Form:Metadata/include core
From OpenMedia
Revision as of 16:23, 6 November 2016 by Andreas Plank (Talk | contribs) (removed: property=Geocoordinates | in the attempt to get input type=googlemaps working)
Core template for {{Metadata}} to be included in conjunction also with other possible forms. Because of including this page into other form pages, all form-field parameter need to be rewritten as HTML entities with the following correspondence of characters:
Character | HTML Entity |
{ | { |
} | } |
| | | |
So the form field-definition …
{{{field | templateparameter | input type=textarea | rows=2 | autogrow}}}
… becomes …
- {{{field | templateparameter | input type=textarea | rows=2 | autogrow}}}
This Page is meant to be included:
{{:Metadata/include core}}