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File:Dryades TSB29072.jpg |
Ac:furtherInformationURL | + |
Common Name | agrião + , berro + , bronkors + , Brunnenkresse + , common watercress + , cresson + , cresson d'eau + , cresson de fontaine + , cresson officinal + , dou ban cai + , Echte Brunnenkresse + , mizu-garashi + , oranda-garashi + , selada-air + , southern watercress + , true watercress + , watercress + |
Copyright Owner | © Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita, Università degli Studi di Trieste + |
Copyright Statement | Copyrighted Material; the copyright remains with the author (not this web publication) + |
Country Name | Italy + |
Creator | Andrea Moro + |
Description |
@en:See also http://dbiodbs.univ.trieste.i … @en:See also or check metadata at; Check taxonomy (2015-09-10):
* [ GBIF classifies ''Nasturtium officinale'' var ''officinale''] as accepted variety but also [ ''Nasturtium officinale'' W.T. Aiton] as accepted species
* [ The Plant List (v1.1) classifies ''Nasturtium officinale'' var ''officinale''] as synonym of [ ''Nasturtium officinale'' R.Br.] not of ''Nasturtium officinale'' W.T. Aiton ot of ''Nasturtium officinale'' W.T. Aiton +
Dwc:associatedMedia | + |
General Keyword | Check taxonomy + , Leaves of herbs + |
Language ISO | zxx + |
License Statement | Creative Commons: Author Attribution Required, Share-Alike (cc-by-sa 3.0) + |
License URL | + |
Locality | Comune di San Severino Marche, presso le rive del fiume Potenza. + |
Metadata Language | en + |
Original Creation Date | 13 August 2005 + |
Page Name | Dryades TSB29072.jpg + |
Resource ID | TSB29072 + |
Scientific Name | Nasturtium officinale officinale + |
Scientific Name with Author | Nasturtium officinale R. Br. subsp. officinale + |
State or Province | Macerata, Marche + |
Subject Category | Apiaceae + |
Subtype | Color-photo + |
Title | Leaves of ''Nasturtium officinale'' R. Br. subsp. ''officinale'' with inflorescence (photo Andrea Moro 2005) + |
Type | StillImage + |
World Region | Europe + |
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File:Dryades TSB29072.jpg + , File:Dryades TSB29072.jpg + , File:Dryades TSB29072.jpg + , File:Dryades TSB29072.jpg + , File:Dryades TSB29072.jpg + , File:Dryades TSB29072.jpg + |
Categories | Nasturtium officinale officinale , Metadata Sources , CC-BY-SA-3.0 , Media provided by Dryades , Dryades Plant Images , Apiaceae , Check taxonomy , Leaves of herbs |
Modification date This property is a special property in this wiki.
10 September 2015 12:40:53 + |
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File:Nasturtium officinale var. officinale – Photo: Andrea Moro 2005, Dryades TSB29072.jpg + | redirect page |