs-or-trees-with-opposite-composed-leaves
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Keywords: Logos
Subject category: Tracheophyta
File:Determination logo shrubs-or-trees-with-opposite-simple-leaves.svg
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Determination logo shrubs-or-trees-with-opposite-simple-leaves.svg
Title: Determination logo shrubs-or-trees-with-opposite-simple-leaves
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Keywords: Logos
Subject category: Tracheophyta
File:Dickschaliger-Kartoffelbovist Scaloderma-citrinum.jpg
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Dickschaliger-Kartoffelbovist Scaloderma-citrinum.jpg
Title: Scaloderma citrinum
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Common names: Dickschaliger Kartoffelbovist
Keywords: Decomposition
File:Diving grebe white-top-bg.jpg
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Diving grebe white-top-bg.jpg
Title: Diving grebe
Type: StillImage
Creator: Mila Zinkova; Andreas Plank
Subject category: Birds behaviour
File:Dragonfly icon.svg
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Dragonfly icon.svg
Title: Dragonfly icon
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Common names:
English: Dragonfly icon
Deutsch: Symbol Libelle
Keywords: Schematic drawings; SVG Fauna; Icons
Subject category: Dragonflies
English: Icon for dragonflies usable in determination keys
Deutsch: Symbol einer Libelle zur Nutzung in Bestimmungsschlüsseln als Piktogramm
File:Draw an insect antenna.svg
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Draw an insect antenna.svg
Title: Draw an antenna with Inkscape
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank, 29 July 2010 (Original Creation Date)
File:Dryades TSB65542 Ophioglossum vulgatum black-bg.png
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Dryades TSB65542 Ophioglossum vulgatum black-bg.png
Title: Ophioglossum vulgatum on black background
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andrea Moro; Andreas Plank
Common names: Gemeine Natternzunge
Keywords: Black background
Subject category: Ophioglossum vulgatum
File:Eel like fishes.png
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Eel like fishes.png
Title: Eel like fishes
Type: StillImage
Creator: Robbie Cada; Andreas Plank
Scientific name without authorship: Petromyzon marinus; Lampetra fluviatilis
Subject category: Fish morphology
File:Eine neue Seite im Wiki erstellen.png
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Eine neue Seite im Wiki erstellen.png
Title: Eine neue Seite im Wiki erstellen
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Subject category: Screenshots
Description: English: Create a new page by searching first. Deutsch: Eine neue Seite mittels Vorwegsuche im Wiki erstellen.
File:Ensifera morphology.png
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Ensifera morphology.png
Title: Morphology of different grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Ensifera)
Type: StillImage
Creator: Hedwig Storch; G.-U. Tolkiehn; Fritz Geller-Grimm; Richard Bartz; Andreas Plank
Scientific name without authorship: Tettigonia cantans; Tettigonia viridissima; Conocephalus dorsalis; Metrioptera bicolor
Subject category: Morphology Orthoptera
File:Entwurfsskizzen Logo Offfene Naturführer (Andreas Plank).png
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Entwurfsskizzen Logo Offfene Naturführer (Andreas Plank).png
Title: Drafts for the Logo Offfene Naturführer
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
File:Epichnopterix plumella MK Modus-Farbe-entfernen.png
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Epichnopterix plumella MK Modus-Farbe-entfernen.png
Title: Epichnopterix plumella
Type: StillImage
Creator: Michael Kurz; Andreas Plank
File:Epichnopterix plumella MK weißer-HG.png
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Epichnopterix plumella MK weißer-HG.png
Title: Epichnopterix plumella
Type: StillImage
Creator: Michael Kurz; Andreas Plank
File:Euphorbia esula ssp. esula flower black-bg Dryades TSB66131.jpg
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Euphorbia esula ssp. esula flower black-bg Dryades TSB66131.jpg
Title: Flower of Euphorbia esula ssp. esula (with black background)
Type: StillImage
Creator: Andreas Plank
Scientific name without authorship: Euphorbia esula ssp. esula
Keywords: Flowers; Black background
Subject category: Euphorbia esula
File:Eurasian Tree Sparrow - immature (Passer montanus malaccensis) - Flickr - Lip Kee, auriculars highlighted, head squared, transparent BG (30.3.2008).png
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Eurasian Tree Sparrow - immature (Passer montanus malaccensis) - Flickr - Lip Kee, auriculars highlighted, head squared, transparent BG (30.3.2008).png
Title: highlighted auriculars of immature head of Passer montanus malaccensis A. J. C. Dubois, 1885
Type: StillImage
Creator: Lip Kee; Andreas Plank, 30 March 2008 (Original Creation Date)
Common names: Feldsperling; Eurasian Tree Sparrow
Scientific name without authorship: Passer montanus malaccensis
Keywords: Morphology of birds

Additional query

Subject Category:
For search purposes, a taxonomic group like phylum or class may also include non-taxonomic terms like “ecosystem”, “forestry”, “aquatic vertebrates” (details see KeyToNature)
Common Names:
Scientific Name
Either scientific name or scientific name synonym. Can also contain authorship