Property:Content Modification

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Revision as of 00:20, 23 November 2015 by Andreas Plank (Talk | contribs)

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Has type:

Type “Text”

  • holds text of arbitrary length
  • can be searched partially: if text is ≤ 72 characters it's all searchable, if text is > 72 characters then only the first 40 characters can be searched
  • is better set with parser function #set than with [[Content Modification::long text possibly having […] text ]]

See also types defined by Semantic MediaWiki and Special:Properties for all properties.

This page lists all occurrences of property: Content Modification in OpenMedia.
Annotations: Cannot be found by semantic search...

Pages using the property "Content Modification"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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03 vgrue-10-11 Green Woodpecker (Picus viridis) white background.jpg +turned background into white (Andreas Plank)  +


Accipiter nisus male Rozenburg (NL) transparent.png +white balance, background to transparent (Andreas Plank)  +
Actitis-macularia-004 cropped.png +Cropped image, added transparent background (Andreas Plank)  +
Amphibia logo.svg +if modified  +
Amphibienlaich und Larven Schlüsseleinstieg.jpg +<div class="description en" lang="en" style=" direction:ltr;"><span class="language en" title="">'''English:'''</span> Composed of: [[:commons:File:Toad-spawn_Mike-Krüger.jpg|File:Toad-spawn_Mike-Krüger.jpg]], [[:File:Moorfrosch_Rana_arvalis_Laichballen_(Paul_Bachhausen_03150053-r_a-laich).jpg]] and [[:commons:File:BufoBufoTadpoles.jpg|File:BufoBufoTadpoles.jpg]]</div> <div class="description de" lang="de" style=" direction:ltr;"><span class="language de" title="Deutsch">'''Deutsch:'''</span> Zusammengestellt aus [[:commons:File:Toad-spawn_Mike-Krüger.jpg|File:Toad-spawn_Mike-Krüger.jpg]], [[:File:Moorfrosch_Rana_arvalis_Laichballen_(Paul_Bachhausen_03150053-r_a-laich).jpg]] and [[:commons:File:BufoBufoTadpoles.jpg|File:BufoBufoTadpoles.jpg]].</div>  +
Amphibienlaich und Larven Schlüsseleinstieg.xcf +<div class="description en" lang="en" style=" direction:ltr;"><span class="language en" title="">'''English:'''</span> Composed of: [[:commons:File:Toad-spawn_Mike-Krüger.jpg|File:Toad-spawn_Mike-Krüger.jpg]], [[:File:Moorfrosch_Rana_arvalis_Laichballen_(Paul_Bachhausen_03150053-r_a-laich).jpg]] and [[:commons:File:BufoBufoTadpoles.jpg|File:BufoBufoTadpoles.jpg]]</div> <div class="description de" lang="de" style=" direction:ltr;"><span class="language de" title="Deutsch">'''Deutsch:'''</span> Zusammengestellt aus [[:commons:File:Toad-spawn_Mike-Krüger.jpg|File:Toad-spawn_Mike-Krüger.jpg]], [[:File:Moorfrosch_Rana_arvalis_Laichballen_(Paul_Bachhausen_03150053-r_a-laich).jpg]] and [[:commons:File:BufoBufoTadpoles.jpg|File:BufoBufoTadpoles.jpg]].</div>  +
Aporia crataegi 3 wing-margin-indicated by-Franz Xaver.jpg +Andreas Plank: cropped image, +indicating arrows  +
Atriplex calotheca 2 Herb MSTR (Rolf Wißkirchen) max 4MB.jpg +Andreas Plank restricted this file to 90% JPEG-quality and maximal 4MB filesize  +
Atriplex calotheca 3 Darß Bürgener Herb MSTR (Rolf Wißkirchen) max 4MB.jpg +Andreas Plank restricted this file to 90% JPEG-quality and maximal 4MB filesize  +
Atriplex calotheca 4 Warnemünde Herb MSTR (Rolf Wißkirchen) max 4MB.jpg +Andreas Plank restricted this file to 90% JPEG-quality and maximal 4MB filesize  +
Atriplex glabriuscula 2 Oldenburg Bot Gart Düll Herb MSTR (Rolf Wißkirchen) max 4MB.jpg +Andreas Plank restricted this file to 90% JPEG-quality and maximal 4MB filesize  +
Atriplex glabriuscula 3 Schweden Gotland Wentz Herb MSTR (Rolf Wißkirchen) max 4MB.jpg +Andreas Plank restricted this file to 90% JPEG-quality and maximal 4MB filesize  +
Atriplex hortensis 2 Bonn Bot Gart 1908203 (Rolf Wißkirchen) max 4MB.jpg +Andreas Plank restricted this file to 90% JPEG-quality and maximal 4MB filesize  +
Atriplex hortensis 3 Bonn Bot Gart 1908203 (Rolf Wißkirchen) max 4MB.jpg +Andreas Plank restricted this file to 90% JPEG-quality and maximal 4MB filesize  +
Atriplex hortensis 5 Hüls Becker Herb NHV (NHV Bonn) max 4MB.jpg +Andreas Plank restricted this file to 90% JPEG-quality and maximal 4MB filesize  +
Atriplex hortensis 6 Kr Wesel Rotbachaue Döhl Herb MSTR (Rolf Wißkirchen) max 4MB.jpg +Andreas Plank restricted this file to 90% JPEG-quality and maximal 4MB filesize  +
Atriplex hortensis 7 Dortmund Büscher Herb MSTR (Rolf Wißkirchen) max 4MB.jpg +Andreas Plank restricted this file to 90% JPEG-quality and maximal 4MB filesize  +
Atriplex hortensis 8 Herb MSTR (Rolf Wißkirchen) max 4MB.jpg +Andreas Plank restricted this file to 90% JPEG-quality and maximal 4MB filesize  +
Atriplex laciniata 1 Irland County Donegal Cruit Island 18062012 (Günther Blaich) max 4MB.jpg +Andreas Plank restricted this file to 90% JPEG-quality and maximal 4MB filesize  +
Atriplex laciniata 2 Süd-Irland Cork Wentz Herb MSTR (Rolf Wißkirchen) max 4MB.jpg +Andreas Plank restricted this file to 90% JPEG-quality and maximal 4MB filesize  +
Atriplex laciniata 3 Norderney von der Mark Herb MSTR (Rolf Wißkirchen) max 4MB.jpg +Andreas Plank restricted this file to 90% JPEG-quality and maximal 4MB filesize  +
Atriplex litoralis 4 Niedersachsen Esens Lipowczyk Herb MSTR (Rolf Wißkirchen) max 4MB.jpg +Andreas Plank restricted this file to 90% JPEG-quality and maximal 4MB filesize  +
Atriplex litoralis 5 Russland Kaliningrad Herb MSTR (Rolf Wißkirchen) max 4MB.jpg +Andreas Plank restricted this file to 90% JPEG-quality and maximal 4MB filesize  +
Atriplex littoralis 3 Niedersachsen Esens Lipowczyk Herb MSTR (Rolf Wißkirchen) max 4MB.jpg +Andreas Plank restricted this file to 90% JPEG-quality and maximal 4MB filesize  +
Atriplex longipes 1 Niedersachsen Esens Lipowzcyk Herb MSTR (Rolf Wißkirchen) max 4MB.jpg +Andreas Plank restricted this file to 90% JPEG-quality and maximal 4MB filesize  +
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