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Has type:

Type “Text”

  • holds text of arbitrary length
  • can be searched partially: if text is ≤ 72 characters it's all searchable, if text is > 72 characters then only the first 40 characters can be searched
  • is better set with parser function #set than with [[Caption::long text possibly having […] text ]]

See also types defined by Semantic MediaWiki and Special:Properties for all properties.

Is subproperty of:Media Metadata
Imported from: (Audubon Core dynamic term list)
See also import page MediaWiki:Smw_import_ac
This page lists all occurrences of property: ac:caption in OpenMedia.
See also the other properties of this concept of ac

These properties are also defined and described on the System page MediaWiki:Smw import ac:
Ac:furtherInformationURL, Ac:scientificNameSynonym, Caption, Scientific Name Synonym

Pages using the property "Caption"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

(previous 25) (next 25)


Anthophora vs. Bombus face photos.jpg +Face of ''Anthophora'' sp. (A) vs. ''Bombus'' sp. with smaller compound eyes for ''Bombus'' sp. (B).  +
Antohphora vs. Bombus face.svg +Face of ''Anthophora'' sp. (A) vs. ''Bombus'' sp. with smaller compound eyes for ''Bombus'' sp. (B).  +


Bradysia excelsa KH2462 Habitus.jpg +photo series created with USB microscope camera MCA-510  +
Bradysia excelsa KH8303 Antenna.jpg +photo series created with USB microscope camera MCA-510  +
Bradysia excelsa KH8303 Gonostylus.jpg +photo series created with USB microscope camera MCA-510  +
Bradysia excelsa KH8303 Hypopygium.jpg +photo series created with USB microscope camera MCA-510  +
Bradysia excelsa KH8303 Palpus.jpg +photo series created with USB microscope camera MCA-510  +
Bradysia excelsa KH8303 Tegmen.jpg +photo series created with USB microscope camera MCA-510  +
Bradysia excelsa KH8303 Wing.jpg +photo series created with USB microscope camera MCA-510  +
Bradysia nicolae KH1299 Hypopygium.jpg +photo series created with USB microscope camera MCA-510  +
Bradysia nicolae KH1299 M Habitus.jpg +photo series created with USB microscope camera MCA-510  +
Bradysia nicolae KH1299 Wing.jpg +photo series created with USB microscope camera MCA-510  +
Bradysia nicolae KH1343 Antenna.jpg +photo series created with USB microscope camera MCA-510  +
Bradysia nicolae KH1343 Tibia.jpg +photo series created with USB microscope camera MCA-510  +
Bradysia nicolae KH1344 Gonostylus.jpg +photo series created with USB microscope camera MCA-510  +
Bradysia nicolae KH1344 Palpus.jpg +photo series created with USB microscope camera MCA-510  +
Bradysia nicolae KH1344 Tegmen.jpg +photo series created with USB microscope camera MCA-510  +


Cratyna gilva Antenna KH7064.jpg +photo series created with USB microscope camera MCA-510  +
Cratyna gilva Gonostylus KH7064.jpg +photo series created with USB microscope camera MCA-510  +
Cratyna gilva Gonostylus dorsal KH7064.jpg +photo series created with USB microscope camera MCA-510  +
Cratyna gilva Habitus KH7064.jpg +photo series created with USB microscope camera MCA-510  +
Cratyna gilva Hypopygium KH7064.jpg +photo series created with USB microscope camera MCA-510  +
Cratyna gilva Palpus KH7064.jpg +photo series created with USB microscope camera MCA-510  +
Cratyna gilva Tegmen KH7064.jpg +photo series created with USB microscope camera MCA-510  +
Cratyna gilvaWing KH1311.jpg +photo series created with USB microscope camera MCA-510  +
(previous 25) (next 25)