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File:Dryades TS215158.jpg
Ac:furtherInformationURL  +
Common Name Alfalfa Falcado  + , Alfalfa Sueca  + , Barkun  + , Blue Alfalfa  + , Dasht Bedasi  + , Erba Medica Di Flor Giallo  + , Geltonziede Liucerna  + , Gullusern  + , Khyangar Tzargas  + , Kviteli Iondzha  + , Lucerna Galbena  + , Lucerna Szwedzka  + , Lucerne  + , Lucherne Galbene  + , Luzerna De Sequeiro  + , Luzerne En Faux  + , Luzerne Sauvage  + , luzerne sauvage  + , Lyutzerna Aerpapadobnaya  + , Lyutzerna Kleikaya  + , Lyutzerna Rumynskaya  + , Lyutzerna Serpovidnaya  + , Lyutzerna Stepnaya  + , Lyutzerna Tenderskaya  + , Lyutzerna Zhelezistaya  + , Lyutzerna Zheltaya  + , Medick  + , Oragvari Garayoncha  + , Sar-Bas-Zhonshka  + , Sara Lyutserna  + , Sara Lyutzerna  + , Sarig Beda  + , Shar Tzargas  + , Sichel-Luzerne  + , Sichel-Schneckenklee  + , Sichelklee  + , Sickle Alfalfa  + , Sickle Medick  + , sickle medick  + , sikkelklaver  + , Sikkelklaver  + , Sirpjveida Lucerna  + , Sirplutsern  + , Sirppimailanen  + , Yellow Alfalfa  + , Yellow Lucerne  + , Yellow-flowered Alfalfa  +
Copyright Owner © Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita, Università di Trieste  +
Copyright Statement Copyrighted Material; the copyright remains with the author (not this web publication)  +
Creator Andrea Moro  +
Description @en:See also or check metadata at  +
Dwc:associatedMedia  +
General Keyword Dryades Character Images  +
Language ISO zxx  +
License Statement Creative Commons: Author Attribution Required, Share-Alike (cc-by-sa 3.0)  +
License URL  +
Metadata Language en  +
Page Name Dryades TS215158.jpg  +
Resource ID TS215158  +
Scientific Name Medicago falcata  +
Scientific Name Synonym Medicago tenderiensis Klokov  + , Medicago talcata L.  + , Medicago romanica Prodan  + , Medicago quasifalcata Sinskaya  + , Medicago procumbens Besser  + , Medicago kotovii Wissjul.  + , Medicago glutinosa sensu Hayek  + , Medicago glandulosa (Mert. & W.D.J.Koch) Davidov  + , Medicago borealis Grossh.  +
Scientific Name with Author Medicago falcata L.  +
Subject Category Fabaceae  +
Subtype Color-photo  +
Title Morphological summary of ''Medicago falcata'' L. (photos Andrea Moro)  +
Type StillImage  +
World Region Europe  +
Has query
"Has query" is a predefined property that represents meta information (in form of a subobject) about individual queries.
File:Dryades TS215158.jpg + , File:Dryades TS215158.jpg + , File:Dryades TS215158.jpg + , File:Dryades TS215158.jpg + , File:Dryades TS215158.jpg + , File:Dryades TS215158.jpg +
Categories Fabaceae , Dryades Character Images , Medicago falcata , Metadata Sources , CC-BY-SA-3.0 , Media provided by Dryades , Dryades Plant Images
Modification date
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16 July 2019 19:24:20  +
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File:Morphological summary of Medicago falcata L. (photos Andrea Moro), Dryades TS215158.jpg + redirect page


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